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"Air-War : C21 Remote Gaming?" Topic

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Mako1126 Aug 2014 6:25 p.m. PST

Anyone doing any remote gaming using the Air-War: C21 rules?

I imagine it would be possible to use a hexmat for this type of gaming, if desired, and that would greatly facilitate non-live play, via e-mail.

Not looking to do skype, or other live gaming.

Seeking a way to do turn-based gaming, daily, and/or several times a day, as time permits.

Also could use a suggestion on a site, if one is available, to roll dice, or randomly generate numbers, so that two, or more players can see the same results, remotely.

skippy000126 Aug 2014 6:34 p.m. PST

I played it on a hex grid using the Speed of Heat board and counters. Taught two roleplayers who really liked it. I don't miss altitude rules, just adds more time.
I thought the missile rules were elegant.

Mako1126 Aug 2014 6:38 p.m. PST

Thanks Skip.

Yes, I do agree that the 2-D rules, as well as their fast-play design are very nice, so quite suitable to this type of gaming.

jimbokc22 Mar 2015 4:48 a.m. PST

I have made C21 a hex based system that can be used
for remote gaming. I don't have a suggestion for a
die roll generator, find any?


Mute Bystander15 Apr 2015 2:51 p.m. PST
David in Coffs11 Jun 2015 5:50 a.m. PST threads have dice options. Likely a forum there for the rules you want to use then away you go. I played a few games of remote modern naval battles that way.

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