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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian looks at the new U.S.S. Constitution for Black Seas.

2,936 hits since 15 Jan 2014
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Nadir Shah15 Jan 2014 3:23 a.m. PST

It is an exciting time for us here at Siege Works Studios, Grand Battles Napoleon, our Napoleonic rules are very close to being published along with our Empire to Liberation army lists handbooks for all the major and minor powers from 1808-1815. We have finally released our small range of 15mm SYW miniatures as well as our 15mm WW2 US Marines and 20mm Sci Fi and US Marines 20mm Vietnam miniatures. And now we are proud to announce we have just purchased a range of 28mm SYW Hanoverians from our good mate Mat at Wartime Miniatures. Inspired to build Hanoverians after reading The Army of His Britannic Majesty in Northern Germany by Savory, I just had to buy this beautiful small boutique miniatures range when they came up for sale.

I have just spent the afternoon spinning up a heap of these delightful miniatures and will be releasing them as individuals and also in packs over the next few weeks. Sorry there are no pics yet, I will be posting some as soon as I get a chance. So far we have Hanoverian Guard Musketeers, Hanoverian Musketeers, Hanoverian Grenadiers and Hanoverian artillerists and guns. Soon to be released will be Hanoverian Colonels, Hanoverian Jager and Legion Britannique as well as Hessian Musketeers, Hessian Grenadiers just as soon as I get the masters and then the production moulds finished.
These chaps fit in very nicely scale wise with Crusader SYW British, although they are a little lither and more athletic than the Crusader chaps! I am not sure how the scale compares with Minden or Black Hussar, but maybe there is a comparison done with these and Crusader which will help here.

Once all the Hanoverian and Hessian infantry have been released the Hanoverian and Hessian Cavalry will be the next task on my list. These miniatures are based around the Battle of Minden uniforms and suit well for refighting battles using our Koenig Krieg SYW rules, or any SYW rules for that matter!

I will give another release in the next week or so with pics of each individual figure, here is what I have so far:
Hanoverian Officer with sword drawn – marching

Hanoverian Officer with spontoon – marching

Hanoverian Sergeant with 1/2 pike/Partizan

Hanoverian Drummer – marching

Hanoverian Hautbois marching (Oboe)

Hanoverian Hautbois marching (Bassoon)

Hanoverian Standard Bearer (no standard pole)

Hanoverian Musketeer, musket upright – marching

Hanoverian Guards Musketeer, musket upright – marching

Hanoverian Grenadier Officer with fusil, marching

Hanoverian Grenadier Fifer

Hanoverian Grenadier Sapper

Hanoverian Grenadier marching, musket upright

Artillery and 4 Crew (includes 4pdr and 6pdr option)

de Ligne15 Jan 2014 3:41 a.m. PST

Excellent news. There is some choice of manufacturers when it comes to the infantry but I'll be particularly keen to see the cavalry as the choices there are very limited indeed.
I'll be very happy to review them on
as well.

Cardinal Hawkwood15 Jan 2014 3:48 a.m. PST

so that's where they have ended up!

Nadir Shah15 Jan 2014 4:36 a.m. PST

Yes Next week, I shall be putting up pics of all the figs spun up and also some sneak peaks of the Jager and colonels and Legion Britanique.

I am never happy with just unpainted pics, so I will replace these with painted pics of each individual model and also in Koenig Krieg Battalions and standard 8 foot and 4 command packs, in case you do not play Koenig Krieg – Shock horror! LOL!:)

Now I just need to find some really first rate painters! :)

Nadir Shah15 Jan 2014 4:42 a.m. PST

Yes I have 4 horse poses, so all I will need to do is get a Trumpeter, Officer, Standard and Trooper for the Hessian's and Hanoverian's for Dragoons, Horse/Cuirassier, Hussar, Jager Zu Pferd and Guard.

If any body is keen to offer research help so they each come out correctly, with all the right buttons in the right place or suggestions for other things like kettle drummers, Howitzer artillery for each etc, happy for the help :)

Chokidar15 Jan 2014 4:50 a.m. PST

.. and just in case you thought it was too simple, there is a reference in Lawson (A History of the Uniforms of the British Army) – and I believe a painting -although like young ladies the artist escapes me – that suggests that the Horse Grenadiers of at least one of the Dragoon regiments sported a rather fetching bearskin cap rather than a mitre..
And for completeness there were Light Dragoons also in the later war period…
Oh rollickin' fun- and good luck.

Nadir Shah15 Jan 2014 5:06 a.m. PST

Well chokidar, if you can find me piccies, I see no reason why such a suggestion cannot be looked at keenly :)

de Ligne15 Jan 2014 5:08 a.m. PST

If you are still at the cavalry 'design' phase, I can live with one pose for officers, musicians and st bearers, but, if possible, like to have at leave two variations in the rankers – even if it is a head at a different angle. At the design phase that is quite easy to achieve. But that's just my 2 pence contribution.

The cavalry choices for the Hanoverians, as I said before, are very limited – essentially just Front Rank. So another option (you!)would be great if your horses match Front Rank in size.

Frederick the Grape15 Jan 2014 6:15 a.m. PST

De Ligne: Minden and Venture Miniatures both have complete sets of horse and dragoons, although they probably are not compatible with the chunky Front Rank figures.

Congratulations on your acquisition, Siege Works Studios.

John Clements15 Jan 2014 1:21 p.m. PST

Great news! I (and others) had worked with the original Mat on the design of the range way back and were very disappointed when it disappeared. It was always meant to be compatible with Mindens but with the simpler later style of uniform (less lacing) and the figures do go well together. There should be some nice jager figures if the original designs are still being used. You certainly won't want Front Rank when you've seen these.

