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ImhotepMagi18 Nov 2013 9:54 a.m. PST

I know it's not strictly miniatures, but it can be played as such, and it is a gorgeous game:


darthfozzywig18 Nov 2013 10:04 a.m. PST

Lots and lots of counters! Warms my grognard heart.

BigNickR18 Nov 2013 10:05 a.m. PST

That IS nice. Never did OGRE… and I've only even read BOLO! this year… (Be gentle, I'm 32 and a lot of that is before my time)

Allen5718 Nov 2013 10:16 a.m. PST

On U-Tube is a video of this game being unboxed. I cant believe how big that box is. Ogre was always fun. I have the original minigame and the miniatures rulesbook so do not feel the need for another giant box to try to find room for.

@BigNickR: I am twice your age and have never read the Bolo stories so don't feel bad.

Personal logo aegiscg47 Supporting Member of TMP18 Nov 2013 10:21 a.m. PST

Have one on order and Ogre was the second wargame I ever bought back in 1977. This game is definitely taking things to the limit and you easily get around $500 USD worth of stuff in the box.

ImhotepMagi18 Nov 2013 10:24 a.m. PST

I am having tons of fun with it so far. Taking pictures was daunting, mostly because I wanted to take pics of EVERYTHING. Leave me some comments on the blog if you want to see anything specific!

gameorpaint18 Nov 2013 10:27 a.m. PST

Those would qualify as minis in my book. Maybe low-fidelity, but far more than a cardboard stand.

And that box design! Nothing annoys me more than dropping a big chunk on a board game and seeing no internal organization and having to sort bits out every time you play the game. This, on the other hand, looks great. Not only well divided, but labeled. Sweet.

taskforce5818 Nov 2013 10:36 a.m. PST

I can't believe I let the Ogre KS flew over my head. And now I have to wait for the retail version release in December.

ming3118 Nov 2013 11:11 a.m. PST

It is a huge box an you have to keep the box flat , otherwise the counters go everywhere . Took me and a friend 3 hours to punch and assemble everything .

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP18 Nov 2013 11:12 a.m. PST

Looks like a great set. Now, set up your CP, put together an unbeatable defense force, and then discover just how puny that all will be to an unstoppable giant robotic killer tank…

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Dave Crowell18 Nov 2013 11:17 a.m. PST

I just got mine today. So much Ohre goodness….

Personal logo FingerandToeGlenn Sponsoring Member of TMP18 Nov 2013 12:30 p.m. PST

The box is so big, my wife suggested we put legs on it and use it as a coffee table. Assembling the minis is a week long project! Absolutely glad I got it.

Captain Gideon18 Nov 2013 2:29 p.m. PST

I'm somewhat new to OGRE say several months and now I've played several miniature games and have over 400 OGRE miniatures I can say I'm very hooked but only with the real minis.

I didn't have the extra money to get the Kickstater game but I'm more of a miniature type gamer.

And gameorpaint these puchout Ogres and such I myself wouldn't call them minis just as I never called the Pirate ships,Rocket ships or Star Wars vehicles/ships minis.

To me a true mini is something that you build(if needed)and paint like for example the OGRE miniatures.

Now don't get me wrong I love OGRE but to call these punchout OGREs is wrong IMHO.

taskforce5818 Nov 2013 2:57 p.m. PST

Ogre was originally a boardgame with flat 2D cardboard counters.

gameorpaint18 Nov 2013 3:14 p.m. PST

@captain Gideon –
Looking at all the abominations in MDF out there that are marketed towards the miniature crowd, these certainly are no worse. It's about the result to me: a 3 dimensional representation of vehicle.

