Whirlwind | 29 Jul 2013 3:28 a.m. PST |
Which do you think are their best ranges in the various sizes/scales? |
PzGeneral | 29 Jul 2013 3:56 a.m. PST |
I bought heavy into the 20mm Spanish Civil War. I also have a large battle pack of their 15mm Franco-Prussian War. They have posted pictures of my paint jobs on their 28mm Pirates and Swashbucklers. I've also painted up samplings (no pictures) of various 6mm strips. It seems to me that the problem with Irregular (forgive me Ian) isn't any one range I've found, but some of the figures seem like the molds are worn and the castings are rough. Outside of the 28mm Pirates (which I think are awesome) I've had figures (and I mean a pose, not just one model) that it's obvious to me the mold needs replacing or reworking. But by the same token, other figures in the same range are gorgeous. All this said, my complaints aren't anything that stop me from buying from Irregular. Outstanding customer service, great prices and "cheap but cheerful" miniatures. Love 'em. Dave |
PzGeneral | 29 Jul 2013 4:01 a.m. PST |
Close ups of the 20mm SCW figures: link The figures in action: link 28mm Pirates, my Pirate vs. Pirate Zombies game and Mr. Wigglesworth being silly: link |
skinkmasterreturns | 29 Jul 2013 4:24 a.m. PST |
I have only ever owned their 6mm figs,and I like them well enough. |
Yesthatphil | 29 Jul 2013 5:09 a.m. PST |
I liked the 54mm Medievals enough to build my Bosworth game around them
The casualty figures in the middle are comparatively new additions to the Irregular range (the 'active' figures are around 2/3 Irregular mixed with Britains plastics and 1:32 Airfix and Italieri etc. ) Phil Ancients on the Move |
The Gonk | 29 Jul 2013 6:44 a.m. PST |
I love their 15mm colonials. I like their 6mm fantasy. |
Tarleton | 29 Jul 2013 7:04 a.m. PST |
Another vote for the 20mm SCW. They paint up nicely. I use the regulars for my VBCW BUF Legion, the artillery pieces and MGs in that range are excellent too. Not a great fan of the Really Useful Gun range though! |
dick garrison | 29 Jul 2013 9:36 a.m. PST |
The rule of thumb seems to be that the smaller you go the better the figures are, but having said that, I have a lot of thier figs in many sizes, some of my personal favourites are
25/8mm insurgents (soo useful!) 20mm WW2 germans 15mm Fantasy (really 20mm but nice and cheap) 10mm Fantasy (just got into this and Irreg was the logical place to start for me and the kids) 6mm Fantasy and Sci/Fi (some of the Sci/Fi tanks are just good by anyones standard) Spacehips (1/1200th?) again some are a match for many much more expencive ranges I agree that the casting can be a bit rough sometimes but you get what yopu pay for and add in as said the excellent and freindly service and the fact that a shows you can root about in the boxes and pick out exactly what you want and just pay for that and I have no hesitation recommending Irreg to anyone, whatever the project they are usually my first port of call. Roger (not a sock puppet by the way). |
boy wundyr x | 29 Jul 2013 12:02 p.m. PST |
I agree with PzGeneral and Dick Garrison, it can be hit and miss; I like the 6mm fantasy too and have several projects in 2mm, but sometimes you get minis and it's "wha' happened". |
sumerandakkad | 29 Jul 2013 12:38 p.m. PST |
I have the Sassanid Persians in 25mm which are excellent. They were the first Irregular I bought many years ago. I also have several 6mm armies which, as most say, the castings have various quality issues. Mostly I am happy with the overall standard but would like a little more attention to the castings. |
bruntonboy | 29 Jul 2013 1:04 p.m. PST |
15mm Colonial and WW1 stuff is great as are the really usefull guns range and their crews.Marlburians and League of Augsburg 15mm range is spot on. All Irregular fiures look rough until the paint goes on, then they morph into gems. (Usually) |
edmuel2000 | 29 Jul 2013 1:43 p.m. PST |
Oh Bugger | 29 Jul 2013 1:44 p.m. PST |
Gotta say their 15mm Crimean stuff aint bad. Their service is great. And they have great bits. |
The Red Baron | 29 Jul 2013 1:45 p.m. PST |
ive got some 10mm Dark age and medieval stuff and its as good as if not better than most other 10mm stuff I have. I also have some of their 10mm & 6mm scenary and again its well worth the money |
pigbear | 29 Jul 2013 3:20 p.m. PST |
The 2mm Renaissance and horse & musket are superb. |
boggler | 30 Jul 2013 1:09 a.m. PST |
I haven't bought any Irregular stuff for years but I did once have a lot of the 6mm fantasy range and they were great, especially the orcs. The 15mm colonial range is quite nice too. |
Duc de Limbourg | 30 Jul 2013 8:43 a.m. PST |
what about the 1859-1871 range? any good? |
doug1717 | 30 Jul 2013 10:40 p.m. PST |
I have several of their 25mm armies. Excellent service from Irregular UK and Silver Eagle Wargame Supply in the USA. silvereaglewargames.com The figures are unique in that most poses have around 10 varitions. Different equipment, additional shield or weapon etc. The poses are great for wargames in that you can set them side by side on a base without having to worry if they will fit. They market them as 28mm now. The only thing is that the horses can tend to be smaller than other firms. Their 20mm figures are very nice, but are a bit smaller than Airfix. They have some interesting and unusual stuff like Jacobites in standing poses and French Revolutionary Sans-Culottes. Postage from the UK can be heavy, so check with Silver Eagle. They're fast and reliable. |
Joes Shop | 31 Jul 2013 4:06 a.m. PST |
Their 54mm Viking/Saxon range is excellent as are their 6mm building ranges. Regards, J. P. Kelly |
SJDonovan | 31 Jul 2013 4:13 a.m. PST |
The only figures I have bought from them were 2mm ancients and Napoleonics. They were very nicely done. I also bought some 2mm scenery – roads, rivers and towns – and I thought these were superb. |
kodiakblair | 07 Aug 2013 10:43 a.m. PST |
30 odd years back I got my first army from them, 25mm Picts. When Ian heard it was for my birthday he put in a small unit of Scots-Irish. Since then the IrRegular catalogue is checked first for any new project. Highlights for me were 15mm Vikings – They are great 15mm Dark Dwarfs – Really sinister Now I use the 2mm Ancients. This is a fantastic range and like SJDonovan says above the scenery is superb. Add the large ranges, plenty of extra bits, good prices and the ultra fast delivery together. Whatever your needs they'll take some beating. |
bobm1959 | 08 Aug 2013 4:09 a.m. PST |
The 25mm Vikings are very good, as are the Franks (Carolingians). I liked the originals but the remodels are even better. |
Norfolkman | 29 Oct 2021 10:00 a.m. PST |
I built an English Civil War New Model Army and Royalist army using Irregular figures. Superb! I then expanded and included some Warlord personality figures and they go together well. Also have 20mm ancients and medieval for DBA and most of the Napoleonic wars armies in 2mm. Just received today 2mm Union and Confederate armies. Always found Irregular to be great to deal with. |