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Underfire Wargaming21 Sep 2013 9:26 p.m. PST

I am very pleased and excited to announce my first two body pose 3D master prints long with the 3 different Head options that will be put into production along with the addition of two other poses ( and most likely a 5th pose to create a pack of 5 individual poses, however this may be held to 4 poses based on what feed back I get from the community at large ;)?). The sculpting work is done by no one other than Andrea Tarabella himself and his wife. The printing has been done by Moddler, and I very much look forward to printing this pack in both 30mm scale ( they measure exactly 38mm from feet to head when standing fully upright) as well as a 15mm based scaled version being at 22mm tall.

Without further wait here are the images themselves :)!


















I am currently working on setting up the website, I will push to get this range out and running as soon as I gain a new job due to being laid off my last current job as well as having to rethink my future career path, However fear not!, I do still plan on bringing this range to life along with my planned Sci fi Gnoll range as well!.

BigNickR21 Sep 2013 9:31 p.m. PST

Very nice… perfect for 28mm Traveler!

Mako1121 Sep 2013 11:09 p.m. PST

Wow, those look really great!

Well done, and the separate head options are nice, so they won't all look like clones of one another.

Yes, certainly a good Traveller vibe to them.

I hope at least one pose will be of a figure firing a rifle from the shoulder.

Underfire Wargaming21 Sep 2013 11:54 p.m. PST

Thanks for all the responses so far guys!. Yes Mako I have one kneeling pose firing with the rifle already done and I will have another shooting whyll standing up pose done as well :)!.

Aksakal22 Sep 2013 2:19 a.m. PST

really nice. good to see more show and tells.

Dogged22 Sep 2013 4:52 a.m. PST

darn I like them, very nice minis!

SBminisguy22 Sep 2013 7:16 a.m. PST

Looks good to me!!

TwinMirror22 Sep 2013 8:57 a.m. PST

Wow, those are fantastic. I love the seperate heads too, and it would be great if you could also offer those seperate for us to use for conversions.

And if you made a few civilian poses (or in fatigues, to doulbe a scouts, etc) that would be fantastic for all us roleplayers – I feel a game of Traveller coming on!

Anyway, great figures and looking forward to seeing your website up and running.

crazy cat22 Sep 2013 9:42 a.m. PST

Could you show a side by side of one or two of these alongside some other 28mm SF minis? I'm interested to see how they size up.


Lion in the Stars22 Sep 2013 9:54 a.m. PST

Seems kinda odd with those huge heavy weapons and the small individual rifles, but those are quite cool!

I *might* be persuaded to acquire one or two for Infinity. You say that there are no space-wolves in Infinity? Have you seen what comes out of the Praxis biotech labs?!?

Mako1122 Sep 2013 4:10 p.m. PST

You'd get even more use out of them, if you'd have someone sculpt since nice, sleek looking lizard heads for them, as well.

Of course, some other alien looking heads would be well received, I imagine too, but I'm especially interested in Velociraptor, and/or "V" type lizard heads.

Grimrod22 Sep 2013 6:41 p.m. PST

I'll take 2…Be awesome for A.E Bounty

Underfire Wargaming22 Sep 2013 6:49 p.m. PST

I am very glad you guys like them so far :)!.

Twin Mirror- Do u think their would be enough demand for also selling the separate heads on their own? they could work for conversions though they may need a little work depending on what miniature range you are using. If the range sells well enough I could expand them into all sorts of ranges, since its digitally sculpted ;).

crazy cat- I will tomorrow get a picture up of a scale to scale image with a blacked out GW figure to give everyone a good idea of scale, for the mean time they are 38mm exact from feet to head when standing up fully.

Lion in the stars- I did personally want the rifles a little more larger, however in fluff it makes sense, as these guys are using quite advanced tech, and hence it makes sense that rifles would be much more compact due to advances made to need less rifling barrel length and still have a greater range of fire than would be modern weapons. I would be happy to see you use them in infinity or any other game you play, I plan to sell them as 5 individually posed miniatures in packs of 5 or 10 depending on what I finally decide for miniature amount ;)!.

