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"15mm Topgun Grav Armor Back in Stock" Topic

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Mako1122 Aug 2013 2:46 p.m. PST

We've been sold out of these for a bit, but all of our models are now back in stock, and ready for immediate shipment.

We'd be happy to send you a Photo Catalog via e-mail, if you'd like to see all the models we have available for sale. Just send us an e-mail request to:


[obviously, delete the spacing between the two sections of our e-mail address]

We offer one of the most comprehensive Grav Armor ranges in the marketplace, with 26 different models available (two styles of hull finish x 13 different vehicles for sale – smooth hulled, and those with the AADS finish), which include the following:

- Scout/Recon Vehicle
- Light Grav Tank
- Medium Grav Tank
- Heavy Grav Tank – two different models
- Medium Tank Destroyer
- Heavy Tank Destroyer
- Armored Personnel Carrier (APC)
- Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV)
- HQ/Ammo Carrier/Ambulance
- Light Point Defense Sled/Mortar Vehicle
- Heavy Mortar Vehicle
- Urban Assault/Fire Support Vehicle

Vehicles are available individually, or in discounted Platoon and Company Packs.

We are also working on some new models to add to your gaming pleasure, and hope to be able to make those available in the near future.

We think they'd be great for futuristic gaming settings, where ultra-modern Grav Armor rules the day, and night.

They pair very nicely with many 15mm troops in futuristic battle armor, but especially the new UNSC Hardsuits from GZG, for a nice Traveller and Striker Imperial Marine look.

Finally, after more than 30 years of waiting for them, I can field the battle force I've coveted in 15mm.

They'd also go well with the Eureka Minis Ventaurans, Blue Moon Orion Troopers, or various offerings from Rebel, Khurasan, RAFM, etc.

Mako1122 Aug 2013 3:02 p.m. PST

Click here if you want to see more images of our other vehicles:


MrAverage22 Aug 2013 3:47 p.m. PST

Slick! These I like! The paint scheme up top is particularly appealing – I might have to lift that for my Arab League force…


John Bear Ross22 Aug 2013 4:19 p.m. PST

Good to see you offering models again.

Allen5722 Aug 2013 6:06 p.m. PST

Can you tell me the dimensions of a couple models so that I can get some idea of size.



Mako1122 Aug 2013 9:22 p.m. PST

Hi Al,

They compare very favorably in size with most of the major lines of Grav Armor sold today, e.g. by GZG, CMG, etc.

Our larger, Heavy Grav Tanks, and APC/IFV hulls of our range measure 85mm long x 55mm wide, and may be a millimeter or two shorter in overall height to comparable vehicles from other companies, for a sleek look.

Our Light and Medium Grav Tanks, Scout, etc. are based on a 75mm x 43mm hull, so again, are comparable to other ranges.

If you click on the link provided above, you can see how our vehicles compare to the GZG Hi-Tech and Advanced Grav Tanks, side by side, when viewed from above.

When viewed from an angle to the side and above, the differences in widths between the various manufacturers ranges are less pronounced.

Our smaller hull is almost spot on with the GZG models mentioned above, in both length and width.

Our heavy hull is slightly longer than the Hi-Tech Grav Tank, but again very comparable in length with the GZG Advanced Grav Tank model. As you can see, due to their rounded shape, they offer greater flank armor protection than those from other manufacturers, and are slightly lower in side profile.

In order to fly at very fast speeds through the atmosphere (Mach 3 when dropping in from orbit, and just under Mach 1 in level flight), and to protect them from high-G forces during fast maneuvering, the crews and passengers ride in reclined, cushioned couches. This permits the hulls and turrets to be lower in profile than would otherwise normally be the case, also aiding in their survivability against inbound enemy fire.



Allen5723 Aug 2013 6:36 a.m. PST

Thanks for the info Rob. Very nice vehicles.


Yourbitterpill23 Aug 2013 6:55 a.m. PST

What's the price range on these?

Mako1123 Aug 2013 7:34 a.m. PST

Thank you John, and Al.

Our Grav Armor are competitively priced with products from other manufacturers, like GZG, CMG, etc. That is especially true for North American customers, given their light weight, due to their hulls and turrets being made of high-impact resin, and since you don't have to pay international shipping costs.

Our discounted Platoon and Company Packs offer further savings off the individual unit price.

If you prefer to create your own Platoon, or Company Packs, with a different mix of vehicles for your own unique TO&E requirements, we'd be happy to work with you on those, to swap some models out for similarly sized and priced vehicles.

Our Platoon Packs consist of four vehicles per set, and our Company Packs vary in size, from 12 – 16 vehicles, depending upon your needs and budget:

- 12 vehicles for the basic Company Pack, without a HQ, or Support Section;
- 14 vehicles for the Company, plus either a HQ, Support, or Mixed HQ/Support Section (cost for this is mid-way between the two prices shown for the 12 and 16 vehicle units); and
- 16 vehicles for the company, plus both full HQ AND Support Sections (2 vehicles each).

Note, when purchasing the Company Packs, you get a mix of either 3 x four vehicle Platoons, and/or if you prefer, 4 x three vehicle Platoons in the 12 vehicle set, so you can vary your Platoon unit sizes.

