Allen57 | 23 Feb 2014 8:45 a.m. PST |
There are a number of board games which come with plastic miniatures and perhaps some with resin or metal ones though I cant think of any metalother than CinCs old North Cape game containing metal ships and no games with resin. In any event what I am thinking of are games like Memoir 44, Twilight Imperium, Risk (in its many variants), etc. Please post any game titles you know of which contain miniatures. Please list the types (ground/aircombat/spaceships/navalships), the genre (SF/historic era) and the scale of the figures. As an example: Twilight Imperium, SF, spaceships and 6mm SF ground |
Redroom | 23 Feb 2014 8:48 a.m. PST |
This makes me think I'm not the only one who looks at the content (read – the models inside) when deciding to buy a game. |
Allen57 | 23 Feb 2014 8:49 a.m. PST |
Quite right Redroom. I bought a couple of the Risk games solely for their miniature content. Am also considering Twilight Imperium but it is such a massive game I would only buy it for the miniatures. It needs too many players and too much space for me to play it as a board game. Thanks, Al |
M C MonkeyDew | 23 Feb 2014 8:51 a.m. PST |
Viktory Napoleon's War: The 100 Days Napoleon's War II: The Gates of Moscow The second and third come with the same miniatures as the top one but without any ships or houses. Battles of Napoleon: The Eagle and the Lion This one comes with figures that might be standard 1/72 plastics. |
Pictors Studio | 23 Feb 2014 9:02 a.m. PST |
Space Hulk was worth buying just for the miniatures alone if you played either of those armies. |
John the OFM  | 23 Feb 2014 9:18 a.m. PST |
Allen57 | 23 Feb 2014 9:23 a.m. PST |
I have a few of the Star Destroyers from the Star Wars version of Monopoly. They paint us pretty nicely for fleet scale starship games. Al |
Vintage Wargaming | 23 Feb 2014 9:36 a.m. PST |
Eagle Games Age of Imperialism and others. And you can/could buy the figures separately. |
Cherno | 23 Feb 2014 9:39 a.m. PST |
You can use BoardGameGeek's search function to list all board games that are tagged with "Miniatures". This should get you hundreds, if not thousands of titles. |
Parzival  | 23 Feb 2014 10:02 a.m. PST |
Well, here's what I've got in my game collection: Napoleonics Risk Anniversary Edition (metal, too!) OOP ACW Battle Cry (AH/Hasbro/WotC) Modern Risk: Battlefield Rogue WW2 Axis & Allies Memoir '44 & expansion packs Medieval Japan Shogun/Samurai Swords OOP, but someone has brought it out again. Ancients Conquest of the Empire (Romans) OOP Pulp Indian Jones Interactive Adventure Game Modern/Horror Betrayal at House on the Hill SF Ground Risk 2210 AD Risk Halo Risk: Legacy Risk Star Wars, Original Trilogy and Attack of the Clones. Both OOP Space Hulk Monopoly: Star Wars edition (figs of Luke & the gang, etc.) Halo, the Interactive Board Game (nice figs and SF terrain pieces. Game sucks.) OOP, I think. SF Space Battleship Galaxies: The Saturn Expedition OOP Battlestar Galactica The Board Game (reimagined series) Fantasy Risk: The Lord of the Rings OOP Risk: Godstorm (also ancients, in a pinch) The New Dungeon (1986, I think?) OOP D&D Boardgame: The Wrath of Ashardalon Battle Masters OOP Dragonlance board game OOP |
lewis cannon  | 23 Feb 2014 10:31 a.m. PST |
Hit the Beach. Broadsides. Dogfight. Regatta. Feudal. |
Legion 4  | 23 Feb 2014 10:45 a.m. PST |
Good lists guys ! I'm impressed with all the different pieces you can get with Monopoly and Risk versions. There is also a Conan link and Stargate link game with nice minis. As well as Games Workshop did a board game with Space Marine, Titan minis, etc.
michaelsbagley | 23 Feb 2014 11:03 a.m. PST |
Talisman – Fantasy. Some editions came with cardboard pieces and stands instead of minis, but the current edition comes with plastic minis
In about a 32mm scale (?) |
john lacour | 23 Feb 2014 11:11 a.m. PST |
sergents. its a kinda new game that has hand painted 20mm metal ww2 figures. played on a floor type map board. |
Grizzly71 | 23 Feb 2014 11:29 a.m. PST |
The Last Night on Earth series and Invasion From Outer Space. Both from Flying Frog Productions, also their upcoming Shadows of Brimstone. |
Rich Bliss | 23 Feb 2014 1:53 p.m. PST |
Chopper Command. Came with Huey Helicopters and Gun armed Jeeps |
Caesar | 23 Feb 2014 3:17 p.m. PST |
dutchy1241 | 23 Feb 2014 4:59 p.m. PST |
Tide of Iron Dropzone commander Duel in the Dark Duel of the Giants Loka Conquest of the Empire Memeoir 44 Art of War I think that is all I have in the way of miniatures in games. |
Phil Hall | 24 Feb 2014 6:57 a.m. PST |
Don't forget Doom. Lots of monsters in that one. |
Ranger322 | 24 Feb 2014 9:48 a.m. PST |
D&D Castle Ravenloft D&D Legend of Drizzt Zombicide All three of those are filled to the hilt with minis, and good ones too! Bart |
bilsonius | 24 Feb 2014 9:52 a.m. PST |
PSR feature – scroll down to 'Games': link |
PapaSync | 24 Feb 2014 10:10 a.m. PST |
Don't forget Gears of War and DOOM. 8) |
Sgt Slag  | 24 Feb 2014 11:35 a.m. PST |
Lionheart board game: 92 medieval figures, around 28mm; peasants, swordsmen, archers, armored spearmen, plate barded horses and Knight riders. Check e-Bay, OOP, I think. |
Highland Guerilla | 24 Feb 2014 12:44 p.m. PST |
Mansions of madness,1920s Lovecraft. Sixteen investigators and most of the Mythos critters,plays like Clue on steroids. |
