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" Neo-Sumerians and Successors" Topic

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979 hits since 29 May 2014
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP29 May 2014 10:34 p.m. PST

Warlord Games has posted up army stats for the Neo-Sumerians for Hail Caesar over on their website.

"Following the collapse of the Akkadian Empire about 2100BC there was a period of disorder during which the country was ruled or at least dominated by the Gutians. No-one knows exactly who the Gutians of this period were (the same name was later used to described other peoples who lived in the Zagros Mountains much later). But one thing is for sure – they were barbarians! They overran the ordered, settled and intensely irrigated lands of the Akkadian Empire. In many cases they installed their own Kings and in others they accepted the subjugation of the locals and no doubt extorted what they wanted by way of tribute. The Gutians came from the Zagros Mountains and were a savage, illiterate hill-folk, so it is likely that populations declined generally and many settlements were abandoned during this time of anarchy and woe. It's not altogether clear how long the reign of the Gutians lasted – and the chances are that some Gutian rulers hung on even once the power of the invaders had been substantially broken – but a period of about a hundred years may be envisaged.

Despite the predations of the Gutians civilisation was not entirely destroyed and some cities evidently continued to thrive – probably whilst paying tributes to the Gutian Kings. Resistance to the Gutians may have been more widespread that we know, but eventually Utu-Hengal of Uruk and Ur-Nammu of Ur succeeded in defeating the Gutian King Tirigan and regaining control of Sumeria. From this beginning arose a reborn Sumerian Empire that we call the Third Dynasty of Ur, often written UrIII, and also known as the Neo-Sumerian Empire. After the death of Utu-Hengal, Ur-Nammu began the reconquest of Sumeria, and under his son Shulgi the Sumerians re-established their rule over much of the area previously contolled by the Akkadian Empire…"


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Hope you enjoy!.


Augustus30 May 2014 6:14 a.m. PST

This is a time period I wish I had more time to investigate.

jpattern230 May 2014 7:24 a.m. PST

Agreed, it's a very interesting time period, and tempting to game.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP30 May 2014 2:01 p.m. PST

Glad you enjoyed it boys!. (smile).


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