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"Pendraken 10mm Seven Years War " Topic

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4,588 hits since 3 Jun 2014
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Salibaba04 Jun 2014 3:27 p.m. PST

Hi all

I have been getting the bug to do some 18th century stuff lately and I'm focusing on the French & Indian War. I was thinking about doing skirmishes with Muskets & Tomahawks (probably in 28mm) and big battles with Black Powder/Last Argument of Kings in 10mm.

I like the FIW range from Pendraken and I was going to buy a couple of armies to do the Plains of Abraham. However, I was wondering if I should buy any of the SYW packs to add variety? There are no pictures of this range on the web site, but seems like there are more packs of French and British regulars in that range.

Has anyone seen pictures of these models? Are they by the same sculptor of the FIW range?

If anyone's got pics of these I'd appreciate a link…

I'd actually love to see any 10mm SYW/FIW pics for inspiration – I was on the fence for a long time and really tempted by the Blue Moon 18mm range, thinking I could use them and stick to one scale for both skirmishes and big battles. I am leaning toward splitting it up now though as described… opinions welcome :)

It was the pictures of Pendrakens painted AWI range that really made me want to go with 10mm!


clibinarium04 Jun 2014 4:13 p.m. PST

The SYW and FIW stuff share the same sculptor and are very nice. They inspired me to get into 10mm. They are very slightly smaller than the AWI range

Here's some pics of French and British regulars which can be used in America or Europe;

Here's an old gallery of some of the FWI figures, photos aren't great but you can see the figures.


Sparker04 Jun 2014 6:48 p.m. PST

Lovely models there Clib…

Heres a more prosaic view – but the figures are recommended!


Nadir Shah04 Jun 2014 9:40 p.m. PST

My very first SYW army was 10mm Pendraken Bavarians. Lovely figures. If you a 10mm fan, go all out I say, they are ll lovely figures :)

nickinsomerset04 Jun 2014 10:42 p.m. PST

Nice figures, my next project!!!

Tally Ho!

clibinarium05 Jun 2014 10:24 a.m. PST

There's nothing prosaic about those paint jobs Sparker, they are very nice!

1st502Strike Supporting Member of TMP05 Jun 2014 12:37 p.m. PST

Clibinarium, and Sparker, those are some very nice looking figures. Bravo !

Zippee06 Jun 2014 1:52 a.m. PST

My Pendraken SYW and FIW stuff can be seen here:

British – link

French –

Very nice figures, very easy to paint

Salibaba06 Jun 2014 4:27 a.m. PST

Very nice! Thanks all.

Zippee – where did you get those highlanders?! That was the one unit I thought was missing in the Pendraken range, couldn't fund them under SYW British or FIW British… I was thinking about using the AWI ones if I had to.

Zippee06 Jun 2014 10:33 a.m. PST

Highlanders are in the British SYW range

SYB 14 Scots Foot, March Attack / Charging
SYB 15 Scots Foot, Advancing
SYB 16 Scots Foot, Firing / Port Musket

hiding in plain sight, cunningly disguised under the moniker Scots :)

Salibaba06 Jun 2014 10:58 a.m. PST

Ha! Awesome, thanks.

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