War Establishment II/194/2
Note: there are only 3 minor amendments during the campaign.
- One lorry 3ton 4 X 4 GS (which was for use as an office) is replaced by 3ton 4 X 4 Office.
- 2 X 15cwt 4 X 2 GS are replaced by 15cwt 4 X 4 GS
- One cook ACC is promoted to corporal
5 X Subaltern
Squadron serjeant major
squadron quartermaster serjeant
transport serjeant
4 X serjeant
6 X lance serjeant sapper class
lance serjeant driver class
11 X corporal sapper class
3 X corporal driver class
15 X lance corporal sapper class
5 X lance corporal driver class
145 X sapper
47 X driver
Total 247
officers mess cook ACC
corporal cook ACC
7 X cook ACC
7 X blacksmith
13 X bricklayer
32 X carpenter and joiner
5 X clerk
4 X concretor
draughtsman architectural
draughtsman, mechanical
5 X driver mechanic, driver class
10 X driver operator
4 X electrician, maintenance
11X engine fitter, IC and pumps
6 X engine hand IC
6 X masons
3 X miners
7 X painter and decorator
58 X general dutyman
6 X motorcyclist
4 X plumbers and pipe fitters
surveyor, engineering
3 X sheet metal worker
2 X vehicle mechanic, driver class
3 X water dutyman
Total 194
Non tradesmen
2 X batman
5 X batman driver
26 X driver of vehicle
sanitary dutyman
4 X transport NCO
water dutyman
Total 39
16 X motorcycle
3 X jeep
2 X light recce car
7 X truck 15cwt GS
3 X 15cwt compressor
1 X 15cwt water
7 X 15cwt personnel 4 X 4
13 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS
1 X 3ton 4 X 4 winch
1 X 3ton 4 X 4 office
2 X Subaltern
Squadron Serjeant Major
squadron quartermaster serjeant
transport serjeant
lance serjeant driver class
2 X corporal sapper class
3 X lance corporal sapper class
2 X lance corporal driver class
13 X sapper
17 X driver
Total 46
officers mess cook ACC
2 X Cook ACC
2 X carpenter and joiner
2 X clerk
draughtsman architectural
2 X driver mechanic, driver class
4 X driver operator
electrician, maintenance
2 X engine fitter, IC and pumps
painter and decorator
general dutyman
3 X motorcyclist
plumbers and pipe fitters
surveyor, engineering
2 X vehicle mechanic, driver class
Total 26
Drivers IC for duty as
2 X batman
2 X batman driver
5 X driver of vehicle
sanitary dutyman
transport NCO
water dutyman
Total 12
7 X motorcycle
2 X light recce car
1 X truck 15cwt GS
1 X 15cwt water
1 X 15cwt personnel 4 X 4
5 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS
1 X 3ton 4 X 4 winch
15cwt 4 X 4 will be fitted with a wireless set.
1 X 3ton 4 X 4 will be for use as an office.
4 X Bren gun
1 X 20mm AA
Each company carried the following
2,400 primers
672 slabs of TNT
1200 lb of plastic explosive 808
900lb of ammonal
72 X 10lb Beehive charges
3 X camouflet sets
detonators and fuses
6 X mine detector
72 X No 75 grenades (mines)
Each company also had one RASC 3ton lorry in the divisional troops company to carry an identical load
There were three platoons to a company.
A platoon consisted of a headquarters and four sections.
2 X lance serjeant sapper class
3 X corporal sapper class
4 X lance corporal sapper class
lance corporal driver class
44 X sapper
10 X driver
Total 67
2 cooks ACC
Tradesmen included
2 X blacksmith
4 X bricklayer
10 X carpenter and joiner
driver mechanic, driver class
2 X driver operator, driver class
electrician, maintenance
3 X engine fitter, IC and pumps
2 X engine hand
2 X painter and decorator
19 X general dutyman
plumber and pipe fitter
sheet metal worker
Total 26
Drivers IC for duty as
batman driver
transport NCO
7 X Driver of vehicle
Total 9
All transport was at platoon headquarters
Motorcycle 1
Motorcycle 2
transport corporal
Motorcycle 3
Car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep)
Subaltern, batman driver
Truck 15cwt GS 1
driver IC
Truck 15cwt GS 2
driver IC
15cwt machinery compressor
driver IC
15cwt personnel 4 X 4 1
lance corporal driver operator, driver operator
Carries Wireless set No19
15cwt personnel 4 X 4 2
driver IC
3ton 4 X 4 GS 1
driver IC
3ton 4 X 4 GS 2
driver IC
3ton 4 X 4 GS 3
driver IC
3ton 4 X 4 winch
driver mechanic
The above transport also carried
1 X clerk
2 X cook
4 X other unidentified personnel
800 primers
224 slabs of TNT in 4.5" slabs or gun cotton in 6" slabs.
400lb of explosive 808 (plastic explosive) in 1.37" X 3.5" rolls
300lb of ammonal in 25 lb blocks (9" cubes)
24 X 10lb Beehive cutting charges
1 X camouflet set for making holes for charges
Detonators and fuse.
4 X mine detector
There were four sections each of 12 men.
Each section had a corporal or lance serjeant as leader.
It is not recorded which craftsmen were in which section. This was probably arranged at company or platoon level.
Each section had
Bren gun
Sten gun
10 X rifle.
In an armoured division the platoon was called a troop. There were some differences in personnel and vehicles from the platoon in an infantry division.
There were three troops to a squadron.
A troop consisted of a headquarters and four sections.
2 X lance serjeant sapper class
3 X corporal sapper class
4 X lance corporal sapper class
lance corporal driver class
44 X sapper
13 X driver
Total 67
2 cooks ACC
Tradesmen included
2 X blacksmith
4 X bricklayer
10 X carpenter and joiner
driver mechanic, driver class
2 X driver operator, driver class
electrician, maintenance
3 X engine fitter, IC and pumps
2 X engine hand
2 X painter and decorator
19 X general dutyman
plumbers and pipe fitters
sheet metal worker
Total 26
Drivers IC for duty as
batman driver
transport NCO
10 X Driver of vehicle
Total 9
All transport was at troop headquarters
Motorcycle 1
Motorcycle 2
transport corporal
Motorcycle 3
Car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep)
Subaltern, batman driver
Light Reconnaissance Car
driver IC
For the use of the Subaltern for reconnaissance and liaison
Truck 15cwt GS 1
driver IC
Truck 15cwt GS 2
driver IC
15cwt machinery compressor
driver IC
15cwt personnel 4 X 4 1
lance corporal driver operator, driver operator
Carries Wireless set No19
15cwt personnel 4 X 4 2
driver IC
15cwt personnel 4 X 4 3
driver IC
15cwt personnel 4 X 4 4
driver IC
3ton 4 X 4 GS 1
driver IC
3ton 4 X 4 GS 2
driver IC
3ton 4 X 4 GS 3
driver IC
3ton 4 X 4 winch
driver mechanic
The above transport also carried
1 X clerk
2 X cook
4 X other unidentified personnel
800 primers
224 slabs of TNT in 4.5" slabs or gun cotton in 6" slabs.
400lb of explosive 808 (plastic explosive) in 1.37" X 3.5" rolls
300lb of ammonal in 25 lb blocks (9" cubes)
24 X 10lb Beehive cutting charges
1 X camouflet set for making holes for charges
Detonators and fuse.
4 X mine detector
There were four sections each of 12 men.
Each section had a corporal or lance serjeant as leader.
It is not recorded which craftsmen were in which section. This was probably arranged at company or platoon level.
Each section had
Bren gun
Sten gun
10 X rifle.