"79th New York Kilts and Tartans?" Topic
5 Posts
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solosam | 07 Jan 2014 8:03 a.m. PST |
I've read that the 79th New York began the war in a mix of kilts, tartan trousers (trews), and regular blue uniform pants. Of course, they rapidly discovered that kilts were inconvenient and resupply was difficult, and quickly switched to uniform pants. Question: Did the 79th New York actually wear kilts into battle at any point? Likewise, did they actually wear the Glengarry cap into battle (with or without kilt)? |
Murphy | 07 Jan 2014 8:20 a.m. PST |
as far as anyone can tell, the kilts were never worn into battle, and no record exists that I know of that supports this. There is a record of them wearing them on parade in NYC before moving south to the war
Frederick | 07 Jan 2014 8:36 a.m. PST |
Agreed – when I checked my library it suggests the kilts were parade only, and the tarten trews didn't last very long in the field |
solosam | 07 Jan 2014 8:44 a.m. PST |
I suspected as much. Did they wear Glengarries and tartan trews in Bull Run? |
Forgotten Glorious | 07 Jan 2014 9:05 a.m. PST |
It should be ver ycool it they did but even tartan trousers did seem to be worn (now some exceptions are always possible) Glengaries may have been worn by some and their distinctive vest is worn by at least two members on this picture ( 79th prisonners after Bull Run if my source is correct):
Hard to tell if they wear glengarries or forage caps for some Cheers Franck |