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aka Mikefoster06 Nov 2002 8:37 a.m. PST

If anybody from New Wave is reading this here is what you need to do as far as customer service goes:

1. Get back to people with in 24 hours to let them know what is back ordered.
2. Ship out what you have within three days.
3. Give the customer the option to easily cancel back ordered items.
4. Have a toll free number that customers can call.
5. Send an accurate packing list with every order noting what is enclosed and what is back ordered.
6. If you don't know when something is coming in tell the customer that you do not know and offer them the chance to cancel the order.

I for one would like to order stuff from you. But every time I have in the past it has always involved a hassle and a couple of expensive long distance phone calls. In short I think that you will help yourselves out by telling customers what is going on and making it easy for them to communicate with you.

Your reputation among customers is far from sterling, and I think that if you want to continue down the path that you are heading you will run out of customers that have not heard of you. Now is the time to seriously reconcile with past customers that you have treated poorly.

The Lost Soul06 Nov 2002 9:52 a.m. PST

Rex I still have not recieved an email. Jeff, thanks We are working on alot of these already but I will pass it along to the management.

Rex Bellator06 Nov 2002 10:59 a.m. PST

Yes I am at work so I cannot email out side - go figure I can cruse the web but they dont allow us to outside e-mail.

Rex Bellator07 Nov 2002 9:13 a.m. PST

CSNewwave - emailed you this morning.

c1onehead07 Nov 2002 4:33 p.m. PST

I emailed them yesterday with a scan of the only order i ever placed with them and as is typical... no response.

Hyun of WeeToySoldiers12 Nov 2002 4:54 p.m. PST

So--Rex, did CSNewwave come through???

bandit8616 Nov 2002 6:34 a.m. PST

I have sent 3 E-Mails to them with no replys they still owe me figures since 4/24/02. I wont deal with them again.

Capt John Miller16 Nov 2002 8:07 a.m. PST


We have not heard from you regarding this matter. What has happened, if anything? Inquiring minds want to know!

Rex Bellator17 Nov 2002 1:12 p.m. PST

I had sent CSNewWave an E-mail. I asked for my 2 year old bill to just be donated to a local food bank and asked for a receipt be mailed (Just to shoe it happened.)

CsNewWave e-mailed me and stated that due to a small town she could not find a food bank. But a local mother was being helped by CsNewWave's church and she asked if that was fine, I of course e-mailed that it was fine.

That is where it was left, no receipt showing this mother received the donation or anything, no other e-mails.

It appears this "effort" by new wave may very well have been a smoke screen to diffuse the situation.

I will of course add this part in any retelling of my dealings with New Wave.

It is sad, that new wave could not even donate what they owed me, I even wanted them to donate in THEIR name to get a tax right off...pitiful!

Rex Bellator03 Dec 2002 1:48 p.m. PST

a couple of weeks and still nothing :(

llyrric04 Dec 2002 10:07 a.m. PST

At least for most of us it only takes one order to figure out we wont go back. There are so many other good dealers out there, that I will never order from these clowns again. I don't care what kind of deals, specials, exclusives or limited editions they do, none of it is worth this kind of hassle. If you are new to this board or on-line ordering, remember one thing: DO Not Order from New Wave, send your money to help out the good dealers shops and dealers out there even if it costs you $2 extra

Sigwald05 Dec 2002 12:35 p.m. PST

I agree with the above.Csnewave is full of baloney, just a crook doing some spin control, I did plenty of emailing and message leaving, all to no avail. Save you hard earned cash for a reputable store

rtomas3010 Dec 2002 12:56 p.m. PST

ive ordered several things from new wave and always recieved them the heroclicks took months which is kinda bad but they they never ripped me off and 30% off you cant beat those prices they also carry everything most stores are quite limited on their stock

Rex Bellator12 Dec 2002 11:00 a.m. PST

couple more weeks still no news :(

Rex Bellator23 Dec 2002 12:18 p.m. PST

Jeez, end of December. It has been almost 2 full months since new wave played this little jst on people.

I am very disappointed that New Wave came on and LIED, it looks worse than anything else they could do.

Remember only New Wave could make themselves a liar, NO ONE could make them lie.

Alxbates25 Dec 2002 1:10 a.m. PST

I'll throw in my personal horror story. First a little background on me. I live in Alaska. During the summer and fall i work for the Alaska Fire Service - often 12 to 14 hour days in 21 day shifts (in the lower 48 states shifts are limited to 14 days, Alaska is the exception to the rule). I DO still have a bit of time to occasionally access the internet, and I get my miniatures "fix" through mail-order during the summer months.

I have ordered from newwave before, with few problems. The orders took longer to arrive than I expected, but in Alaska that is often par for the course. The one time that I had a problem (a missing part), I called them up and the person on the other end of the line was very helpful, and I got a replacement part in the mail about a week later.

BUT... Here's my horror story. And please read this knowing that I understand that this is the Xmas season, and stores are very busy at this time of the year.

