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"Help with late WW1 1918 German uniform colour" Topic

8 Posts

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Aliosborne26 Aug 2014 5:37 a.m. PST


I have one of the new FOW WW1 15mm box sets for the late war Germans and I have been doing some research on te correct uniform colour but I am a it lost

A lot of books weem to show ariations from green/grey to dark grey or grey

I want to use Vallejo colours and am trying to match up for a base, shade and highlight colour for the tunics and trousers

I have the tank colours sorted and the infantry equipment and helmet camo etc it just the uniforms

Im used topainting WW2 Germans and know the uiform colour was different

so any help or recomendations on Vallejo colours (base shade and highlight) for 15mm figures would eb greatly appriciated


Bashytubits26 Aug 2014 5:43 a.m. PST

Here is a guide from the Flames of War site.

Pan Marek26 Aug 2014 6:33 a.m. PST

I had a look at the FOW guide. They are way off. The Germans started blacking their leather webbing in 1915. The helmets and gas canisters should be darkish grey, not green. The tunic should be a lighter , more greyish shade of field grey than WWII tunics. The pants should be slate grey. Puttees could vary in color. This information is readily available. How did they go wrong?

Sigwald26 Aug 2014 7:43 a.m. PST

Here is a thread with some good info


cazador26 Aug 2014 9:40 a.m. PST


VonTed16 Nov 2014 9:18 a.m. PST

I am using the FoW guide a starting point with, now I have a couple questions to finish up the nit-picky details I'd like to add.


Great info on bayonet tassles :)


Were the bayonets in a sheath? If so, what color?

Shoulder boards – what color were they? (I found ONE reference to them being removed…?)

AICUSV30 Nov 2014 5:53 p.m. PST

The bayonet scabbards by were steel by that time and they were chemically treated with a protective coat that would appear black on figures.

Shoulder boards -this will give you an idea

AICUSV01 Jul 2018 1:23 p.m. PST

An old post but thought I would up date my previous response – this links much better for the shoulder boards,

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