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"Scratch-built PRA for 'Slammers' - some sources" Topic

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2,049 hits since 15 Sep 2014
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Peter Merritt16 Sep 2014 3:13 a.m. PST

Many thanks for the kind comments.

In view of the interest shown, I thought I would list the vehicles and some reference information. Unusually for my games using toys and ‘other' sources, most if not all of these are still available! Indeed, the original ‘Roco' line is still going very well under the ‘Herpa' banner, and many (although not all) advertisers list both names coupled with the ‘Minitanks' suffix. All I would say is, as you look around toy and model stores, keep your mind open to possibilities (my 15mm ‘Factory Complex' uses several ‘X-Files' props from their 6" action-figure range…).

[Oh, the PRA vehicle designations are my own, sto- I mean, adapted from WW2 USN aircraft series – and yes, the 'V8-Bearcat' is still to come – except the HQ…]

# Roco/Herpa Minitanks (lots of 2nd-hand on eBay)
# Armour87 (makes some unusual vehicles like the fab Kraka, to fill-in the above ranges)
# Peter Pig (for tank riders, crew etc)

"V2 – Topcat" – Battalion HQ
Chassis = M557 (Z349/Z349)
# Deployed version simply cut the supplied rear tent in two and stuck each side!
# Additional crew (planning table) from ‘Axis & Allies'

"V4-Wildcat" – Medium tank
Chassis = M551 ‘Sheridan' (Z254)
# Light Recon = Marder turret (Z262, Z475, Z566)
# SP MLRS = Roskopf E.German ‘Ozelot' (or Nebelwerfer?)
# SP.AA = Takara WTM 1/144th ‘Gepard' or Japanese Type 87 equivalent


"V6-Hellcat" – Heavy tank
Chassis = M109 (740524); beware the smaller M108 version
# MBT = M60a2 'Starship' turret (741125)
# ARVE = M109 turret mounting M48 bridge! (Z219)


"V14-Tomcat" – Light Recon air vehicle
Chassis = MechWarrior – MechWarrior – ‘Skadi Swift' VTOL
# Recon = as is, +2-3 GZG ‘drones'
# ATGM = + excess missile packs from other MechWarrior vehicles (you will have lots!)


"V20-Tigercat" – Light general-purpose AFV
Chassis = M114 (Z253)
# APC = ‘Hummer' one-piece crew options from Peter Pig (ATGM, HMG, 40mm Gren)
# Light Recon = Marder turret (Z262, Z475, Z566)
# Medium Recon = Takara WTM 1/144th ‘Merkava' turret
# SP.AA = Takara WTM 1/144th ‘Gepard' or Japanese Type 90 equivalent
# Auto-Mortar = M114 turret + shortened ‘sleeve' for HMG!


"V22 – Bobcat" – SP AT gun
Chassis = MechWarrior – 'Enyo' tank


Civilian all-terrain transport " SKD " (or ‘SKareDy-cat' as it is known unofficially to PRA troops!)
Chassis = MechWarrior ‘Saviour' Repair Vehicle


Vosper16 Sep 2014 5:28 a.m. PST

The V6- Hellcat looks pretty neat for such a conglomeration of parts, and an interesting use of the "Starship" turret.

LoudNinjaGames16 Sep 2014 4:32 p.m. PST

Are the smaller tracked vehicles and the civilian transport supposed to be remote controlled or just really tight cockpits?


John Treadaway16 Sep 2014 10:33 p.m. PST

I think they're remotes

John T

Peter Merritt17 Sep 2014 2:41 a.m. PST


The double-tracked 'SKareDy-cat' I assume is remote controlled (I already have an R/C toy which can do this from a phone app, so I figured the 24/26thC would be ok). This would simplify and lighten construction of the drive unit, allowing for a degree of robotic/autonomous function (i.e. 'take this load to the dump'). Not surprisingly, developing the Slammers concept originally in the early 1970s David Drake didn't think much of computing power back then!

The 'Bobcat' SP/AT gun model is just large enough for a semi-prone driver (it's bigger than a 15mm Jeep, more like the WW2 Bren-carrier – which the Germans also used with a 37mm on the back). My idea was, as an infantry support unit, it is electric-powered (for semi-silent ops) and operated remotely once deployed, a little like some of the early generation of real-world ATGM (i.e. Saggers, Milan, SS11 etc), which all featured remote operators. And with the early failure rates/erratic flights, who could blame them?!

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