This summer, I was pleased to see that Newwave was carrying the Grendel resin terrain pieces. I ordered several (on 8/18/02), put them on my credit card, and promptly forgot the matter as I went back to working crazy shifts fighting forest fires. Eventually fall fire season ended ended and I got my life back, and I realized that the pieces had never arrived. I contacted Newwave, who promptly replied with this email:


I would suggest either an exchange or a refund, for these items as we been having difficulties getting them back in stock.

GN10048 Barbarian Throne QTY:1 $10.99
GNF0078 Nubian Pyramid QTY:2 2 @ 32.99 = 65.98

Current backorder total = $76.97

If you decide on the exchange you will not be charged any additional shipping on the exchange. Please feel free to email me at if you have any questions or comments regarding your order.

Thank You
New Wave"

I requested a refund by email. This was not answered. I left several messages on their answering machine, and received no response. I then called my credit card company, who told me that because the charge was placed over 60 days ago (at that point), there was nothing they could do. As of today, I have sent Newwave 5 emails and left four messages COMPLETE with all of my information on their answering machine. There has been no response at all. The local police department in Alpharetta told me to call the better business bureau in Atlanta, which I did. Unfortuneately, they require all dealings with them to be in writing through snail mail. I am in the process of registering my complaint with them.

I feel that I have been INCREDIBLY patient, waiting several days to a week between each email and phone message for a response, in fact I was so patient that I passed the 60 day mark, and now have no recourse with my credit card company. I felt bad contacting the police, but what else can I do?? 75 dollars is too much money to forget about, but it's too little to sue over (small claims court?). I will pursue this until I get my money back, somehow, but They will NEVER get my business again.

Rex Bellator11 Feb 2003 12:23 p.m. PST

Update on the new wave - refresher they owed me for a giant skeleton they never deleivered as well as the Void rule book- from about 2 years ago. They were to have given $10 to a food bank over Thanksgiving - I'ld wash the slate clean.

They e-mailed me they didnt have a food bank as they were a small town (Alphrattea, GA) it isn't a small town and with in driving distnce of Atlanta GA. - I checked guess what there are food banks in Atlanta GA.

Any way they stated they would give to a local down trodden single mother through their church - Fine I just asked for a copy of the reciept - none has ever come.

A simple $10 they could not even give to a local food bank during the Holiday season!

altfritz11 Feb 2003 3:55 p.m. PST

Every order I have made with New Wave has always come through. Sometimes in instalments and sometimes a very slowly. The biggest problems were when the Rackham craze was in it's first feeding frenzy - I strongly suspect that most problems were due to NW getting an overwhelming response and then Rackham failing to fill the orders.

Personally I have no problem with NW charging my card first. In fact, I prefer it that way! Then I know it's paid for and don't have to worry about unexpected charges showing up! My most recent purchase: some Dark Age figs and that new Pirate Chick which I ordered a week or so ago and which arrived yesterday.



scowling11 Feb 2003 6:07 p.m. PST

Alxbates: may be too little to sue in small claims court, but it's not too little to file mail fraud complaints with the Postmaster. That'll fix their little red wagon but good.

Howard: I'm astonished that you would not only accept that kind of service but prefer it.

altfritz11 Feb 2003 6:32 p.m. PST

I prefer to know that the money has been accounted for. What I hate is getting charges days or weeks or even months down the line just when you don't expect them. When that happens I end up looking at the bill wondering "What the hell is this for?"

I don't mind waiting the standard 4-6 weeks for items to arrive. That is what I'm used to. It makes the really quick shippers (such as Irregular Miniatures and formerly, The Foundry) all that more pleasant to deal with.

I have noticed that a lot of people in the US are, well, a wee bit "impatient."

scowling11 Feb 2003 7:24 p.m. PST

I'm not in the US, and I don't think I'm impatient.

When I make a mailorder, I want it in 30 days or less. If they can't deliver it in 30 days, I want them to let me know. And then I want to cancel it and look elsewhere.

In the US, the law gives them 30 days to do just that: deliver, contact or cancel. If they don't, they're criminals. I don't want to deal with criminals.

That said, in the final analysis, I really don't want to order from anyone who doesn't have what I want in stock when I order it. There are dozens of good shops online -- why should I have to wait even a couple of days for a shop to tell me that they don't have what I want? If they're backordering something for me, why am I ordering online at all? The local shop can backorder stuff just as well, and I can guarantee that I can follow up on the order with them.

altfritz11 Feb 2003 8:56 p.m. PST

I didn't say *you* were impatient or in the US. You're the chainmail page guy, out in BC or thereabouts. What happened to the old "expect delivery in 4-6 weeks" - or am I dating myself?

Alxbates12 Feb 2003 3:27 a.m. PST

I dunno, I waited 4 months to even be contacted by them, and them it was only because I voiced complaints here. I got my refund almost exactly 21 weeks after the charge had been placed on my credit card. Am I impatient?? I don't think so.

Admittedly - I've only had one bad experience with Newwave, and three good ones prior to that. With me, however, I think that good service is something that I should EXPECT, not something that I should applaud a company for. They have good service? Ok, I expect good service for my money, anything less than that is a serious problem. Five months is FAR too long to have to wait for resolution of what should be a very simple matter.

