Chain of Command Battle Report Part 3
With the US Para 1st Squad Rifle Team taking cover behind the Sherman moving slowly towards their objective.
To their right the Medium Mortar FO has already made contact with their battery and are waiting for any sign of the enemy.
1st Squad MG have just sprinted through the orchard to catch up with its NCO and the rest of its squad.
It's German's phase and they roll 2D5's so they gain 2 more Command Dice.
Again no troop deployment
US roll 4 D6's meaning its the end of this Turn.
The US will have the 1st phase of the next turn.
A Random Event will be rolled
and this is where I stray from the official rules a little
I use my own Random Deck
The Random Event does not suit the US who now instantly concede initative to the Germans.
The Germans roll 2 D6 which means they will have control over the next phase but the D5 also means:
They have their first Command Dice of the game
timing is everything in war and this is the exact type of opportunity the German commander has been waiting for
He springs his ambush
this team is fully armed with submachineguns so they want to close in fast
but they know their enemy is highly trained in the art of close combat so their Junior Leader gives the order to soften them up a little first
the Screaming Eagles regret not having gone tactical
The ambush rules state the team be placed within 12inches of a Jump Off Point which keeping a distance greater than 6 inches from the enemy
so the submachineguns will be fired at half their effectivness
a total of 12 dice (close range would give 4d6 each man)
1 Kill
not what they had hoped but they still have the next phase to come
The D2 will insure the potential of the German ambush can be fully realized
The sum of 2 D6's must be at least the distance of the throw
7 means its just about made it
2 D6 are normally rolled but because of the confided nature of the narrow lane 3 d6 are used, causing
2 hits
the open condition is also used when in a confined space so the potato smasher causes 2 Shock Points
Having spend 1 Command Initiative to order a grenade assault now the German Team Leader uses his second Command Initiative to activate his full team: Fire and move (wasn't sure in this case whether I could move within 4 inches and then fire or whether that would instantly cause a close combat before they could fire)
Since they will move the weapons effectiveness will be halved again so only 6 dice (2 dice at effective range)only 6's are hits so 2 Hits
1 more dead and 1 Shock
Both hits result in 2 Shock
The Germans now move in for close assualt
Germans have 5 men US only 3 left (Leaders are excluded
US 3
Ger 5
Both sides receive 2dice each for their Junior Leaders
US 2
Ger 2
Each level difference in troop quality adds 2 die
US are Elite and Germans are Green
US 4
Ger 0
Subtract -1 on every 2 Points of Shock
US -1
Aggressive Troops recieve 1 dice per 3 Men (I mistakenly included the Leader here
US 2
Ger 0
Every Dice the enemy moved to engage close combat 1 dice
US 1
Ger 0
each Submachinegun adds 2d6
US 4
Ger 12
Defenders in light cover 1 d6 for every 3 dice they have already
the US have 15 so that's
US 5
Ger 0
The Screaming Eagle's superior training and defensive position gives them total of 20
The Germans superior numbers in men and machineguns have given them 19 dice
a real chance
US only score 2x6's and 2x5's meaning 4 dead and 2 Shock (6's also count as 1 Shock)
Germans roll twice as many with a total of 8
that means the first German victory
but at a high cost
the Germans have lost their leader and only 2 of their squad survives
Now that the Sherman has been isolated the German Commander deploys his Panzerschreck team
On the D3 a German Stub IV moves into cover on the hill (deployed at the German table edge on the road the Stug is regular so can deploy 6 inches)
The crew scan the valley below
this means serious trouble for the Sherman
(I believe I could have used the Junior Leader in the Stug to acivate the it to fire but alas I didn't know this at the time
US have the next turn
3 D5 mean they're closer to having another Command Dice but the Sherman could have used an opportunity to activate this phase
The first D1 is used to activate the Mortar FO
he has already contacted the battery and has requested an immediate barriage rather than a ranging shot
now on this second activation the point marker is placed and and accuracy is rolled for
2 d6's are rolled and acheive a 5 and checking Table 9 means the Mortar barriage deviates 3d6's randomly
12 is rolled and the direction will be North along the road
the US are lucky
without theranging shot it could have landed right on them
A 18inch square is made with the aiming point at its center..I've used some smoke markers to illustrate the barriage effect area
The Panzerschreck Team is caught in the open in the center of the barriage
the Medium Mortars roll 4 hit dice resulting in 2 hits which in turn lead to both of the team being killed
The Stug is also hit but on a roll of 3 on table 10 means there is no effect
The next D1 activates the MG Team
not wanting to be caught like their rifle team earlier they chose to move tactically
but they only roll a 1 and with having 1 point os Shock this means they won't move this phase
German phase again
and because the Stug is rated Regular and the infantry are Green I've added an black dice that can only be used by the Stug (I've no idea how the rules treat a situation like this..)
Despite the extra die there is no German activity this phase
perhaps the Stug crew haven't seen the Sherman yet..
Another D1 allows the US MG to move
But just a roll of 2 means they only move 1 (Shock of 1)
They still haven't made the hedge yet
The D3 activates the Sherman who hopes to knock the Stug out before his 75mm locks on to his location
The Stug IV is in cover (needs 7 or more) and is considered low profile (-1) but the Sherman has spent all CI's on the shot(+1) so it requires a 7 or more with two d6's
but scores only 4
The shell hammers into the bushes close by..this certainly alerts the crew to the danger below
Another terrible German Command Dice roll means no activation for the Stug
and no deployments yet
An American Command roll of D1, 2xD3, D4, 2xD5's and deploys the 2nd Squad (D3) and the Platoon Commander (D4)
The D1 eventually moves the MG to the hedge, although they only moved cautiously they must set up their MG before firing
next US phase then
German Phase and the Stug finally gets the D3 its been waiting for
The Stug's high vantage point gives him a much better shooting position and it's 75mm boosts a higher velocity 75mm than the Sherman's
it only needs a score of 4 or more to hit
and with a score of 9 its a direct hit
the Sherman rolls 6 armour die scoring successful armor defence points on 5 or 6's
scores only 2
the Stug IV's 75mm will roll 9 d6's scoring on 5 and 6's (because its a frontal attack)
Quite amazingly the Stugs shot only scores once
the Sherman crew can consider themselves very lucky
D4 activates the Platoon Commander who leads his men on the double (receiving 1 Shock Point)
D1 activate the MG who will roll 8d6's on the Germans who are still in the open
(I should have deducted 1d6 due to the 1 Shock it gained earlier for going on the double
Green troops are hit on 3-6 @ close range =7 hits
3 dead means the German Team are wiped out
German Morale is dangerously low
Another US Command roll gets 2D3, 2D5 and 2D6's means another US activation after this
D3 activates the Sherman again
another shot
7 is scored that means a first hit on the Stug
The Sherman's 7 dice rolls 2 hits while the Stugs frontal armor of 7 rolls 2 saves
the equal table dice rolls a 3
the Stug must fire with his next opportunity
Another US phase (2xd6's)
The D3 allows another Sherman shot
Sherman's shot hits with a 9 and scores 2 hits
Stug's armor saves twice
that means a draw
A roll on the equal hits table scores a 5: 1 Shock and Reverse 1 d6 immediately
This takes the Stug off the table and out of the game
the shaken German crew obviously couldn't take it any longer
the Sherman's luck has continued
The German Morale is now almost at complete breaking point