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"Troop Ratings in 'Tomb for an Empire'" Topic

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1,090 hits since 1 Oct 2013
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Whirlwind01 Oct 2013 11:13 a.m. PST

I'm using the boardgame link as the basis for a Peninsular Campaign. It uses the following troop ratings (expressed as (morale)+tactical factor, higher is better in both cases.

French, Italian, Dutch, Swiss, British, Portuguese and Spanish Veteran Infantry, plus Joseph's Guard Infantry and Luisitanian Legion Infantry (6)+2 [Brits +3 on the defensive]

French, British and Spanish Line Infantry, plus Confederation of the Rhine Infantry (5)+1

French, British, Portuguese and Spanish Recruit Infantry, plus Neapolitan and Sicilian Infantry and Spanish Cavalry (4)+0

French, Italian, Dutch and Polish Cavalry (7)+2

British Cavalry (7)+1, Portuguese Cavalry (6)+1, early Portuguese Infantry (3)+0, Portuguese Militia and early cavalry (3)-1

French Gd Infantry (9)+5, French YG Infantry (8)+3, French Gd Lt Cav (9)+3, French Gd HC (9)+4, Josefine Infantry (4)+1, Josefine Cavalry (6)+0, Vistula Legion Infantry (8)+3

A few questions:

1. What do you think of these ratings in general?

2. In respect of 1808 in particular, the following ratings seem at least arguable:

The Spanish Regular Army, Wellington's Army and Junot's Corps are alol classed as 'Veteran' – the same as the French reinforcements from Germany which arrive in the last three months of the year. I downgraded the spanish, Junot's troops and half of Wellington's to 'Line' status – what do you think?

3. Similarly, Dupont's and Moncey's Legions of the Reserve and Provisional Regiments are rated as 'Raw', as are the new Spanish levies. Is it fair to bracket these two together?

4. I have downgraded some of the starting French cavalry, as the ratings seem a bit generous for those provisional regiments – does that seem reasonable?

5. Is there any basis for thinking that Italian and Dutch infantry was more solid than German infantry?

6. It seems generous to rate the French Guards that highly, in particular the Young Guard formations.

As it happens, I have simplified a lot of the differences to conform to my preferred ruleset (Polemos Napoleonics link ) where some of the finer differences have disappeared.

Anyway, any thoughts appreciated.


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