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"Polaris India Ultra-light All-Terrain vehicles." Topic

3 Posts

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730 hits since 3 Feb 2014
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP03 Feb 2014 11:06 p.m. PST

"In a bid to showcase its prowess in defence vehicles once again, Polaris India Pvt. Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Polaris Industries Inc., the World'sNo.1 in Off-road and All-Terrain Vehicles will be showcasing its thrilling range of Polaris Defence vehicles in the 8th edition of Defexpo India 2014. This is the second time that the world's leading ATV manufacturer will be participating in the event. The Expo will be held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 6th-9th February, 2014.

The RZRŽ SW comes with a powerful 800cc twin EFI engine which cranks out 55HP and a top speed of 109 KPH. An on-demand All Wheel Drive (AWD) engages all four tires when the rear wheel slips and forward traction is required, making it ideal for slippery and hard to manoeuvre terrains.

ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle): The SportsmanŽ MV comes with a powerful 850cc 4-stroke SOHC Twin Cylinder Gas Engine that cranks out 77 hp. It has the capacity to carry 91 kg of gear on the front rack and up to 181 kg of gear on the back. This makes it the only ATV in the world with the highest rack capacity…"


Full article here.

I want a miniature and a real one! (smile).


Gaz004504 Feb 2014 12:26 a.m. PST

S&S models do quads with rider and a casevac trailer….


shaun from s and s models04 Feb 2014 10:36 a.m. PST

thanks gaz
we even have a new quad which looks just like that one!
just needs moulding.

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