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messy 195823 Nov 2013 12:56 p.m. PST

I have recently become interested in this conflict and would be interested to hear from others who share this interest
I wonder if there is a yahoo group for instance ?
I notice that Helion Books have many publications,which seem to be mainly personal recolections and histories of the uprising.
I have also noticed a company that is manufacturing some very nice 28mm figures
If anyone is interested in forming a group,please get in touch…….I would very much like to hear from you
Unfortunately I am useless with computers, so I would not be the one to organise the group….but I might be able to contribute in my own way as I am a part time sculptor and resin terrain maker
I live in London and I am a member of the "Wargamers Assosiation of Reading"

messy 195823 Nov 2013 1:06 p.m. PST

Having read the post,perhaps I should say a little more
I am thinking about rules, figures,and possibly getting together to game
for example,what rules are people using and are you happy with them?…are there any board games that could form the basis of a campaign ,or how difficult would it be to write a set?
I know that Foundry had a range of figures in 25mm,but what else is there and are they compatible..can you use Sikh wars figures?…..all these sort of things

Rich Bliss23 Nov 2013 1:37 p.m. PST

I use the Foundry figures and have played a number of games using Volley and Bayonet. I've been very happy with results.

Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP23 Nov 2013 1:53 p.m. PST

Dear messy 1958,

You are invited to visit this Yahoo! Group moderated by the GM of an Indian Mutiny Campaign Game with role playing elements that has been going on for over three years.

The games have been in hiatus for about a year as the same group began a Dark Ages campaign based on one of the Cornwell King Arthur novels. However, that has been resolved, and the group is now returning to the last actions of the Mutiny, notably the actions against Tantia Topi and the Rani of Jahnsi.

Based on the actual history, this is the most remarkable war games campaign on any subject I have ever had the pleasure to follow, and the sheer number of after action reports (all done in period style), and the breathtaking photography may just blow you away.

You may join the group, if so inclined, and follow the concluding actions and comment on them and the actions of the various players/characters, most of whom could be central to novels or films for their sheer personalities and battlefield adventures.

Please feel free to follow this link and look into the Files and Photo sections.

Best of luck to you and your own researches into the Great Mutiny!


messy 195823 Nov 2013 4:10 p.m. PST

Thankyou for that
I have joined the gtoup and had a quick glance
I look forward to spending some time looking at the photos and following the campaign and the conversations

sjwalker3823 Nov 2013 7:06 p.m. PST

Hi there

As TVAG says, it's one of the most interesting campaigns I've found to play on the tabletop.

I've not found any other Yahoo groups specifically about the IM, but it's worth looking at the forum at where you will find a mass of useful information.

Figures: if you're looking for 25/28mm, the main ranges are from Foundry. Old Glory, Mutineer Miniatures and AW Miniatures. Plenty of other figures from various manufacturers ranges from Moghuls, Sikh Wars to NWF can readily be drafted in.

There are now several ranges available in 20mm and 15mm if you want to go smaller.

Rules: what sort of game are you looking for? – large scale battles or skirmishes. The most popular set of big battle rules at the moment seems to be Black Powder. For skirmishes using 80-120 figures per side. check out the draft set of IM-specific rules being worked on as a supplement for "Sharp Practice" (search for the 'War Without Mercy' yahoo group). These include a set of adaptations for bigger battles, so can be easily upscaled to refight most of the larger field engagements.

There's also a lot of readily available source material about the IM (Saul David's history is a good starting point)

Above all, enjoy the period, it's a great one to game.


Pedrobear23 Nov 2013 7:47 p.m. PST

messy, perhaps I can give you a bit of a start on the period?


Rdfraf Supporting Member of TMP24 Nov 2013 7:11 a.m. PST

Hi everyone! I'm the moderator for the Indian Mutiny campaign yahoo group and I would be interested in joining any group that discusses the Indian Mutiny. However for now please feel free to join my group link and discuss anything regarding the Mutiny.

I'm always surprised that the Mutiny is not more popular in wargaming considering the variety of colorful troop types involving a wide variety of terrain and every kind of actions possible from desparate last stands to heroic escalades to set piece field actions.

All of our gaming is in 25/28mm scale using mostly Old Glory and Wargames Foundry figures. I was not aware of many other scales being available for the Mutiny and to hear that there is a 20mm range available is great for the hobby.

huevans01124 Nov 2013 10:39 a.m. PST


There is a FB group, but it is not that active.

huevans01124 Nov 2013 10:41 a.m. PST


I think that people are still a little concerned about the lack of troops. I followed the Mutineer releases and was contemplating making them my "next period" and adding them to the Lead Mountain, but wanted a little more variety in some of the poses.

Spoiled by what is available in Napoleonics and ACW, I guess.

Rdfraf Supporting Member of TMP24 Nov 2013 11:14 a.m. PST

When I consider Indus, Old Glory, Foundry, Irregular and Mutineer together I thought those ranges should cover just about anything one would need in 25/28mm. Now I admit we don't a multitudes of poses available like there is in Napoleonics but what are we missing so we can start lobbying the companies to make it?

As for 15mm and 20mm, I understand the choices are still limited but getting better

messy 195824 Nov 2013 2:37 p.m. PST

Thanks for your interest and replies gentlemen
I have joined the "War Without Mercy" Yahoo group and have been made most welcome…….It seems to have everything I am looking for and on top of that, as a part time designer/Manufacturer the group offers a tremendous amount of support and encouragement…I recomend it to anyone interested in The Indian Mutiny..or Indian based wargames in general

sjwalker3825 Nov 2013 1:37 p.m. PST

Hi Messy

Thanks for your kind words regarding our little band of brothers at WWM (and, yes, we occasionally digress into other related topics as well) – looking forward to your contributions!

Rdfraf: have you joined us yet?

The good news is that Mutineer are planning further expansions to their range in the spring – some more mutinous sepoys in mixed dress and Badmashes, British lancers and hopefully heavy dragoons as well – so start pestering them with 'pre-orders'.


Mutineer 208 Dec 2013 5:23 a.m. PST

Hi All

Just to let everybody know that mutineer miniatures Dec sale has started with 25% off all 28mm and 20mm figure packs.


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