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"What 40k and other 28mm stuff would work for 15mm?" Topic

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Stealth100026 May 2014 11:02 p.m. PST

So what 28mm stuff works for 15mm. I saw this posted by Tango :


And it got me thinking about this subject again. This could easily be a good sized shuttle in 15mm. What other 28mm vehicles are there that can be converted? I am already using Tau drones. And a friend is sing a Devilfish as a drop ship. I am not to up on 40k. Also have been looking at infinity stuff and it seems some of it has nothing to lock in its scale. What stuff are you using from other scales in 15mm. I have used a number of 6mm bits from Angel Barracks in 15mm too. Anyone got pics of Necron stuff with 15mm figures?

Gunner Dunbar Supporting Member of TMP27 May 2014 12:39 a.m. PST

I have used Necron and Tau for 15mm, there is quite a lot that can be used, I have a Devilfish that will become a drop ship.

OctaChaz27 May 2014 12:57 a.m. PST

I'm planning on using some of the Tau battlesuits as heavy mechs. I remember seeing one of the Forge World Tau flyers used a large shuttle on the Gruntz boards at Salute, and it looked absolutely fantastic.

Some pics of the Tau shuttle from Robin at Gruntz;

Stealth100027 May 2014 1:27 a.m. PST

I think a lot of the micro arts studio infinity stuff will work too for 15mm. The crates should work.


And the smaller walls they have.


AVAMANGO27 May 2014 2:54 a.m. PST

If anyone could afford it the Tau Orca would look superb as a massive lander even the epic scale one which is far better suited to 15mm would make for a great assault dropship.
Epic scale Tau Orca


Loads of different scales are usable for 15mm gaming but your interested in 25mm stuff so here are just a couple of ideas, the old 25mm GZG vehicles now produced by Deamonscape would work well such as the Gladiator hover tank would be a sweet tank killer/ mech hunter

Light scout car would make a ideal APC or IFV

The Light AT scout car would make a nice AFV

Insomniac27 May 2014 3:30 a.m. PST

The Tau battlesuits would work as Mechs in smaller scales, as would Eldar Wraithlords/Wraith Guard.

Twoball Cane27 May 2014 4:51 a.m. PST

Hasslefree minis grimm power armor dudes are gonna proxy micropanzer power armor gitungi for me… they match well stylistically imho

Mardaddy27 May 2014 5:04 a.m. PST

Tyranid rippers… heck, almost anything Tyranid as alien gigantic beasts.

Necron; anything Canoptek… spiders & wraiths for unusual or alien mecha, and scarab (individual or swarm) as smaller autonomous robotics.

Pictors Studio27 May 2014 5:04 a.m. PST

Pretty much all of the Tyranid line would work as larger monster. The ripper swarms would work well as smaller beasties.

Dreadnoughts would work as massive walkers, like Titans.

If you are looking for other aliens some of the Tzeentch daemons would work. Especially the flying ones, the screamers.


The Fiends of Slaanesh would work pretty well too:


From the Necron line mentioned above, the Canoptek spiders would work well:


As would the Caoptek wraiths:


And if you can get your hands on them the little scarabs would work really well.

kallman27 May 2014 5:28 a.m. PST

I've used the old Battletech Click game mechs as, well mechs for 15 mm Science Fiction. I usually do a repaint of them and they look great.

Pictors Studio27 May 2014 5:40 a.m. PST

Another place to look would be at the Infinity remotes of various sorts.



This one is actually a transformer:


The Haqqislam remotes would make cool little mechs and the Maghriba guard would be a fantastic huge tank:


The Combined army ones would make good aliens of various sorts:



And the best part is if you get a few of these and add in a couple of other figures for each side you could play Infinity. The game works well with about 5-10 models a side.


Pictors Studio27 May 2014 5:41 a.m. PST

I forgot this one:


This would be awesome as an alien mech.

Stealth100027 May 2014 6:08 a.m. PST

Wow that infinity stuff would work great for 15mm. I have the Light AT scout car some place. I always thought that was too small for 25mm. I am looking at ways to convert my 2 monoliths into building. May just glue them o a base and not do much more than that with them.