If desired, you can then add on more combat units for 15, 16, or 18 vehicle companies, etc., e.g. for platoons of 5, 4, or 6 vehicles, each, respectively.

khurasanminiatures23 Aug 2013 8:15 a.m. PST

Nice set, would like to see drone carriers and VTOL types added, also infantry, to complete the range.

Gavin Syme GBS Sponsoring Member of TMP23 Aug 2013 9:28 a.m. PST

Great to see these back!


MrAverage30 Aug 2013 1:00 p.m. PST

I emailed for a price list but never heard back! These aren't out of stock again already, are they?


Lion in the Stars30 Aug 2013 7:03 p.m. PST

You know, I think I finally figured out what bothers me about the Top Gun gravtanks. It's two things, really:

1) The AADS lids stick up above the hull. I think I would like the design better if the AADS were sunken into the surface. That's tough to fix, but not impossible.

2) No aerodynamic control surfaces, despite serious streamlining. That's much easier to fix than the AADS issue.

Mako1130 Aug 2013 9:16 p.m. PST

Nope, still in stock, and ready to ship, MrAverage.

I've been checking e-mails, and the SPAM filter regularly, so somehow your request hasn't come through.

If you'd like to post your e-mail address here, I'd be happy to send you a copy.

I've sent out many to numerous people this week. You can also download it from either the CTStriker, and/or 15mmSciFi Yahoo Groups, if you prefer. I posted the PDF in the files sections of those sites, as a person requested.

Did you delete the spaces in my e-mail address, between the name (Topgungrav) and the @ symbol, of the portion of the address?

If not, that could be the issue.


I understand what you are saying Lion, but really, I suspect once you get some paint on the minis, they probably won't stick up as much as you fear. They are reasonably flush now, especially when compared to other Grav Armored models. They're about 1/32nd of an inch thick, or less, if I recall correctly.

I think it would be pretty tough to totally fix, if you wanted them to be dead flush with the hull, but I guess if you filed and sharpened up a piece of brass tubing, and then used it to cut into the hull, you could make them totally flush.

Probably much easier just to wetsand them a bit with a small sanding block, a bit thinner, if you can live with close enough.

My rationale for them is the launcher cells have a cap over them, which blows off when the offensive/defensive AADS charges are ready to be fired. Plus, people were clamoring for surface detailing on them, so they could do a bit of washing and drybrushing, to add interest to the vehicles.

You could also just go with our smooth-hulled models, and modify as desired, since we offer both finishes. As you can see, with a decent paintjob, and attention to detail, the ones painted by Richard Meaden look superb. Lots of smooth surfaces to permit you to easily add complex camo schemes, decals, nose art, unit numbers, etc. to those.

I hope to eventually do a bit of custom work on a few AADS finish vehicles, drilling out a few holes to show charges than have been fired (plain, black holes) from them, and/or others with colored, pointed charge tips for various types of ordnance, that are ready to fire at the enemy.

As for number 2, the vehicles are controlled by a hidden grav repulsor plate (not shown with underside detailing), which permits the vehicles to move vertically above a planetary body's surface as desired. By modulating the grav repulsor wave from it, fore and aft movement, side to side, and diving and climbing flight attitudes can be controlled as well, up to about a 45 degree angle of attack, in any direction desired, without loss of control.

Thanks Gavin, we are happy to be able to provide them as well.

I appreciate the suggestions John, and am considering a VTOL, if I can come up with a suitable design.

Not sure about a dedicated drone carrier.

The military secrets act prohibits me from either confirming, or denying that all grav armored vehicles carry integral reconnaissance drones for targeting enemy forces.

We also cannot confirm, or deny the presence of nuclear, chem, or bio charges being an option for the AADS launchers, however, there have been a number of unsubstantiated rumors regarding that.

Our designs are superior to earlier models of grav armor, that have external grav repulsor plating, or grav repulsor pods, since the grav plate is flush mounted, inside the hull, behind armor, and thus much better protected from damage due to enemy weapons fire.

MrAverage03 Sep 2013 4:25 p.m. PST

Bummer, man – sent you a second email, and apparently no dice. I'm a bit iffy posting my email address to forums, as crawlers pick it up so easily…

How about this, can you send it to me at the contact info here?


That's my page by the way. I'm not being a dingbat to a third party. Promise.


Mako1103 Sep 2013 6:02 p.m. PST

I've been checking messages several times a day, and haven't received any that I haven't responded to, and they aren't getting through to me, apparently, unless you are Matt.

I've sent him a copy of my catalog twice, so if he is you, then you might want to check your SPAM filter.

There are catalogs posted on the ct-striker Yahoo Group, and the 15mmSciFi Yahoo Group, in the files section, if you can log into them. It's a PDF file.

Yahoo's recently undergone an "upgrade", so is having issues again, sadly.

I'll try your link above too.

Sorry for all the problems. Not sure why they are occurring, but perhaps your e-mail provider doesn't like Yahoo, or attachments.



Mako1103 Sep 2013 6:23 p.m. PST


Stalkey and Co01 Dec 2022 6:54 p.m. PST

OK, this is from a long time ago…

anyone know if these minis are still around and if so who has them?


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