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"British Mediterranean Fleet (1914) on Station" Topic

5 Posts

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Comments or corrections?

Black Guardian20 Nov 2013 1:12 p.m. PST

Hey folks,

I just wanted to share the recently finished British Med Fleet of 1914 in 1/6000 (Hallmark/Figurehead ships).


I´ve put up another picture with different lighting and the Göben and Breslau as oppenents on my new blog, devoted to the Naval aspects of a slightly different First World War in the Mediterranean: link

KTravlos20 Nov 2013 7:16 p.m. PST

Very nice. You are not too off with your scenario. Clive Pointing's "Thirteen Days" shows the balant horse-trading the Italians engaged in. If the Austrians were willing to do the 18th century thing and swap territories (giving Italy what it wanted from Austria in return for Italian acquiescence of Austrian territorial aggrandizement in the Balkans) who knows. Highly unlikely due to Austrian internal politics, but not impossible. In the end it really is a question of what the Germans and Austrians were willing to give to the mercenary state (Montenegro and Greece also did some horse-trading. Pointing's narrative is merciless)

hindsTMP Supporting Member of TMP21 Nov 2013 8:01 a.m. PST

If you can get a copy of the old Strategy & Tactics magazine game "Flight of the Goeben", it makes a good vehicle for August 1914 Mediterranean naval games. It has a lot of variation based on "secret die rolls", including various Italian, Austrian, French, British, and German options. One cool aspect of the game is that the first couple of turns occur prior to the expiration of the British ultimatum. I always felt that this added to the drama of the situation, as you experience the final few days of the slide into war.


Black Guardian21 Nov 2013 11:58 a.m. PST

Thanks, I´ll certainly keep my eyes open for that one :)

Apart from that, I´m currently playing a little play by mail with a friend featuring a small breakthrough-attempt south of the straights of messina with the ahistorical assumption that Milne sent Indomitable to Malta, not to Bizerte to coal and now the Battlecruiesr converges with the 1st Cruiser Squadron and the Gloucester on the German ships. Very interesting so far, though right now easier for the Germans than I expected. I´ll probably post a batrep when we´re finished, unfortunately without in-action-pics, as I haven´t got a decent sea mat yet.

hindsTMP Supporting Member of TMP21 Nov 2013 3:04 p.m. PST

Hmmm; it looks like copies of the "Flight of the Goeben" game components are available in the Yahoo "General Quarters" group file area, here:


You have to "join" the group. Once in, do a search for the string "Goeben". They apparently have the rules, map, and strategic counters. The tactical counters would of course be replaced with 1/6000 miniatures.


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