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Xintao26 Jan 2014 1:45 p.m. PST

So what is the best clone of the AD&D system? I was going to run an AD&D game, and just wondering if any of the clones improve on AD&D without re-writing it.

Thanks, Xin

Privateer4hire26 Jan 2014 1:58 p.m. PST

I recommend the Goblinoid Games's Labyrinth Lord

You can get the art-free version gratis for preview/use/print-on-your-own OR you can buy hard copies/fancier art-filled version if your group decides it's what you're after.


Ping Pong26 Jan 2014 2:00 p.m. PST

For AD&D you may want to go with OSRIC. Labyrinth Lord is Basic D&D. The Advanced LL book adds some AD&D stuff, but it is still Basic D&D. Personally I'd go with Labyrinth Lord (Basic and Advanced).

cmdr kevin26 Jan 2014 2:34 p.m. PST

You might want to try Basic Fantasy RPG. Its kind of a AD&D 1st ed updated with some 3rd ed rules.

mrwigglesworth26 Jan 2014 2:49 p.m. PST

Labyrinth Lord is Awesome!

Happy Little Trees26 Jan 2014 3:37 p.m. PST

Swords & Wizardy Complete is pretty close-except the Saving throws.

The PDF (with artwork) is free.

PDF link

Don't worry that it isn't the publisher's website, they specifically stated anyone could give it away.

Henrix26 Jan 2014 3:57 p.m. PST

OSRIC is the only one of those mentioned here that is Advanced Dungeons & Dragon 1st ed.

The others are all clones of Original or Basic D&D.

(Basic Fantasy is quite explicit in that it recreates Basic D&D, but on a d20 basis.
Labyrinth Lord is 1981 Basic D&D.
Swords & Wizardry is a clone of Original (-74) D&D.)

Tgunner26 Jan 2014 6:21 p.m. PST

Why not Basic D&D? It's out there and fairly cheap. The Omipedia is all you really need and you can get it as a pdf…


or hard copy…


The hard copy isn't cheap, but given this day and age it isn't awful either. And given that it's a one-stop book which has all you need then it's a decent deal. You can get it for cheaper if you keep an eye open and troll ebay.

Honestly, IMO, D&D is a much better system than AD&D. It's much tighter, more clearly written, and easier to learn and use. It was the best back in the day and it's not too shabby now. And the skill system still rocks although some people might dislike the idea roll high in combat but roll low for skills. 3rd Edition fixed that problem, but I never had issues with it myself.

D&D is still a great system and it's a hoot to play. AD&D is overrated IMO. And besides, who has the time to figure out segments vs weapon speed anyway????

BigNickR26 Jan 2014 11:39 p.m. PST

Castles and Crusades?

Space Monkey27 Jan 2014 6:37 a.m. PST

My favorite D&D clone is Lamentations Of The Flame Princess… though that probably has a bit to do with the illustrations and 'attitude' its author has given it (and the adventures he has put out for it).
I don't think it's appreciably different from Swords & Wizardry or Labyrinth Lord.

Adventurer, Conquerer, King is an AD&D clone I think. It has a detailed focus on building and running a kingdom that's pretty neat.

Dungeon Crawl Classics is less of a clone and more of a re-imagining of D&D, with borrowings from various editions as well as Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. It's probably my first choice of class/level games I'd pick if given the option.

Who asked this joker27 Jan 2014 7:38 a.m. PST

If you are looking for a cheap/free version of AD&D, OSRIC is the way to go.

As Henrix stated above, the other freebies are clones of 0D&D.

Henrix27 Jan 2014 10:38 a.m. PST

OSRIC is quite good. A cleaned up 1st ed AD&D. A little dry, perhaps.

But the pdf is for free.

Fish27 Jan 2014 4:24 p.m. PST

Played the spanking new Torchbearer two times this month.

First time I was really skeptic and though it rather stupid but the second time it worked like a charm and I'm anxiously awaiting to be able to play more.

Uses slightly modified Burning Wheel system as its engine.

Certainly different!

Only Warlock28 Jan 2014 7:04 a.m. PST

13th age is a great choice!

snurl128 Jan 2014 10:06 p.m. PST

+1 for Castles & Crusades

crbeck8829 Jan 2014 9:08 a.m. PST

+2 for Castles & Crusades

TwinMirror25 Feb 2014 3:32 p.m. PST

Dungeon Crawl Classics gets my vote, with Castlew & Crusades at no.2.

DCC somehow makes you feel like an 11 yr old again playing ad&d for the first time – perhaps because each player starts with a gang of 0th lvls, the risk is enormous, and it's real fun to see which of your pure 3d6-generated peasants will make it to 1st level.

Or perhaps it's the awesome magic system, where each mage has a personal relationship with and way of casting each spell (determined easily by a table), that restores a real sense of wonder and danger to magic.

Or maybe it's just all those vintage 1st ed. d&d artists giving it the flavour of 70's roleplaying.

Whatever it is, I'm really enjoying playing it! Simple, interesting and authentic.

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