Leadjunky | 02 Nov 2013 1:56 p.m. PST |
Anyone make large Brunswickers that will match up well to Front Rank figures? |
Porkmann | 02 Nov 2013 2:29 p.m. PST |
Tin Soldier have some but they are a bit cartoony. With a decent paint job they can look good though. link |
spontoon | 02 Nov 2013 4:15 p.m. PST |
Cartoony is right! Doesn't Capitan make some? |
spontoon | 02 Nov 2013 4:17 p.m. PST |
Capitan only makes the Peninsular War jager companies. |
pbishop12 | 03 Nov 2013 7:29 a.m. PST |
Connoisseur make very nice Brunswickers, but I'd place them in separate battalions. |
AuvergneWargamer | 03 Nov 2013 12:04 p.m. PST |
Hi, Elite Miniatures make large Brunswickers and they look fine sharing a table with Front Rank and Calpe! Cheers, Paul |
spontoon | 03 Nov 2013 3:46 p.m. PST |
Will the Elite figs mix in the same unit? I think Elite are somewhat taller than Front Rank. Capitan are as chunky as Front Rank, not sure how tall. |
Leadjunky | 03 Nov 2013 4:47 p.m. PST |
Yes. Can't have the Brunswickers dwarfing the Old Guard now can we? Thanks. |
Durando | 21 Apr 2014 7:49 a.m. PST |
I am seeking Brunswickers in the long coat is there any manufactuer planning any? |
deadhead  | 21 Apr 2014 11:11 a.m. PST |
The Tin Soldier figures of Brunswickers did make me laugh out loud. How can anyone produce something like that, these days. Clearly the detail casting is great, but the anatomy? I joke about Hobbit figures
these are like that lad from Game o' Thr
.something Lanister with achondroplasia? Never did get any Perry Brunswickers, but my impression is that they might be like their DBs and a bit on the puny side. Put the DB HA next to the French Guard HA and see scale creep. Nothing wrong with that. Perrys are getting better with each new release (if some daft selections lately) but will they ever upgrade the old stuff? With exception of Calpe and Westfalia (far more limited ranges of course), no on else comes near. Shipka, you want them in the Litewka? With braid on the chest
.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, that might be difficult, without much conversion. |
Tyler326 | 22 Apr 2014 4:09 a.m. PST |
I second Elite. Nice figures . I have them and Front Rank on the same table and they look fine. |
deadhead  | 22 Apr 2014 1:55 p.m. PST |
Elite I have never considered but I must admit this reference to the website made me wonder. Are these not the folk who are permanently gazing up wide eyed either looking for divine help or in admiration at the wargamer who is to lead them to their doom? Seriously, why are they all gazing skyward? They could be great castings, but for that. What I see on the site for Prussian artillery suggests better than that. Shows you one thing. Pictures on the website are everything, if you seek commercial success. |
smokie gunner | 17 May 2014 2:59 p.m. PST |
The Captain miniatures are very nice for the Braunschweig-Oels Jägers (Scharfschützen). Does anyone have any feedback on the Redoubt Brunswickers, though? They seem fine but the detail may be a little "bumpy". Elite doesn't seem to have any pics of their Leib Battalion figures on line. The Perry miniatures are exquisite, of course, but how do all the lines stack up for scale? The Perry figures lack animation if you are using the Leib Battalion figures for the Peninsula as the Brunswickers at that point were all Light Infantry, Scharfschützen and musket armed Jägers. What's a guy to do??? |
spontoon | 19 May 2014 5:46 a.m. PST |
The question still remains; Does anybody manufacture 1809 uniformed Brunswickers in the litweka coat? |
Baron von Wreckedoften II | 01 Sep 2024 11:24 a.m. PST |
Yes, Perry do them marching and firing line, plus a command pack. |
deadhead  | 02 Sep 2024 10:55 a.m. PST |
It took ten years, but he got his answer in the end |
Baron von Wreckedoften II | 29 Sep 2024 8:32 a.m. PST |
Baron von Wreckedoften II | 19 Nov 2024 3:02 a.m. PST |
Also, bear in mind that the Brunswickers were the first Napoleonics that Alan Perry made after leaving Foundry and are therefore closer in size to his Foundry efforts than to his current sculpts, which are therefore a better match with Front Rank and the other "heroic" 28mm ranges. Still lovely figures, though – make up all my Brunswick Sharp Practice forces for 1809, 1810-14 and 1815. (To be honest, I do use mainly Front Rank for my Black Powder and Valour & Fortitude army due to the different basing requirements, which means my SP2 forces cannot duplicate.) |