Yes, with some caution. You will have to worry about the differences in some details like the shako plates and sabretache ornamentation.
As a general rule of thumb, the certain Spanish hussar uniforms did follow a French style. Certainly this is 100% true for King Joseph's Afrancesados. However some of the units raised during the war had uniforms supplied by the British, which gives you the happy possibility to raise some of those units with the Perry British box too.
Chartrand's 3 Osprey volumes on the Spanish forces are an accessible starting point for uniform details, but I am finding a lot of useful material from Spanish sources. I particularly recommend 2 books in the Guerreros y Batallas series:
Los Húsares Españoles en la Guerra de Independencia 1800-1814, Emilio Arredondo
Cazadores a Caballo Españoles en las Guerras Napoleónicas 1800-1814, Francisco Vela Santiago
I also recommend Lahoz & Gonzalez, Los Uniformes del Estado Militar de España del Ano 1815 – much of the Osprey information appears to have been taken from this book. The coverage is especially complete, since it includes the Spanish colonial forces in North & South America and the Philipines, which are totally ignored by the Osprey books, and other sources concentrated on European campaigns.
I also recommend any of Jose Maria Bueno's books on uniforms of this period.