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Once Gabriel received his digital camera, his destiny was clear – he was to become a remote wargamer.

1,052 hits since 3 Feb 2014
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

GypsyComet03 Feb 2014 8:41 p.m. PST

My KS order arrived today. The 28mm squad is promising, but the 15mm horde is truly scary.

Grumpy Monkey03 Feb 2014 9:08 p.m. PST

have the box sitting on my shelf, afraid to open it and have it totally throw off my existing projects

Eli Arndt03 Feb 2014 9:43 p.m. PST

Glad you are liking the looks of them. I am very happy to be able to gey these out to people finally. I can't wait to see then start to show uo oainted here and on blogs.


Grumpy Monkey03 Feb 2014 10:05 p.m. PST

They look great, the sculpts are super clean.

Could not be happier, thanks Eli.

Eli Arndt03 Feb 2014 10:08 p.m. PST

Yeah Wiffwaff put some nice detail in there.


GypsyComet04 Feb 2014 12:33 a.m. PST

Closer examination leaves my favorable impressions of the 15mm stuff untarnished, but the 28mm squad is going to need work. Several of the tails are showing obvious greenstuff ancestry, with fingerprints and that characteristic "folded dough" crease. Nothing I can't fix, but a bit unfortunate in anything but prototypes.

If anyone remembers the pre-40k SF line GW had for a while, or the SF line from a little later that came vacusealed onto printed card (and can still be seen in some of the old Armorcast pictures), the 28mm Chuhuac give me flashbacks to those lines. Not a bad thing (to me) but certainly old school.

Fergal04 Feb 2014 5:30 a.m. PST

What kickstarter was this from?

Eli Arndt04 Feb 2014 7:13 a.m. PST


That is disappointing to hear.

Unfitunately I was green enough behind the ears to think it would be okay to send the greens directly from sculptor to caster. That is the second case of fingerprint artifacting that came to light after molding.

I learned a lot during the process of this kickstarter. Desoite the hurdles abd bumps, I believe it has left me better prepared for future projects.


arngrimson04 Feb 2014 8:53 a.m. PST

I don't know if it's just my pack of assault posed troopers but there are a couple of them with extra bits of flash on them… 1 looks like he's tripped himself up or could be head butting someone? Another 1 looks like he's got a plank of wood? stuck to his foot that he's going to kick at someone.

I'll see what I can do with them, I'll be replacing 1 trooper from each of my squads with a assault pose so they shouldn't stand out too much.

The APCs are great little models, they'll be hiding behind stuff that the human APCs I have are too big for.

Eli Arndt04 Feb 2014 9:04 a.m. PST

Yeah those planks are the cut down remnants of the rather large bases tjat originally came on the sculpts. Cutting them down was one of the measures we had to take to get them out of the molds.

Those poses you mention as supposed to represent lunging, leaping, biting, etc.


arngrimson04 Feb 2014 9:14 a.m. PST

Yep I know & as I said they'll be mixed into normal combat squads, half of the 12 squads I have will have an assault posed figure in it.

It's just that the figure doing the headbut/lunge looks like his right foot has caught behind his left leg in his eagerness to get to gripes with the enemy.

Eli Arndt04 Feb 2014 9:24 a.m. PST

Thanks for the feedback. I will have to review some of my samples tjis evening.


Lion in the Stars04 Feb 2014 10:26 a.m. PST

Can't wait to get mine.

Still need to come up with a color scheme, though.

Personal logo javelin98 Supporting Member of TMP04 Feb 2014 3:04 p.m. PST

But aren't reptiles and lizards the original "green stuff"?

Eli Arndt04 Feb 2014 3:49 p.m. PST

Btw people, Jav there is the guy who renderred the Sirrush APC.

Tgunner04 Feb 2014 4:22 p.m. PST

I got my toys today too. Great stuff! I'm still playing with the battlesuit bits to figure out how I want to kit mine out.

How are you guys going to base the grav speeders and apcs?

pzivh43 Supporting Member of TMP04 Feb 2014 4:28 p.m. PST

Ditto for getting my toys. Like em all---great stuff!


LoudNinjaGames04 Feb 2014 4:38 p.m. PST

Hey guys, let me repost something I posted in response to Tgunner on the Kickstarter -

I normally hate models with a lot of leftover bits, myself, but the battlesuits needed two of each because of the possibility for dedicated support configurations. I do not have any of them myself, so no pictures, but that sounds like a great idea for an article on the blog.

As for mounting the bikes and the APCs, I would handle these in different ways. For the bikes, a flight stand definitely seems in order. I did not include one because there is no one way to go on this and I'd rather have folks paying for models they are going to use rather than flight stands they will throw out. If you can drill holes in the bottom of them, some good ol' wire basing is rather effective and ends up being nearly invisible at that scale. If not, then you might want to look into some of the clear acryllic flight posts available out there. Here in the US, we have Litko that does some great stuff.

For the APC, this will depends on how you see it moving. I envisioned it more as a hovering vehicle like the land speeder in Star Wars – just a few feet off the ground when cruising. It is a ground vehicle. For that, you could use very short wire or rod glued to a base so that it appeared to be floating above the ground. The post will end up concealed by the vehicle. If you are wanting it to appear more aerial, then use a conventional flight base of the appropriate size. Heck, use a combo and give your formation of APCs a nice animated swooping and bobbing look.

Hope that helps!


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