Mako11- hmm, that is an interesting idea, I will have to consider that very much, if I could get a few more people asking that from me I will defiantly deliver what the market demands ;).

thank all of you for all the great responses so far!, I hope to have things running here as soon as possible!

with best regards- Shawn.

IronWindStudioDev22 Sep 2013 7:40 p.m. PST

They look great sir, like said above reminds me of Traveller.

When are they going to be available?

If you don't mind me asking, what kind of printer did you use for the 3D print?

arngrimson23 Sep 2013 7:47 a.m. PST

I'll just have to wait for the 15mm range.

Separate heads of any sort will sell just look at the other companies selling separate heads in both 28/32mm & 15mm.

TwinMirror23 Sep 2013 10:05 a.m. PST

Hi again Shawn,
yep, as arngrimson says, there's always high demand for seperate heads and conversion parts. For me, converting figures is one of the most fun parts of miniatures gaming.

Mako11 is totally right – lizard heads (and complete lizard-headed figures) would be fantastic, and would also be really popular.
Personally, I would buy both the wolfhead guys you've made so far, plus lizardheaded troopers (and seperate heads of both for conversions).
By the way, I like the compact, sleek rifles – as you say, they imply higher tech gear, and that's the look I generally go for in sci fi anyway – I'm no fan of the GW look, where every figure's sword or gun is the size (and shape) of a sofa.
To sum up – a range of different heads will please more gamers and get you more happy customers!

tnjrp24 Sep 2013 2:06 a.m. PST

Rather nice if a bit on the large side. Am not too keen on humanoid (quasi)aliens in general but I've a soft spot for dogboyz so I'm definitely interested in getting a few.

atom1224 Sep 2013 3:47 p.m. PST

I like them have been looking for more wolf type sci fi figs.

I say do 5 poses then with a few head and weapon variants and have enough to do a squad with out repeating.

So when will they be available.


Lardie the Great24 Sep 2013 4:05 p.m. PST

Yep, like them, another suggestion, cat heads…as in heads not trophy skulls, but that's yet another idea to add flavour to the creature fluff. A must buy, any target release date in mind?

Underfire Wargaming24 Sep 2013 8:23 p.m. PST

I am currently waiting for a few things to come together, and once that is done I will be able to get the other 3 poses printed ( arngrimson – That does include the 15mm scale versions which will be exactly 22mm tall if standing, from feet to the top of their heads) casted and I should have the site up and running by the end of this week!.

I guess I will have to look into as well the conversion side of the Industry due to all the comments I have been getting for them ;)!

TwinMirror – Thanks for the comment!, I agree with the rifles, it just makes more sense to me that with the advances in the current prototypes of rail guns that eventually rifles would very much be developed in a similar way which would also allow them to become much more compact and slim, these rifles compared to the average human scaled miniature are going to be around the same size.

These guys however being much more higher tech, can have their rifles much more compact and still offer superior range and fire power compared to what most races will have in the setting ;).

They will be sold in a pack of either 10 or 5 , with separate heads, the bodies will be 5 different poses with weapons attached to them, this will help cut casting costs and should hopefully allow them to be casted in metal, though it may still be resin it depends on what my caster feels will be the best for them, I don't want to sacrifice any of the current detail on these miniatures so we will see what comes ;).

I have no target release date in mind at the current point sadly, I want to get this up and running as soon as possible, however I am having to hold advancing this project until I can get a few other things sorted out, I do promise this one thing however. I will get this range up and running as soon as possible. When I do have a solid confirmed date set, I will inform all of you :)!, that said I would say 2 months max I should have the shop set up and selling the start of my miniatures line ;)!.

with best regards – Shawn.

BlackWidowPilot Fezian24 Sep 2013 10:10 p.m. PST

Nice dawgies!evil grin

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

crazy cat25 Sep 2013 10:33 a.m. PST

'They will be sold in a pack of either 10 or 5 , with separate heads, the bodies will be 5 different poses with weapons attached to them, this will help cut casting costs and should hopefully allow them to be casted in metal, though it may still be resin it depends on what my caster feels will be the best for them,'
Any chance of seperate arms/weapons or empty hands arms? Being able to potentially customise some from the bits box would be fantastic.