Cardinal Hawkwood15 Jan 2014 3:28 p.m. PST

Dragoon drummer?

Cardinal Hawkwood15 Jan 2014 3:29 p.m. PST

and Front Rank Hanoverian Horse is a bit wrong

Cardinal Hawkwood15 Jan 2014 3:30 p.m. PST

I am something of an expert on painting Hanoverians

Cardinal Hawkwood15 Jan 2014 3:31 p.m. PST

any Hessian fusliiers?

Nadir Shah15 Jan 2014 6:44 p.m. PST

Ok De Line, good point about only one pose, that will go in my notes :) John, happy to work with you on further research regards the SYW range, I really like the amount of detail that went into these. :)

Cardinal send me a pm or contact me on my FB or website emails regards painting the Hanoverian.

Ok Dragoon Drummers, need info on the uniforms! Hessian fusilier, just musketeers with this lot coming I believe, but how hard can it be to add fusilier :) Will need info on these too :)

Nadir Shah16 Jan 2014 1:52 a.m. PST

I spun up a few more moulds today and there are heavy and light horse models, great for when I do the heavy and medium/light cavalry. I also found some Grenadier drummers as well.

So looking at it so far, I will sell the models in packs of 4 command and 8 musketeers as well as 1 gun and 4 crew as well as individual models.

Musketier16 Jan 2014 5:57 a.m. PST

If I might make a suggestion, it would be for a couple of – bareheaded – casualty figures (not necessarily lying dead) and a sprue of the various headgear. People could then build vignettes that match their units. Cavalry casualties, including one stumbling about in his big boots, would be an added bonus.

Nadir Shah16 Jan 2014 6:21 a.m. PST

Hi Musketeer,

I am a big fan of vignettes, so this will go in my notes as well :)


Tricorne197116 Jan 2014 8:12 a.m. PST

I bought quite a few Hanoverian units from Matt. Excellent figures, very much like the early Foundry range and well proportioned.

Compatible British Infantry would be useful.
Brunswickers are similar to Prussians with the Swedish cuffs.

If you need any research assistance, please do not hesitate to e-mail me off-line.

Nadir Shah16 Jan 2014 7:37 p.m. PST

Hi Tricorn, that would be great, will contact you privately about this :)

GamesPoet Supporting Member of TMP18 Jan 2014 4:34 a.m. PST

Looking forward to seeing these rolling along.

Black Hussar Miniatures19 Jan 2014 4:03 a.m. PST

Good Luck with your new range!

Nadir Shah22 Jan 2014 7:48 p.m. PST

A friend of mine John, has shared his painted Siege Works Studios 28mm Hanoverian pics with me and so I thought I might share these with everyone to get an idea of what they look like. The lovely Mtd Officer is from Minden, so the compatibility between these two figure ranges is very good!

Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP23 Jan 2014 11:44 a.m. PST

You have a nice looking figure range. Best of luck with the range and its future growth.

Nadir Shah23 Jan 2014 8:06 p.m. PST

Many thanks Der Alter Fritz, we will be concentrating on the full range of Hanoverian and Hessians. Others have the standard 5 nations so we will be doing the more niche areas :) Which I think is great for both of us as the ranges are from everything I have seen very compatible. Your Minden range is absolutely stunning and I daresay, without bias :) these figures are pretty stunning too!

So forward all in the appreciation of the SYW and similar historical eras :)

Nadir Shah28 Jan 2014 3:19 a.m. PST

Here is another pic, this beautifully painted Hanoverian Officer is by the talented Chokidar. These will be available on the website in the next month.

Chokidar29 Jan 2014 2:16 a.m. PST

Must disclaim all credit for the photo.. I merely found it on the web.. and I believe they were painted by some one much closer to home for you SWS! Apologies to all for any confusion – no intention to tseal the credit for yes.. very nice painting!

Nadir Shah29 Jan 2014 3:00 a.m. PST

My apologies to Chokidar for misunderstanding your email (:

WEll whichever superb fellow painted these SWS 28mm Hanoverian Officers, jolly good job! :)

Bandolier30 Jan 2014 2:27 p.m. PST

You're welcome thumbs up

Nadir Shah30 Jan 2014 7:21 p.m. PST

Bandolier, superb effort, well done indeed! Apologies for confusing your work and well done Chokidar for finding it :)

Bandolier30 Jan 2014 8:02 p.m. PST

No worries. If you contact Mathew he should have pics of some infantry.

Nadir Shah30 Jan 2014 10:21 p.m. PST

I will do that Bandolier, thanks for your help :) Keep up the wonderful painting :)

Nadir Shah31 Jan 2014 2:00 a.m. PST

Whooohoo! The Hessian sculpts have just arrived. I shall be sending down off to get a master mould made for these and also the Hanoverian Hager and Legion Britannique figure and mtd officer.

Soon will be Hessian musketeers and Grenadier reinforcements!

Chokidar04 Feb 2014 4:00 a.m. PST

You are an awful tease Drew! Please post some pictures somewhere.. we are all drooling in anticipation.. it is embarassing friends, family and neighbours alike!!!

Nadir Shah04 Feb 2014 5:06 a.m. PST

The Hessian's have been shipped down to get master molded. It will take about a month sadly, as there is a back log. That said I have already begun looking at getting research together for the Horse and Dragoons as well. Once I get this sorted I will be getting the sculptor to whip up the Hanoverian cavalry, then Hessian cavalry and High Command! Does anyone have pictures of Zastrow. A puggy Sporken is not an ideal leader :)

Nadir Shah06 Feb 2014 4:43 a.m. PST

Well I have just got the Grenadiers and Mounted Officers back form Andrew Fog our studio painter, so I thought I might place them here. He is currently painting the Artillery and Musketeers.

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