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badger2214 Sep 2013 1:59 p.m. PST

Rules, dead easy, what ever your favorite ACW set is. American soldiers, again very easy, just use your union troops. If there are a few uniform changes between then and the start of the ACW few will know and fewer will care.

But what about the Brits? I have no idea what to use for them. Crimean? Indian Mutiny? And how about a picture or two of them. I think I will really fianly do this, just need a little help.
I realize it didnt go hot. But my question still stands, who makes British figures in 28mm that work for a tabletop battle? Or, at least a close proxy. Pretty sure anybody willing to play the game at all is going to be willing to let a few uniform variations slide. it is not like there is a pig war range out there somewhere
Looking at Old Glory, it looks like their Maori war range is close in terms of time. Sihk wars and Indian mutiny are also close but maybe not close enough. Anybody know for sure, or am I just going to take a stab at it?


Sysiphus14 Sep 2013 2:15 p.m. PST

Look at the RAFM listing for the Riel Rebellion. Represent uniforms about same time as ACW.

coryfromMissoula14 Sep 2013 2:59 p.m. PST

Badger, the park service website has a picture of the British marines, just do a search.

Charles Marlow14 Sep 2013 3:32 p.m. PST

The uniforms of the Canadian Militia and British regulars depicted in RAFM's Reil Rebellion miniatures line are designed to portray the uniforms of The North-West Rebellion of 1885, so, the uniforms are different than those of 1859. Nevertheless, they're not so far off as to be unacceptable substitutes, IMO, besides, they're handsome figures but I'm biased as I own a whole bunch of them and really like them just remember that if you decide to use RAFM that they're 25mm. Oh, and I don't know of any company that specifically produces Pig war figs? What an interesting project, badger22! Very inspiring. Thank you for posting.

Sysiphus14 Sep 2013 6:12 p.m. PST

Would Empress Miniatures have heads available with the garrison cap, and uniforms closer to 1885? They old also be 28mm.

Mapleleaf14 Sep 2013 6:27 p.m. PST

Try Fenian Wars which was from 1866-1870ish Do a Yahoo image search for Canada Militia 1867 and you will get lots of pictures like these




For British Regulars the Ft Henry Guardportray an 1867 period line


dualer15 Sep 2013 1:04 a.m. PST

E.C.Coleman wrote a book about the Pig War "The Most Perfect War in History". It includes b/w photos of the Royal Marines on parade. It's an incident which took my wargaming fancy. Redoubt Enterprises do a Boxer Rebellion range which includes a Royal Marine range. Not sure how much the uniform changed from on period to the other.

The Gray Ghost15 Sep 2013 6:29 a.m. PST

there isn't anything in the various Boxer Rebellion ranges that could be used for this war.

spontoon15 Sep 2013 9:10 a.m. PST

A sadly neglected decade or so in figures. they would be useful for British intervention in the ACW, or a host of colonial events.

badger2215 Sep 2013 10:20 p.m. PST

I managed to find a book that shows Both american and British forces that where there on the island. Americans can be done with Iron brigade ACW figures. The Royal Marines are a bit more challenging. They ahd what was called a pillbox hat. But, I have seen at least two different peices of headgear that are called that. At least now I know what I am looking for. Just a matter of looking in enough places to find thm I suppose.

I can find things that are sort of close, Just not quite right.

Many thanks for the replys.


spahi rouge16 Sep 2013 6:14 a.m. PST

Both Foundry and Great War list British infantry in "forage cap". Is this like the pillbox hat?

badger2216 Sep 2013 2:29 p.m. PST

No, the pill box is a brimed very small almost kepi like thing. But, I am begining to think that forage caps is going to be the best I can do. Several people make them, so not hard to find.

And I am no longer sure the pill box is correct. I have seen a couple of photos of the commanding officer wearing one while there, but have since found out that he did not arive until the mid 1860's so it may well have been issued after the Pig War.

That is always the problem with doing obscure projects, they are obscure. Just because I want proper figures for the period, does not mean they are available.

Just have to do the best I can. I have like 7 months to get it togather, should ber enough.


ComradeCommissar17 Sep 2013 6:51 a.m. PST

I have like 7 months to get it togather, should ber enough.

Maybe for Enfilade, by any chance?

badger2218 Sep 2013 5:19 p.m. PST

Yes as a matter of fact, it will be done for Enfilade. The Terrain is already done, half the US forces are in hand, and I just need to get the money to buy the brits and I am off. Way better than my last two years finish painting on thursday night.


The Gray Ghost20 Sep 2013 2:41 p.m. PST

Dixon Miniatures have some Union infantry in pre Civil War uniform, frock coat and shako,in their range.

badger2228 Sep 2013 12:32 p.m. PST

How do Dixon size up compared to Sash and Saber? I already have about half the number of Union I need with these. I dont mind mixing as long as they look OK next to each other. It is not the figures size that sometimes bothers me, but when one guys musket is larger than the next.


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