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"Cheap train tickets to Britcon 2014 now released" Topic

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03 Jan 2017 5:36 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

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madaxeman18 May 2014 5:52 a.m. PST

Britcon 2014 – Friday, August 8 until Sunday August 10

It is now only 12 weeks until Britcon, the biggest weekend in the BHGS calendar! If you have been thinking about entering one of the 10 wargaming competitions at this year's Britcon, or even just visiting the Britcon Trade Show this is the ideal weekend to be booking your place as it's now that Network Rail will be releasing their cheapest fares* to Manchester over Britcon weekend.

Booking a train ticket 12 weeks out can be amazingly cheap – prices on TheTrainLine can be as low as £19.00 GBP for London to Manchester return, so you may end up doing the whole weekend for peanuts with a bit of careful shopping around (plus the cost of beer..).

To get the best possible deal you can;

- Book travel via
- Book Accommodation via the University portal from just £36GBP/night
- Book your Britcon entry online now – as our prices have been frozen yet again at £50.00 GBP (effectively £45.00 GBP with our £5.00 GBP trader voucher)

Britcon is held mere steps from Manchester Piccadilly Mainline station, and if you do travel by train you will not get stuck in traffic on Friday afternoon or Sunday evening, there are no parking fees, and no worrying about you car in the multi storey, and you can also have a couple of pints on Sunday lunchtime without worrying about the drink-drive limit… it's all good to be honest!

Wargaming Periods which will be on offer at Britcon 2014 include:

X-Wing (New Period – Sponsored by Grim Tree Games)
Field of Glory: Ancients & Medieval periods
Field of Glory: Renaissance
Field of Glory: Napoleonic
Flames of War (Late War)
Epic Armageddon
Bolt Action
Warhammer 40k (Back Again!)

Full details of themes and competition rules are on our website, together with details of our 2014 traders confirmed so far for the Britcon Trade Show, but whichever way you choose to get to Britcon, whatever you choose to play, or even if you just want to drop into the show and add to your lead mountain we hope we will see you across the gaming table in 2014, for what is already set to be an even bigger and better event than ever before!

Personal logo Bobgnar Supporting Member of TMP19 May 2014 7:24 a.m. PST

Why no DBA?

jameshammyhamilton19 May 2014 8:29 a.m. PST

There has never been a DBA event at Britcon to my knowledge. To be honest there have not been many DBA tournaments at any of the major UK events.

You will get an occasional one day DBA bash which can attract perhaps 12 players but that is about as big as DBA gets in the UK.

madaxeman19 May 2014 8:29 a.m. PST

DBA woudl be a really good shout if the numbers could be generated to make it work – and it would be a great one to add to the roster at Britcon, as with 2 and a bit days of gaming to fill you could have maybe 10 rounds or so, which would be an epic DBA event for sure!

We're more than happy to run any gaming system at any BHGS event where we have someone from within the community who is prepared to do the umpiring, setting of themes/period details, list checking (most of which is not really an issue for DBA…!) and general rabble-rousing within the DBA forums to generate enough players – we ususally say 6 is the minimum to be viable at a 2-day event like Roll Call, but with the longer format of Britcon you probably need 8 or 10 to make sure there are no repeat games. The venue, payment, trophies and all the other organising is already done by us.

If you are volunteering – or know someone who might want to volunteer – feel free to get in touch with me directly (via the enquiry form on or via the email-me links on and we can discuss how to make it work.


Personal logo Bobgnar Supporting Member of TMP21 May 2014 10:28 a.m. PST

I would love to come over from US to put on a DBA 3 event as no one in UK seems willing :( Too late now. Maybe next year :)

Regarding "To be honest there have not been many DBA tournaments at any of the major UK events." While maybe not much DBA at "major events" there are many stand alone DBA tournaments around the island, as reported in DBA Yahoo and Fanaticus. At least 10 throughout the year. Wonder why not at the major events. Perhaps the DBA community folks use those events to play other games or shop.

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