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boy wundyr x31 Jul 2013 8:09 a.m. PST

I was in Toronto yesterday and took the opportunity to hit up the Indigo store at Yorkdale, and up on the second floor I found a table of Star Wars stuff marked down, leaving me with TWO Death Star options.

The Death Star Planetarium ( link ) was marked as $25 USD and on sale for half price. The Lego Death Star with a Lego TIE Interceptor was $13 USD and 20% off ( link ); the website doesn't show the planetarium discount, but it does show the Lego marked down.

I went with the planetarium option, the Lego DS has those little stubby connector things at the top and is about the size of a baseball; the planetarium is a bit bigger than a softball PLUS it's a planetarium!

I figure there are only about three scenarios to even have a Death Star on the table (fleet-scale bathtubbed Endor, the approach to DS1 off Yavin in fighter-scale, and a hypothetical DS3) so it should be impressive when it does come out of storage. And it was only a couple bucks more than the Lego one. And now I can project the Star Wars universe on the ceiling whenever I want!

whitejamest31 Jul 2013 8:22 a.m. PST

I wouldn't trust a discount Death Star. It probably has some fatal weakness that a small starfighter could exploit. Better safe than sorry.

boy wundyr x31 Jul 2013 8:32 a.m. PST

Oddly enough, when I set it up last night, where the two hemispheres meet there's a little opening in the trench…

elsyrsyn31 Jul 2013 8:34 a.m. PST

So THAT's what happened. I suppose it's what you get when you contract construction to the lowest bidder.


demiurgex31 Jul 2013 9:19 a.m. PST

Yeah, got mine a few years back for $19. USD Very fun little toy, and it doubles as a Torpedo Sphere in my gaming group's star wars games. :D

Delthos01 Aug 2013 6:51 a.m. PST

So you had to put two hemispheres together to build, like a doublewide. No wonder the Rebels blew it up so easily. Just like a doublewide in a tornado, it's going to be destroyed easily.

boy wundyr x01 Aug 2013 1:21 p.m. PST

The two hemeispheres come apart so you can use it as a planetarium, the base half has the light source, and you replace the Death Star other half with either Earth's sky or a map of the Star Wars galaxy for projection.

Grey Matter 1302 Aug 2013 11:16 a.m. PST

Was there a back-order of putty and epoxy on the original before the rebels got to it? Portal only the size of a wamprat…

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