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1,465 hits since 26 May 2014
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Cyclopeus26 May 2014 3:11 p.m. PST

I kit bashed these from some toys a while ago. They are for my Colonial Militia force.




I'm very happy with how they turned out. I had an incident with some wash and had to repaint them, but they are all done now.

AVAMANGO26 May 2014 4:36 p.m. PST

They are a bit on the small side but only just and i would imagine hardly noticeable when they are on the games table the additional GZG stowage on the roofs gives them some needed height. The paint job has been really nicely executed and makes them look a bit special especially the head lights… nice job. :)

Redroom26 May 2014 4:39 p.m. PST

very nice details

grommet3726 May 2014 6:03 p.m. PST

Those are nice.

What were the original models?

Redmenace26 May 2014 6:34 p.m. PST

Be proud those are really nice.

Fritadas26 May 2014 6:59 p.m. PST

Those look great (the lady of the house called them 'cute')

Armiesarmy26 May 2014 10:54 p.m. PST

Look really nice, great painting and from 6ft away scale is fine

Top job


Gunner Dunbar26 May 2014 11:13 p.m. PST

Great looking scout cars, I agree, they look about 10-20% to small, but not enough to not use them, what was thr original model?

John Treadaway27 May 2014 3:25 a.m. PST

The painting is splendid and the stowage works really well, but I'd say they are more suited to 10mm forces.

Nevertheless, great detail work.

John T

zrunelord27 May 2014 4:08 a.m. PST

Great Job Cyclopeus,
And like the rest I'm curious as to what the original models were.


No Such Agency27 May 2014 4:24 a.m. PST

I'd agree they're really 10mm, but on the upside, they are really well painted! Honestly though, even slightly over/under sized models can represent perfectly well on the table. They look good and they still indicate "there's a scout car positioned here".

Cyclopeus27 May 2014 4:42 a.m. PST

The toy is called Nano Speed, and I had to carefully choose the largest ones to even get close to the right scale. I don't usually put bases on vehicles, but these cars were so small that they really demanded the little height bump from the base. They are a little small, but on the table they work. They have a certain cartoony logic.

I imagine them as super-compact field cars like the old WWII jeeps. Their role on the table is to act as spotters and to carry deployable weapon systems, ammo reloads, or comms/jamming equipment.

The stowage is a trick I picked up in the last Trash-Bash; it's all electronic bits you find on a circuit board, resistors and capacitors and such.

Soldado27 May 2014 5:50 a.m. PST

"The stowage is a trick I picked up in the last Trash-Bash; it's all electronic bits you find on a circuit board, resistors and capacitors and such."

Now that is a good idea, mind if I borrow it? :)


Cyclopeus27 May 2014 10:09 a.m. PST

Knock yourself out.

Be careful with capacitors. I'm told they can hold a charge for a few days, and the bigger ones can hold a bigger charge.

Disconnecting the circuit board from power (including battery power) for a few days should render it safe; that and not eating any of the bits.

Armiesarmy27 May 2014 2:08 p.m. PST

Stowage… that really is quite clever!

One I'll be using!

Personal logo MrHarold Sponsoring Member of TMP27 May 2014 8:01 p.m. PST

These look really great. And yes, they might be on the smaller scale, but I've seen smaller!


Cyclopeus05 Jul 2014 3:48 p.m. PST

I made a blog post for these, some new photos and wips.



TK 42105 Jul 2014 5:18 p.m. PST

I like the vehicle made from the mouse.

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