Ambassador17 Feb 2003 12:39 a.m. PST

It's a shame about new wave. I used them almost exclusively a few years ago ('98-'99) and never had any problem with them. In fact, at one time my bank ran my charge from them on my debit card twice accidentally, and the customer service person from New Wave actually got me on a three-way call with a representative from my bank to get the charges all worked out.

How the mighty have fallen. I've used them a couple of times recently and have learned my lesson as well. I've just sent them an e-mail to cancel some backordered items (for which I've already paid, of course) and I wonder if I'll ever get my money. Since they don't answer e-mails, and since they never pick up the phone, I don't know.

I've been told they're a small family operation and closed their retail store some time ago. The same friend who told me that also said he's had only good dealings with them, both online and at WarFair. Oh well.

I wish I'd patronized this board and realized they've become the pariahs of the mail-order minis biz. Glad I've found responsive companies that DO want me to be a satisfied customer.

Rex Bellator04 Apr 2003 4:41 p.m. PST

Well here it is in April and it is well over 4 months and still no receipt for the Food Bank contribution - I asked for that instead of a refund - heck they would have even gotten a tax write-off! Still they couldn't and haven't evn done this.

Just keeping everyone up todate.

LeXaN0103 Jun 2003 7:00 a.m. PST

Most of the people that benifit from a food bank are lazy bums to drunk to get a job. Send that $10 to me, I'll spend it on minis.
I've met the folks at New Wave and like them but, I do think they need to get their mail order act together. I've been tempted to donate some of my time to help straighten things out. Hmmm... I see both sides of this situation, as a consumer it sucks not to get what you've payed for, and it sucks for New Wave when they don't get what they've ordered, payed for and not recieved because they can't send it out to you.
Perhaps they could put a warning that tells you that a model is on back order in the online catalog, and or set it up so a credit card is charged only for items in stock.
I don't blame people for complaining sometimes it's the only way to get things done but, when the problems get fixed let us know.


Rex Bellator22 Dec 2003 3:26 p.m. PST

Here is last years post on New Wave it details the $10 for food offer I made.

Update - Still no response!

So David Problem still not FIXED!

RingLardner03 Jan 2004 5:09 p.m. PST

I ordered some Dark Age figures from them about 10 months ago, was sent some of it in several packages, was stung several times on shipping and they still haven't completed my order.

Rex Bellator14 Jan 2004 5:37 a.m. PST


Paul Hoerner14 Jan 2004 11:33 a.m. PST

"Stung several times on shipping" How so? Federal rules state that all items shipped separately from the main order may not be charged for S&H. Of course the law also says that credit cards cannot be charged until the merchandise is shipped, and that the customer must be notified of any merchandise that will not be available for shipping within 30 days of the order, with full rights to cancel such orders, and New Wave doesn't feel the need to follow those laws either.

marcshefelton200016 Jan 2004 8:05 a.m. PST

I've never ordered from New Wave or have had anything to do with them, but this soundas really serious. If they are doing wrong, hope they get closed down. If they are not doing wrong, this could comeback to bite those that are making these claims against the company.


Cherper16 Jan 2004 9:27 a.m. PST

These claims have been made for over 2 years. There are plenty of people who have been stung by them. Check out the yahoo group minidealerdiscussion to read even more New Wave horror stories.


Sororitas17 Jan 2004 10:22 a.m. PST

I was ripped off $78.14 so far after 5 months I have not received my back order, I put a bad trader alert on Bartertown, and I intend on notifying each of their suppliers, in case they would like to distance themselves from this company. I also refuse to bid on their ebay auctions under the name dakkon. Boycott and get the word out lets put this place out of bussines

BTD UK18 Jan 2004 2:45 a.m. PST

If you wish to stop them, use the law. You could also gather together a load of people willing to fund an advertising campaign warning others.

Sororitas19 Jan 2004 6:13 a.m. PST

I've started a personal e-mail campaign of each of their providers to let them know, One response from Excalibur is that no one else in the U. S. would step forward to distribute for them. It sounded like they didn't approve of New Wave either

Rudysnelson19 Jan 2004 6:48 a.m. PST

They did not have a representative at the Augusta Ga. show this weekend.

They have attended the Atlanta 'Warfair' convention show in June in the past as my vendor booth has been located near them. I did not make the show last year due to a stroke. I do plan to attend it this year but I do not know if they are on the list of vendors to attend. I will try to find out and check them out for myself. _

Being in the industry for over 20 years, I am not happy that this and other companies give customers a hard time. It is alaway a bad sign when companies avoid attending shows ('flying the flag' ) in their own city.

This situation exists with another company that is mentioned on the TMP site but they failed to show up at a show in their home town in the Fall. Good luck to you guys that feel that you have been cheated in getting the situation corrected.
-Time Portal Hobbies-

SultanX223 Jan 2004 2:53 p.m. PST

I ordered product from their slick website m a month ago, and while they have debited by credit card, I have received nothing. They do not respond to emails, and their "customer service" line always feeds into a vmail that says, "Sorry, this mail box is full." Time for action, file the dispute with me credit card company, etc. What a freaking pain in the a@@ -- I wish I'd checked here first!!

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