Underfire Wargaming25 Sep 2013 10:40 a.m. PST

BlackWidowPilot – Thanks for the comment :), your defiantly highly regarded here and I quite excited to get this range and the 15mm version up and selling :)!.

crazy cat- I have found that any miniatures done with the separate weapons to hands, though I understand its done for conversion sake, does take away a lot from the realism of the hands holding the weapon. At times it can look really off, but mainly I want too keep the weapons together with the miniature base to reduce cost so I can sell these guys at a great price for all of you ;)!.

However if their is enough demand for the separate weapons on their own I could see about getting separate prints done of them ;). Though their handles will be bigger than normal weapons since they were adjusted for the size of these guys hands, which are a real hybrid of human and wolf in shape :P.

SBminisguy25 Sep 2013 1:12 p.m. PST

yep, as arngrimson says, there's always high demand for seperate heads and conversion parts. For me, converting figures is one of the most fun parts of miniatures gaming.

Mako11 is totally right – lizard heads (and complete lizard-headed figures) would be fantastic, and would also be really popular.

Don't forget cat-man heads and tails! That would let you also do, essentially, the Aslan/Kzin/Kzinti, etc., cat-man races, easier than lizard guys since the hind legs of the Dog-men and Cat-men are already similar.

And melee weapons -- maybe some scifi swords, and so on, might look cool as well. Not oversized W40K, but sleek and menacing like the figures and their guns. More like Sulu's sword from the more recent Star Trek movies, the Operative's sword from the movie Serenity, etc.

Underfire Wargaming26 Sep 2013 2:46 p.m. PST

SBminisguy and everyone suggesting the lizard and cat heads / miniatures – I clearly see their is some demand for these style of miniatures, I am starting this range however with a true theme and background setting in mind. As I want the ranges I release to be currently based on a certain setting I have been working on over the past half year. So for the start of my company I will be producing ranges that more relate too the setting as well.

I aim for a fair amount of realism into my range when it comes to weapons, yes I feel that blades and such if they are in the game should be realistic , sleek modern looking blades, but as we usually see in warfare that they do not get used very often, and hence the individuals with the blades should be carrying some form of range weapon as well even if its a sub gun or shot gun, something to aid them in further ranged combat. However this universe will also have such things like magic and things like jet backs, jump packs and skirmishing jump boosters. So their is still defiantly a real possibility for close combat focused forces to have a place on that type of battlefield.

Anyhow I am getting off of what I really want to say, If all goes well and I am selling well, I will start out with a few of my own inspired ranges, but once that is done. I plan to start up something that I think all of you who have ever had an idea for your own faction or race or even common human soldier design will like. I will put up a competition in which you can submit your designs and ideas ( I will not take in anything that comes close or too close to another companies , movie or other universes creation, I don't want to receive a phone call from them after all ;)) that then can be put up to a vote by several forums and the community at whole. Which ever top number amount make the vote I will then take and do another vote with them, and then produce the winner of that vote ;)!.

I will own all copyright of the miniatures, but I will send a free pack too who ever came up with the concept ;)!.

So let me know what you guys think of that and if all goes well I will get that system set up ;)!.

with best regards – Shawn.

TwinMirror30 Sep 2013 3:38 a.m. PST

Hi Shawn, this all sounds fantastic and totally the right direction to go in. I actually have some designs (front and back, left/rigth side) of several alien races already done, so I'm looking forward to submitting them.

I also agree with SBminisguy – sci fi felines would be superb and a simple conversion from the wolf guys. I understand you've got your own game universe in mind and that's great, but some extra head options would please everybody!

I love your idea of a mixed sci fi setting, with posibilities for magic, psionics, etc – that's pretty much how I game. So some telepaths, a few alien civilian figures, and so forth would be excellent and allow everyone to vary their wargaming forces and expand their roleplaying range.
Checking leadadventure's twin subject thread, I see lots of the guys there makes similar comments to here on TMP.

So you'll have lots of support for this range!


