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Armiesarmy19 Nov 2013 6:49 a.m. PST

Hello all

I'm seriously considering looking at starting a line of cold war related figures. So much so that Ive had a few sculpts completed to see if I could generate some interest. These are test figures for size and detail and I'm very pleased with them.


So why do it….

Basically as well as future war I am also very interested in the modern wars. I'm still a "what if" type of guy so I think the 'Cold war' era really fits well. The cold war has some great miniatures and vehicles already, however I am thinking that I would like to focus on some different scenarios such as Northern NATO forces, Swedes, Finish, Winter Soviets etc.

I'm also rather fascinated by the ‘side shows' mostly around Afghanistan and the Africa Bush wars…insurgency /counter insurgency type of battles. These also have a vast array of unusual vehicles and a real mixture of force types and weapons.

Basically I'm trying to work out what to concentrate on! First something I'm interested and secondly something that people want!




PSADennis19 Nov 2013 8:47 a.m. PST

Would be very interested if they are 15mm.

Armiesarmy19 Nov 2013 8:51 a.m. PST


Yes they will be 15mm!

BigNickR19 Nov 2013 9:28 a.m. PST

Sigh… Those look great… but I'm a 28mm player.

Mako1119 Nov 2013 9:29 a.m. PST

Cold War East Germans, Swedes, Danes, Norwegians, etc. interest me.

I like the sculpts, and their detailing. The clothing and weapons look superb, as do their faces, helmets, etc.

If possible though, I'd like to see a slight adjustment on the proportions. To me, the heads look a bit too large, and/or the bodies a bit to short overall, in proportion to their heads. They remind me of the squat, Essex-style sculpts, or gnomes, in 15mm.

If you can make them a little thinner, and/or taller, and proportional, I'd buy a bunch of them.

I see this issue crop up on a number of manufacturers' figs, and suspect it may be due to sculpting the heads separately from the bodies.

Perhaps leaving the bodies as is, and just giving them necks, and smaller heads would be easiest to do.

Armiesarmy19 Nov 2013 10:59 a.m. PST


Some it is the sculpt style and little of it is the photo angle. Ill do some better, however great feedback!


Lion in the Stars19 Nov 2013 11:40 a.m. PST

I'd be game, especially for more what-if options. MBT70s, Object 279, you name it.

Only Warlock19 Nov 2013 12:18 p.m. PST

North Korean kidnap teams, South Korean commandos, South African mercs, Cuban troops, Sandinistas… yes please.

Cosmic Reset19 Nov 2013 4:37 p.m. PST

I'd be a customer for any NATO troops from the 1970s/early 1980s. In addition to northern NATO, I'd be in for Turks, Portuguese, Spanish troops etc. And East Germans. Don't forget the East Germans.

Mako1119 Nov 2013 5:47 p.m. PST

Would love to have a unit of MBT-70s myself.

werwulf19 Nov 2013 5:58 p.m. PST

I love your style but I have to agree the heads are a bit big. I love the look of the rest and In my opinion thicker minis look better than thin in 15mm. Your style will also lend to mixing in with other lines because of your style. I'd love to see mid to late 80's Canadians, British, Americans, Belgian, Greek, Afghan, Turkish, Cezch, West and East German, Russian and Chinese. That's not much right? No seriously I think this is a great venture and whatever you produce will definitely go. I ask for figs that are already done by others cause, well, your style is fabulous and puts some nice detail into the mini that others lack. Hope this gets off the ground and will be watching with bated breath!

PSADennis19 Nov 2013 6:00 p.m. PST

I know I will take a lot of heat here from many on TMP but I wouldn't change a thing about your miniatures. The exaggerated proportions make them easier to paint and the finished product turns out much nicer IMHO. I think they look fantastic.
Please keep us informed as to your progress as I would be wildly interested in a new range of Cold War infantry.

Chatticus Finch19 Nov 2013 8:01 p.m. PST

I would buy a bucketload of East German gear! Proportion wise, I'd suggest trying to bring them in line with either Khurasan's taller 15mm figures, or in line with Peter Pig/ QRF and Battlefront proportions, as there are more models that size.

