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SpaceCudet19 Jul 2013 6:04 a.m. PST

The Ross-on-Wye Dice and Decks Gaming Club will be hosting their main event of the summer, ‘WyeGames', on Saturday August 17th at the Larruperz Centre in Ross-on-Wye from 9am.

‘WyeGames' is a day of tabletop gaming including a 16 player Warmachine & Hordes tournament, a 16 player Bushido: New Dawn tournament and a 32 player Magic: the Gathering Standard tournament.

Dice and Decks Gaming Club's Neal Barton said: "The event is being run with two main aims. Firstly, to hold an event to celebrate the gaming hobby, and secondly to raise as much money as we can for our chosen charity – Midlands Air Ambulance." At last year's event the club raised over £1,200.00 GBP

The club welcomes everyone who is interested in playing wargames, board games or collectable card games along to their regular meetings at St. Mary's Church Hall, in Ross, every Friday from 6:30pm-9:30pm. The first night is free, thereafter it is £2.00 GBP per meeting.

Games regularly played by the club include Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, Warmachine & Hordes, Magic the Gathering, Blood Bowl, Flames of War, Kings of War, Dreadball, and, one of the current favourites, Star Wars X-Wing, but they often try new or different game systems as well.

Neal said: "All levels of experience are welcome and we are always keen to help beginners learn to play. If you play a game not mentioned above you are welcome to come along, show us what you play and you'll find somebody who'll try something new."

There is no age limit on membership, although they do set a minimum age of 13 years old (unless accompanied by an adult). Several members of the club hold current CRB checks.

For more information on the Dice and Decks Gaming Club visit

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