TwinMirror30 Sep 2013 3:50 a.m. PST

by the way, SBminisguy – what is that cool cat warrior figure?

Underfire Wargaming30 Sep 2013 7:24 p.m. PST

TwinMirro -I will defiantly once I get things running look at getting some feline and lizard head conversions, you wouldn't even believe how many comments I am getting from people for them ;).

I look forward to seeing what designs you have for alien races ( can also be human factions ;))!, it will all be up and running in a good planned order of time ;).

Yep, exactly it will be a fairly interesting setting that has a lot of depth and story too it, but at the same time the world is left open enough that players can create their own forces to a balance of freedom and staying in the universe ;). I am currently looking at eventually making 2 free game systems, they wont be the most high quality rules, but however they will be well written and a good enough quality that I am sure no one will mind ;).

One for sure, will be multi based large scale wargaming, focused on 6mm and 2mm terrain. Each based unit will represent at smallest 2 sections ( looking at 6mm terrain) to a full platoon. so much more larger scale combat.

The 2nd one I am considering as well would be for most of you guys ( though the larger scale wargame the larger forces base sizes would be large enough for 28mm figures ;), would be aimed much more of an RPG like game system, but this one is still far off from being worked on, I first plan to get a line running and then start up the large scale game system.

As that is where my best knowledge in game creation lies, in simulating larger scale combats, it also helps out tons with the setting for representing accurate force numbers, as humans in my setting will tend to be dependant on numbers and tech, which would be quite hard to do on an individual based game ;).

So defiantly I will see what I can do, but firstly I will produce these guys in two scales and then see how they sell and which scale sells more and that should help me decide what to exactly do next, I defiantly still want to release the Gnolls as well before starting anything else, but if all goes well I will defiantly be looking at adding some cats and lizards ;)!.

TwinMirror02 Oct 2013 12:12 p.m. PST

Sounds great Shawn, looking forward to it!

Underfire Wargaming02 Oct 2013 11:34 p.m. PST

As am I TwinMirror ;)!

TwinMirror03 Oct 2013 2:56 a.m. PST

Hello again Shawn,
I was wondering about 3D printing and whether you're going to 3D print all figures, or just print the masters and then employ some other method for casting the figures themselves – I've heard some companies now being with a 3D printed master, then cast in lead or plastic injection.

I was wondering, firstly because obviously production process impacts upon the style and possibilities for figure posing. Do the 3D printed figures allow for greater 'figure depth' and dynamism in the pose?

If that's the case, I could do some new designs for the competition that allow for more depth and movement.

Secondly, how do the 3D printed plastics you use work with traditional modelling materials, such as greenstuff and other epoxies, and superglue? Do they bond well to common miniatures plastics, and can they be cut cleanly with a craft knife?
Sorry for all the questions, but I love converting miniatures and it's kind of important to know how to work with new materials!


Underfire Wargaming03 Oct 2013 3:16 p.m. PST

Twin Mirror, I have been looking for someone who could possible do some conversions for me from the masters. If you could contact me at I would be interested in learning about your converting experience ;)!.

Overall I would not recommend using 3D printed masters themselves for conversion work, as they are a printed material their may be some issues when cutting them ( I have not yet tried this myself I may say), however you could easy sculpt additions onto them without much problem.

For casting, I have heard of plastic mold injection machines that can take the 3D master and make a mold right their and then. However it still requires putting the digital print onto a spure and ensuring it will cast properly. Also some detail could be lossed during this method. The best method still is to print the master and then get it casted.

The single biggest advantage to digital sculpted miniatures is the ability to fix anything you don't like with the sculpt before it is finished!, with also being able to print another master should anything happen to the first master that is shipped out to you.

The other major advantages is cost reduction when producing a pack of miniatures in different poses and such.

Lines were each miniature is very different from the other one, green sculpting seems to be the better option for that area, and for lines that have each faction having many of the same looking type of miniatures then Digital sculpting is now the better means I feel going that direction.

However many still like having stuff green sculpted, though arguments of " I like the artists touch" isn't really logical since digital sculptors are no different than green sculptors, they just use a different medium to sculpt with ;).