Sparker19 Nov 2013 8:16 p.m. PST

Just joining the hue and cry for some 15mm Cold War Brits with SLRs – especially if you can somehow factor in the '44 pattern helmets with loads of scrim and foliage – the 'cabbage patch doll' look…



Louie N19 Nov 2013 8:17 p.m. PST

I would be interested.

I, like Irishserb, would like to see minis for NATO and Soviet troops for the period of 1978-1984.

For example, US troops with flak jackets with M1 helmets.



Mako1120 Nov 2013 3:08 a.m. PST

Proportionately, the head and helmet should be about 1/6th of the height of the man wearing it, as measured on me, and the guy in green, wearing the cabbage patch helmet. I'm measuring from the general, lower neck area to the top of the helmet.

Of course, I can see how angles of figs can affect things, but it appears to me that the heads of the two guys you've sculpted are about 50% too large, for a real human.

On my monitor, the guy on the right is about 72mms tall, which is convenient, since if you swap that our for inches, that makes him six feet tall (measured from the middle of his feet to the top of his helmet). His head, from the lower neck area, to the top of his helmet is about 17 – 18mms tall, when this should be about 12mm, or 12" in total.

Based upon that, their heads should only be about 2/3rds of the size shown.

This also works for the lead guy in the patrol, who is about 78mms tall, and there is about 13mms from his neck to the top of his helmet.

I'm really not trying to nag, or be negative here, but to assist in getting the sculpted figures' proportions right. Many companies don't do that, which is a shame.

I hope my posting will be received in the spirit in which the advice is given.

The figures, even as they are, are far better than I, and/or many others could sculpt, I imagine.

I just like realistically proportioned figures, and suspect most others will as well, so attention to details should help to enhance sales down the road.

Armiesarmy20 Nov 2013 4:17 a.m. PST

Thanks for all the feedback. I personally take none of it negatively, so thank you.

I will take additional photos of the test sculpts from a different angle and compare. The figures are made in a certain style, which allows for more detail and character. I think they paint up nicer for both pros and the quick and dirty method. However if I need to develop a better
balance between this and proportions I will happily do so.

The plan is to pick a theater and develop figures and vehicles for it. It will highly likely be a kickstarter as to be frank, it helps me judge if I can sell them or not. Im just not big enough or have the financial clout to just go ahead and create a whole line. The kickstarter means I can build an 'entire' range and release it at once.

Happy to listen to suggestions :)

thanks again all


PSADennis20 Nov 2013 7:39 a.m. PST

Great news about vehicles as well. Are you thinking metal resin or plastic?

Armiesarmy20 Nov 2013 7:49 a.m. PST


Resin, with metal components.



bollix21 Nov 2013 5:18 a.m. PST

I'd be an eager backer of such a kickstarter, provided the head proportion was adjusted in line with Mako's suggestion, whose view I share.

Gennorm21 Nov 2013 8:49 a.m. PST

Any idea of an ETA Keith?

Nandalf21 Nov 2013 11:35 a.m. PST

Wooh! Love these.

I'm a fan of the Armies Army styling, and yeah – it's easier to paint and looks good!

Bring these out soon dude!


Armiesarmy21 Nov 2013 2:36 p.m. PST

Cheers all

I appreciate the feedback.

I may look at other ideas around funding as to be frank…Kickstarter takes 10% of my cash, so I cant provide the discount Id like to for supporters.

I also need to think on what theater to do

If any are interested in providing help, advising on poses, equipment, uniforms, vehicles and any relavant background please drop me a private message or email at my blog. Its got a contact button


hellfish30 Dec 2013 7:55 p.m. PST

I'd be seriously interested in early cold war stuff. I'm having a hell of a time finding US infantry with M14 rifles or Soviets with SKS rifles and RPDs. Every time period between 1914 and 2020 seems to be well covered for 15mm, except for 1955-1965 it seems. I'm building a 1962 US cavalry troop and a Cuban/Soviet opposing force. Some of the vehicles are pretty easy to get (except M59 APCs) but appropriate infantry is surprisingly difficult.

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