Timotheous | 24 Feb 2014 2:41 p.m. PST |
Lionheart was a great game! Very simple and in a way DBA-like, with no groups and only two pips per turn. I liked how you removed figures from the slotted bases as casualties! |
rmaker | 24 Feb 2014 6:55 p.m. PST |
I cant think of any metalother than CinCs old North Cape game containing metal ships CinC also produced Stalk 1, a WW2 tank game with 1/285 metal tanks. Five Russian and five German in mixed boxes. I don't recall the exact mix, but I think it was BTs and T34s for Ivan, with maybe an SU76, while Jerry got PZKW IIIs and IVs, with maybe a StuG III. The rules included statistics for evrything CinC was making at the time. |
Mike Blake | 26 Feb 2014 8:51 a.m. PST |
dBerczerk | 26 Feb 2014 1:33 p.m. PST |
As a child, I had the "Milton Bradley" game of "Broadsides" which had War of 1812 red and blue plastic ships with removable masts / sails. Also had "Dogfight" which had plastic British and German WWI biplanes on fight stands. My cousin had the Milton Bradley American Civil War game -- forgot the title. It had blue and grey plastic infantry, cavalry, and artillery. Sure wish I still had those games. Sigh
. |
Delthos | 05 May 2014 4:54 p.m. PST |
The Adventurers: The Temple of Chac The Adventurers: The Pyramid of Horus Chac comes with 12 28mm modern, but Pulp like figs. Horus comes with 11 28mm modern, but Pulp like figs. |
derynnaythas | 07 May 2014 11:23 a.m. PST |
les géants de l'île de Pâques (many tribesmen) cyclades buck rogers hybrid even myrmes (ant miniatures!) |
TheBeast  | 13 May 2014 11:38 a.m. PST |
Many already mentioned, I'll try to add more eventually, but wanted to say I've picked up several Risk at thrift stores, maybe missing a few figs, but at $2 USD-4 a box, usually at least 300 figs present, I assume I've on the order of 3000-5000 in the basement waiting a small Nappy skirmish, if I've ever inclined. Maybe a eighth/tenth that for the AWI version
My several Risk LotR sets would field a fair-sized Orc vs. Elf dustup. Doug |
chironex | 22 May 2014 4:14 p.m. PST |
Zombies!!!!!!! You can even buy zombies seperately if you think the horde isn't big enough. Almost properly 28mm Zombicide- same again, though the separate packs aren't so big, but has the distinct advantage of not having all indentical zombies as Zombies!!!! does-presumably bigger 28mm Sedition Wars: Battle for Alabaster – they may be plastic, but not polystyrene. Horror speculative fiction, 28mm plus, tile-board confined spaces combat Terror of the Skies- Tiny scale minis, post-apocalyptic steampunk sky pirates- questing for treasure + ship combat Descent- 28mm, dungeon crawl, appears similar to DOOM but a fantasy theme Humans!!! now YOU"RE the zombies
presumably same scale range as Zombies!!! Little DEad Riding Hood- the classic fairy tale with a hooded girl going to grandmas house with a self-loading pistol for each player and a bunch of zombie wolfmen. Forever young-vampires competing for dominance Jupiter Rescue- upcoming Twilight Creations game where players are robots rescuing people from a space habitat being attacked by nightmarish things Cthulhu!!! Hastur la Vista, baby!- Guess what it's about? 100+ minis for cultists, byakhee, and investigators Deadlands: battle for slaughter gulch- whole bunch of dude and townsfolk figures. Zombietown
Well, really quite a lot of Twilight Creations games |
Cuchulainn | 01 Aug 2014 4:45 a.m. PST |
If you're into mobsters, Bootleggers comes with plastic figures packing Tommy guns. There's also one solitary cop, and a number of trucks. It happens to be a great game too based on distilling and distributing bootleg moonshine. |
1815Guy | 22 Aug 2014 3:25 p.m. PST |
I've got two Eagle games titles on my shelves, Napoleon in Europe – which is a huge rendition of the Napoleonic wars, and Attack (with expansion) which is WW2 era. Eaglegames is no more, but both of these come up on Ebay regularly. link link |
number4 | 26 Aug 2014 7:51 p.m. PST |
Battle Cry! Was the ACW game, I have a copy of the old 1965 edition' there is also a more recent (and more expensive!) version on the market, but the two games are radically different from each other |
tkdguy | 28 Aug 2014 3:51 p.m. PST |
Firefly comes with plastic spaceships. Several D&D boxed set games come with plastic miniatures. Pandemic doesn't come with miniatures per se, but they have tokens to represent the players and buildings. |
Grumble87106 | 23 Sep 2014 12:32 p.m. PST |
Eagle Games also made a Civil War strategic game with tactical battles. There were figures for infantry and artillery, officers, and cavalry, with horses for the last two. I bought the game years ago, and more recently purchased several boxes of the horses and remounted Airfix figures on much better and stronger horses than the originals. |
Sevastopol | 23 Sep 2014 6:24 p.m. PST |
@1815GuY: Eagle Games are still around – just ordered some ACW figs from them abou a month ago. |
TheBeast  | 02 Jan 2015 12:40 p.m. PST |
remounted Airfix figures on much better and stronger horses than the originals. Now THAT'S a tip worth putting into needlepoint for the wall. Thanks! Doug |
Tumbleweed  | 03 May 2015 5:16 p.m. PST |
Convoy Terror auction I would love to find a nice copy of this one. |