OldGrenadier at work27 May 2014 6:44 a.m. PST

The Battletech Clix would also work as larger 'bots in 15mm, with a repaint.

Lion in the Stars27 May 2014 9:20 a.m. PST

Over on the Privateer Press side, the Dawnguard Invictors make excellent Landmate-sized battle suits (~twice man-height). You just need to smooth a few spots and trim the codpieces (and give them all helmets, which is easy because the heads are all separate).

For more magitech things, I like the Skorne Cyclops Brute, Raider, and Savage, as well as Molik Karn.

Molik Karn is on a 50mm base, so he's a bit bigger than the other Cyclops.

Can't say I've repurposed much GW stuff to 15mm, to be honest. Well, other than the Tau drones and vehicles. A Devilfish makes a great dropship, especially if you replace the gun in the chin turret.

ski206027 May 2014 9:37 a.m. PST

Vor Growlers make good large Kaiju style models for Gruntz.

The Bulls are great against Mecha sized opponents, and the pups work as AFV/ Power armor equivalents.

Redroom27 May 2014 4:28 p.m. PST

AT-43 power armor works well imo, go to bottom of the link (not sure how to just link to the picture)


Lfseeney27 May 2014 5:43 p.m. PST

While cleaning found a plunder two of Growlers.

Etranger27 May 2014 8:14 p.m. PST

Dropships are scaleable.Here's a 28mm ex GZG (now Daemonworld) dropship with 15mm figures.

John Bear Ross27 May 2014 9:04 p.m. PST

I have a number of blog posts in mind called the "Double Duty" series.

The focus is going to be which vehicles and figs can easily transfer between scales.

My quicky contribution to 28mm to 15mm double duty…

The CLAUs (Capitol Light Armoured Units) from Metropolis/Urban War.

Most of these are on 50mm bases, so they can perform handsomely as mecha, heavy assault borgs, or biotanks/kaiju.









They're £30.00 GBP apiece, so you're probably going to want to catch them on sale, but they look like they can serve as character or mercenary mechs or heavy HAMRs.

This trio of Reaper 28mm aliens would be big bad guys. No real scale cues, and would stand 10 or 11 foot tall in 15mm.



And this nice trio of bots from Reaper. You can buy multiples of just one size, too.




John Bear Ross27 May 2014 9:28 p.m. PST

I also did a custom Warjack-to-15mm-mecha conversion. I'm sure other warjacks, dreadnoughts, crisis suits, or other similar-sized bots can be pressed into double duty.

Here's the painted mecha with a HAMR suit to compare…


And here's the making-of…


I also like the look of the Contemptor Dreadnought as not being typical of the WH40K look, and can be used as gothic 15mm mecha, but again, they're expensive as all get-out.





infojunky27 May 2014 9:53 p.m. PST

Just to point out the Space Marine Dreadnought from 40k, by their fluff is 5 meters tall, or the actual model as released is by their fluff a 15mm model as it is near 50mm tall….

Note the Orcs Killer Kans are great junkyard mechs…

Stealth100027 May 2014 10:53 p.m. PST

Some super stuff there guys. Thanks.

Wolfprophet28 May 2014 9:43 p.m. PST

Oh, on the note above about Necron Scarabs…. these are nice and affordable in bulk. Some "counts as" scarabs that would be great in 15mm, especially alongside those canoptek spiders.


They come in a smaller pack of 10, but I linked to to the 120 pack because it's a better deal per figure. 45 cents each. Hard to beat for a swarm of good looking mechanical spiders.

Stealth100029 May 2014 8:49 a.m. PST

Wolfpack the cyber spiders are cool. Not seen them before.

ski206029 May 2014 10:07 a.m. PST

While not 28mm (1/35 scale a believe), Maschinen Krieger Melusine and other suits work great as mecha in 15mm scale.

OctaChaz29 May 2014 11:46 a.m. PST

Those cyber spiders would make a great alternative for last stand scenarios to the usual zombie or alien hordes. A squad of troops with a few scientists trapped in the depths of an ancient alien tomb…

Sounds like yet another project!

Deltapax129 May 2014 12:14 p.m. PST

These RAFM minis make nice large flying drones for 15mm:


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