I hope that helps you out some Jamie :)!

with best regards – Shawn.

Underfire Wargaming03 Oct 2013 3:18 p.m. PST

I also would like to post a few images of the current concept art for the Gnoll faction ( name still in the works) , I look forward to hearing your thoughts on them :)!.





TwinMirror04 Oct 2013 5:47 a.m. PST

Hi Shawn,
thanks for answering all my questions so thoroughly!
I would love to do some conversions – I'm no expert, but I can email you some photos and if you like my stuff it would be an honour to make some conversions.
My second child was born this week (a healthy boy), so I'll be a bit busy for the next few weeks (!) but hopefully I can find time to send some photos of my sculpts.

Those sci-fi gnolls look superb – tons of character and the costumes are a nice mix of hard SF and the aliens' distinctive culture.

A couple of suggestions for their species name: Crocuta (latin name for the spotted hyena) or Crocotta – both names were used for a mythical monster based on legends of hyenas, supposedly able to mimic human speech.



Underfire Wargaming04 Oct 2013 2:17 p.m. PST

Congrats on the 2nd child TwinMirror – I do hope to see some images of your reposing work here soon!, i will be a little whyll yet before i start the Gnoll faction sculpts as I am currently working on getting the website up and running and the first faction fully printed / casted and ready to sell!.

look forward to hearing back from you when you have the time to reply, once again just email me when your ready and well take it from their!.

with best regards – Shawn.

TwinMirror07 Oct 2013 1:24 p.m. PST

Cheers Shawn!
I'm starting some new conversion projects soon (when I get the time between daytime work and baby) so I'll email some stuff when I get the chance!

Underfire Wargaming07 Oct 2013 2:48 p.m. PST

sounds good hope to hear from you soon :)!, am currently looking at starting these new guys here within a few weeks so if we could get in contact before then that would be great!

crazy cat03 Nov 2013 1:20 p.m. PST

Any news on these – keen to hear how things are going.

crazy cat16 Nov 2013 3:10 a.m. PST

Was there any update?

Underfire Wargaming16 Nov 2013 1:50 p.m. PST

Ah sorry for the lack of updates guys!, we have our website up and running to start off with

Also I have just the other day paid for the last 3 prints for the pack of 5 guys. I was going to wait till I received them before announcing them. When I get them I will post a few images including a scale comparison with a few other companies miniature lines.

Sorry for the wait Crazy Cat, just noticed your post!.

I hope to show the final 3 poses here soon!.

with best regards – Shawn.

SBminisguy06 Jan 2014 11:55 a.m. PST

Looking forward to hearing more on this!

crazy cat18 Jan 2014 9:01 a.m. PST

Any news on these?

Underfire Wargaming19 Jan 2014 3:26 p.m. PST

I am again sorry everyone for the continued wait, I am myself very annoyed with being delayed on releasing these guys. I have had some delays with a caster and am switching too a new caster, however the master I sent for the cast was shipped but something in the shipping address to me was wrong and it was sent back. I should be receiving the master back sometime by the end of this week or early next week as it was reshipped on Saturday.

Again I apologize for the delays I truly had hoped to be running and selling these guys far by now :/!. However I will get them out as soon as possible and will let everyone know about it as soon as I get the casting started ;)!.

In the mean time I have been learning digital art as I plan to work on my own concept art for my miniatures which will be a great helper in showing what I plan to produce to better hear the communities inputs and thoughts ;).

with best regards – Shawn.

richkurtin26 Jan 2014 8:40 a.m. PST

Please let us know when things are up and running.
Quite interested in seeing these come to market.

crazy cat16 Mar 2014 10:59 a.m. PST

Do you have any news on progress on these?

Underfire Wargaming18 Mar 2014 10:13 p.m. PST

I am working hard guys on getting the casts going I should receive here soon the first sample casts, I will get them assembled and painted up.

They should in another few weeks be able too get ample amounts of production casts going so I can finally release these guys, again I am very sorry everyone for the long wait :/. If I knew it would take this long I truly would have held off telling anyone till I was near able too start selling them right off the start!.

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