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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP27 Feb 2014 8:48 p.m. PST

I know they are for Dystopian Wars, but can this "ship" be used for Victorian SF too?
How if you put wheels under it and made a convertion as a vehicle?
It's possible?




From main page

Thanks in advance for your guidance.


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2014 7:47 a.m. PST

I like it !

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2014 8:03 a.m. PST

Well, I'm not particularly 'scalist' when it comes to V$F; I consider Aeronef and S1889's Ironclads and Ether Flyers such, and they tend to be played at 1/1200.

For larger scales, I suspect this would be more 15mm, and super science at that.

I'd still see it a flyer, though.


Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2014 1:02 p.m. PST

Glad you like it my friend!. (smile).
Thanks for the comments my friend Doug!.


mrinku28 Feb 2014 1:17 p.m. PST

It has sufficient rivets.

Lion in the Stars28 Feb 2014 6:27 p.m. PST

Dystopian Wars is arguably Victorian SciFi, even if they don't use any real-world nations.

I'd probably give that model wheels or legs, though. *Most* of my Victorian flying craft are dirigibles or use liftwood, not whatever the Dystopian Wars tech is.

Katzbalger01 Mar 2014 3:36 a.m. PST

It could very well be an aether battleship--for controlling the travel lanes between Earth and Mars.


TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP03 Mar 2014 6:05 a.m. PST

*Most* of my Victorian flying craft are dirigibles or use liftwood,…

So, paint the bottom half ruddy brown. ;->=

Agreed, though I'm coming to try and mix liftwood and Edison/Tesla/whomever discovered anti-grav rays, such as in Aeronef, in opposing designs. Not sure they're mutually exclusive in a VSF universe.

As I said: Superscience (vs primitive/natural).


J Womack 9404 Mar 2014 12:49 p.m. PST

In my VSF universe, there is a mineral known as unobtainite. When a galvanic charge is passed through this mineral, it creates an anti-gravity thrust in proportion to the strength of the charge. This is one of the three known methods of generating aerostatic lift. The other two are lighter than air gases (including hydrium, fantastic stuff that) and liftwood.

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