Allen5718 Nov 2013 3:24 p.m. PST

Each to his own but I have to disagree with Captain Gideon. The Pirate ships, Rocket ships, Star Wars vehicles/ships minis (believe those were all by Wizkids) and Ogres in this game are all miniatures. Others don't think of toy soldiers and paper figures/models as miniatures. Another example of miniatures are flats. They are just of a different sort than what you perceive. I have grown quite fond of the Pirate ships and would love to wargame with flats but for the expense. If I did not already have a large collection of Steve Jackson's Ogre and GEV minis I would probably buy this though the GEVs and infantry are all counters IIRC. My personal Ogre favorites are still the board games. I started with board games before becoming a miniature gamer and for some reason don't find the miniature based versions of Ogre as satisfying as the originals.


McWong7318 Nov 2013 4:27 p.m. PST

Very jealous, really wish I went in, but shipping to Australia was a killer.

MrAverage18 Nov 2013 6:00 p.m. PST

Whatever the nomenclature, I'm glad I got my copy. It's beautiful, durable, and plays as smoothly as I remember. All around a great value in my collection, even in spite of the enormous size!

oldhans11718 Nov 2013 6:49 p.m. PST

"Ogre was originally a boardgame with flat 2D cardboard counters."

It's even more insane, it was a $2.99 USD micro game. I still have mine and it is a good little title.

Captain Gideon18 Nov 2013 6:57 p.m. PST

Al I understand what you're saying but these so called miniatures are very fragile and I know what I'm saying as I have all the Pirates sets complete and most of the Rocketships as well as a large number of the Star Wars Pocket Models.

Maybe you can call these models since you have to punch them out and assemble them like a model.

For myself I started with boardgames like Bismarck,Midway and Jutland and eventhough I liked them when I started getting metal miniatures of Naval ships Napoleonic soldiers Samurai minis Star Trek minis(Fasa and others).

Lets just say that I never got the same feeling as seeing my painted Yamato Battleship blowing the crap out of the Iowa for example.

For me boardgames have their limitations and they're a good beginning but you need miniatures sorta of flesh out things so to speak.

So Al lets say that we can agree to disagree.

Bashytubits18 Nov 2013 7:07 p.m. PST

Why not love boardgames and miniatures both? Then its a win win. grin

SpleenRippa18 Nov 2013 7:34 p.m. PST

Being in the RCAF and having recently moved/been posted, I had my copy delivered to my parent's house. The good news is that they're now only 2.5 hours away- the bad is that I can't make it there until this coming weekend. Can't wait!

Captain Gideon18 Nov 2013 8:22 p.m. PST

Bashytubits I really like boardgames along with miniatures but my problem is that there's not many boardgames that I have in my procession and I really don't buy any new boardgames because of the high price.

Where as miniatures go I have plenty to keep me busy for sometime to come and I can afford miniatures so that's where I stand.

billthecat16 Dec 2013 9:47 a.m. PST

I took at look at one of these this weekend. a very nice product, although I still hold that plastic miniatures would have made it perfect…. and I still say it was possible.

A new edition of OGRE, priced around 60-100 USD with plastic minis produced to a similar standard and sold as a standard product (not a one-off ltd edition, a la 'Space Hulk 3') would have a real presence in the market. Now, OGRE will remain in the mists of nostalgia (for better or worse).

KJdidit16 Dec 2013 10:26 a.m. PST

Considered getting in on the Kickstarter (but didn't), and was tempted when the LGS ran a demo of the new edition – and balked when they decided it should sell for $180 USD because "that's what it's selling for on eBay". Someone should clue them in on the difference between listing price and selling price…

Anyway, I'm happy with my pocket editions of OGRE, GEV, Shockwave, and OGRE Reinforcements – all of which cost less than $30 USD combined, and function just as well as any newer edition after all these years.

Lfseeney18 Dec 2013 10:55 p.m. PST

Did the rules change any?

Gearhead19 Dec 2013 2:50 p.m. PST

… and I've only even read BOLO! this year…

Fun!! I remembers seeing some of the books at the library when I was little, and only read them a few years ago. One bonus to coming late into a series is that you get to read ALL of it right away, rather than having to wait for the next installment to be released!

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