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"Monitor MRAV (Multi-Role Armored Vehicle), a new 15mm WIP" Topic

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javelin9801 May 2014 7:41 p.m. PST

This is a project I've been working on for a couple years now. It was originally inspired by DLD Productions' awesome Komodo APC, back when I thought DLD was gone forever. Luckily, David seems to be getting his feet back under him! So without further ado, here is the Monitor MRAV.

The concept starts with a main hull that has a single driving compartment, smoke grenade dischargers, and bolt-on applique armor. Then there are three accessory hulls -- one for an infantry carrier, one for a basic armored fighting vehicle, and one for a tactical operations center.


Then there are the mobility types.


One of the points of this system is that the mobility pieces all use the same mounting lugs on the main hull. This allows for making custom half-tracks and whatnot.


The starting selection of weapons includes a remote Gatling, a remote autocannon, an IFV turret, an ATGM turret, and a full tank turret. There are other things planned, but this is the start.

Now here are some of the examples of the combinations that can be built with the above elements.

First, an anti-grav tank of the Saudi Marines armed with a low-profile autocannon.



Next, a full-tracked antitank missile carrier of the New Prussian Army.


Now an Indonesian half-tracked infantry fighting vehicle equipped with a dozer blade.


Another half-tracked vehicle armed with a full tank turret, in use by the Democratic Republic of Northern Chad.


The Canadian Army issued this 8x8 wheeled infantry fighting vehicle armed with a remote 15mm Gatling gun to its light mechanized units.



The US Army utilized this GEV armored cargo vehicle in the Sinai.


This wheeled 6x6 armored tactical operations center of the Russian Army has a cargo module in place of the second wheel on each side. The module mounts using the same lug as the wheels and tracks.


There are more ideas kicking around inside my brain, but this will do for starters!


Gunner Dunbar01 May 2014 7:50 p.m. PST

I Like this a lot.

AVAMANGO01 May 2014 8:32 p.m. PST

Im not a track man as a rule but im really liking that New Prussian Army full-tracked antitank missile carrier.

javelin9801 May 2014 8:51 p.m. PST

Thanks, all! I already have an update to add. Here is a Mongolian General Purpose Forces' GEV self-propelled howitzer.



I still need to come up with mortar and air defense versions, too. And a railgun, because railguns are simply cool.

Eli Arndt01 May 2014 9:02 p.m. PST

Nice looking stuff. I do recognize some of those parts. <grin>


javelin9801 May 2014 10:07 p.m. PST

Well, you know… waste not, want not!

grommet3701 May 2014 10:11 p.m. PST

That turret is one of the first items I fell in love with searching Shapeways for 15 mm sci fi stuff.

Great system. Would live to see it all available for print someday. Cheers.

Chatticus Finch01 May 2014 10:17 p.m. PST

Man, I hope these can work with the Rebel Minis multiple design system as well. If it can, you and JBR are in for one hell of a unit order once I finish my move!

I love designs like this, they exemplify what modern militaries are moving towards, and nine times out of ten they look absolutely killer!

That tank turret looks oversized for the body – which actually looks great! It's exactly how things would occur if someone went "we have the turret, let's do it!"

I hope you make a more 'tank' style chassis (i.e wide/flatter etc) for the turret, it would open up the option for further large turrets (howitzers, MLRS, SAM batteries etc).

Either way, BRILLIANT design!

Stealth100001 May 2014 10:18 p.m. PST

Rather good.

Trojan Points01 May 2014 10:33 p.m. PST

Waw! I've always loved myself a good modular system!

I'd do one suggestion: could you (and I mean both from a technical and economical point of view) make the driving compartment a separate part frow the lower hull?

Your different renders make quite a good case for how, with different options (and paintjob), your vehicle can be used by a bunch of (thematically) different armies. The only part that says "wait a minute, that's still the same vehicle under all those options" is the "cockpit"…

Even if you don't make multiple driving compartment just now (I appreciate the need no to over extent oneself when launching a products range), having the option to later offer alternatives for the driving compartment would be nice.

Or maybe offering those option as several alternatives of a single "lower hull and driving compartment" part makes more sense (again technically and/or economically). I don't know.

Great concept anyway! Keep it up!

Trojan Points01 May 2014 10:38 p.m. PST

Couple more details…

The "cooling intakes" (or whatever they are) on your grav parts could use a bit more/finer details.

Have you considered giving the tank/MGS turret appliqué armour plates raised bolts instead of sunken ones to link them more closely to the other such plates you have on the hull?

Soldado01 May 2014 11:05 p.m. PST

I have just read the DLDproductions landing page
Is this kit for the kickstarter? in plastic?
if it is then I may have be excited because the picture on that page has some awesome looking vehicles on it.

backstab02 May 2014 1:37 a.m. PST

Looks great ! Bug I would ditch the rivets .. They went out of fashion for AFV's before WW2

TK 42102 May 2014 4:07 a.m. PST

Those are not rivets but bolts. That is how modern applique armor is mounted. Perhaps limit them a bit but you can't get rid of them altogether. That is an impressive design. I would really hope to see this system hit the market.

Redroom02 May 2014 5:43 a.m. PST

I also am a big fan of the modular designs – reminds me (in a good way) of the 40K fluff on something called a universal design template if I am remembering correctly. The cam helps sell it too imo.

Armiesarmy02 May 2014 7:18 a.m. PST

Really well thought out and nicely done

Bolts/Rivets look cool

They print cool

They are a curse to clean….

ming3102 May 2014 7:36 a.m. PST

28 mm to go with my Kamado and Raen APC

javelin9802 May 2014 7:57 a.m. PST

Yeah, those are bolts, inspired by such as these:




@Trojan Points: I can definitely change the panels on the full turret to the same style of bolts as on the hull, too. As Eli intimated, that turret was recycled from a project he and I worked on together a couple years back!

It should also be fairly easy to remove the driver's compartment and make it a separate piece. In fact, I could make a couple different styles (including a plain flat bolted-on panel) and add a mounting lug to each, so the modeler could choose what they want on the front.

@Chatticus Finch: Yeah, I think another type of upper hull module is in order for that wider turret (and others). I'll put something together this weekend and see how it works out. Shouldn't be difficult.

What other weapons systems should be added to the mix? I'm already thinking up ideas for a mortar, air defense turret, and railgun, but I'm sure there are plenty of other things that can be added. Maybe an MLRS?

Raptoruk369 Supporting Member of TMP02 May 2014 9:04 a.m. PST

An ambulance version would be great too

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