Golan2072 | 08 Feb 2014 5:26 a.m. PST |
Which 15mm line would be best to represent the Traveller Solomani?
I was thinking about Khurasan Sepuldevans, but I'm open to suggestions. |
War Monkey | 08 Feb 2014 10:10 a.m. PST |
Seems like good match to me. |
sologamer70 | 08 Feb 2014 10:38 a.m. PST |
GZG Free Cal-Tex might be a god fit too but there are only two packs right now. |
Coyotepunc and Hatshepsuut | 08 Feb 2014 12:24 p.m. PST |
The nice thing about the Traveller universe is that, aside from some few very iconic uniforms (Imperial Marines and Zhodani combat armor, in particular) there is a lot of latitude for variation. Even large scale organizations such as Domains are supplied at the Domain level
Solomani naval troops patrolling coreward of Solomani Rim sector might have noticeably different uniforms than those patrolling the Vegan Autonomous District. |
infojunky | 08 Feb 2014 2:46 p.m. PST |
rvandusen | 08 Feb 2014 3:11 p.m. PST |
I think the Sepulvedans would work well as Solomani. How about Rebel Miniatures' Post Apocalyptic Survivalists? link |
davebill | 08 Feb 2014 6:06 p.m. PST |
AVAMANGO | 09 Feb 2014 2:40 a.m. PST |
I think that GZG OUDF (Oceanic Union) Infantry would be great looking proxy's for the Solomani. :) zac
Golan2072 | 09 Feb 2014 3:59 a.m. PST |
I'd say Khurasan Sepuldevans for the Home Guard (Solomani militia/reserve) and OUDF for regular TL13 troops. Do they also have powered armour for the OUDF? |
Mako11 | 09 Feb 2014 1:12 p.m. PST |
I've been requesting bare-headed figs, in uniforms, and/or clothing similar to the first pic, for some time, without success. I suspect one day, someone may eventually produce more than one figure like that. |
davebill | 09 Feb 2014 9:45 p.m. PST |
The top left OUDF figure with the hand mike looks like a head swap candidate – GZG does a head sprue that includes bare-headed heads as well. |
Mugwump | 15 Mar 2014 7:30 a.m. PST |
The style of the solomani was "very close" to Star Wars: ships and soldiers. Just find some minis close to them and have at. With the Star Wars miniature game for fighters right now, the ships should be easy; just findsome decals with the Earth astronomical symbol (circle with a + sign inside), and convert them. |
Golan2072 | 05 Jun 2014 4:29 a.m. PST |
Which would fit better: This?
Or This?
(both from Khurasan Minis) Or maybe this?
(Armies Army) I do have a preference for either the first or third options as I already have these minis at hand
Golan2072 | 05 Jun 2014 4:30 a.m. PST |
I also need powered armour units for them. |
Golan2072 | 05 Jun 2014 4:35 a.m. PST |
Or maybe this? (from Rebel Minis)
davebill | 05 Jun 2014 11:47 a.m. PST |
The top offering from Khurasan – Sepulvedan insurgents – are too light and low tech for Solomani, in my opinion (unless you're looking at adventurers). The SPA regulars might work better for what you want.
The Nova Respublic troopers might work for militia or Planetary Defence Units. The RUSK would make great special forces. The Titan troops from Rebel are too Space Nazi – or you could use Eureka's Space Nazis link |
Golan2072 | 05 Jun 2014 12:18 p.m. PST |
There are actually several Solomani forces I might want to model: 1) Home Guard/Adventurers/Paramilitaries. As in the AM6: Solomani cover image. Sepeldevan Resistance might work here well. 2) Solomani Army units. Proper TL13-14 soldiers. Maybe RUSKs? 3) Confederation Marines, which are far more limited in scope than, say, Imperial Marines; their job is to serve as a rapid-reaction force and as boarding troops. I have some Rebel Minis EarthForce Marines who might be drafted to this role:
4)SolSec. Essentially secret police/intelligence forces/SpecOps. What shouls I use for this? |
Cacique Caribe | 06 Jun 2014 3:40 p.m. PST |
Which ones are those "Armies Army". I mean Figures with breathing masks. Dab |
davebill | 06 Jun 2014 6:26 p.m. PST |
Dan, the ArmiesArmy RUSK are available from Black Hat Miniatures link I think Omer is showing a selection of painted figures from the Rusk Troopers pack link though I don't recognise the guy on the right with the light blue hat – he might be a headswap for the guy in the big hat in the command pack link All this reminds me what great figures the RUSK are, and that I really should get on and paint mine. |
Golan2072 | 08 Jun 2014 8:39 a.m. PST |
The minis I'll use for the TL13 Solomani Army will be GZG UNSC Light Troopers:
(photo courtesy of Dropship Horizon) |
Cacique Caribe | 08 Jun 2014 2:31 p.m. PST |
Solomani. Are those the fellas who are in the habit of "splitting heirs"? Dan |