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"Maps of British Isles showing topography?" Topic

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RogerThat11 Dec 2013 6:33 a.m. PST

I'd like to do a bit of a SAGA / Dux Brit campaign and need some maps that show Mountains, hills, valleys, rivers and the larger towns of the British Isles. Can anyone recommend a source in either book format or perhaps folding maps?

It would be really great if the map showed the cities/ towns and roads of the period (I know… It's a stretch). My Google Fu has not really helped …


Coelacanth11 Dec 2013 8:41 a.m. PST


A larger, slightly different, version may be found here: link

Google Image search for "Roman Britain" will surely turn up more. Good luck with your project!


Oh Bugger11 Dec 2013 11:42 a.m. PST

Yes, the Ordinance Survey does a nice fold out Roman Britain map and an early medieval one iirc. The British Museum used to flog them.

TKindred Supporting Member of TMP22 Dec 2013 5:48 p.m. PST

Have you seen THESE Ordnance Survey Maps of Great Britain?

They are based upon evidence that Britain was flooded, almost a series of peninsulas and islands, after the last Ice Age, and that Stonehenge and most every other barrow, etc, was built along the then current shoreline.

Pretty interesting stuff.


Elenderil24 Dec 2013 12:21 p.m. PST

The ordnance survey used to do a map called Britain in the Dark Ages as well.

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