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Black Spire03 Nov 2002 5:00 p.m. PST

Get New Wave Games Banned From Conventions and Investigated!!

e-mail the organizers at GenCon and ask them not to allow New Wave Games into GenCon

e-mail the organizers at Origins and ask them not to allow New Wave Games into Origins

Be specific, with dates and items not sent after payment was recieved, or just tell them that you feel that New Wave should not be allowed into the convention due to such poor service/outright fraud. Cross post this onto other message boards and get the word out about David Doust and his company.

More Help for those taken in by this guy:

File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commision:

File a complaint with the National Fraud Information Center:

File a complaint with the Georgia Govenor's Office of Consumer Affairs:

Cameron03 Nov 2002 5:31 p.m. PST

They have been unbelievably slow, but I did get everything I ordered from them on three separate occasions.

Jakar Nilson03 Nov 2002 6:09 p.m. PST

Why not boycott them instead? It's much easier on the paperwork, and is a great tool. All you need to do is give the word, and a good sound argument...

Lukash03 Nov 2002 6:50 p.m. PST

I've always got everything I ever ordered, even if a little slow.

Eric O03 Nov 2002 7:17 p.m. PST

The problem with New Wave is their customer service, it sucks horribly. The company itself has rarely if ever committed any illegal acts or major scams.

Hundvig Fezian03 Nov 2002 7:20 p.m. PST

I've never dealt with them direct and never will, so I have no complaints to file. Their bad reputation is its own reward, y'know.

AngusIII03 Nov 2002 7:57 p.m. PST

Who and what is new wave games?

greatwhitezulu03 Nov 2002 8:03 p.m. PST

My experience with New Wave has been all bad. Card debited- no response to email - no satisfactory response to telephone calls. I had to place the transaction in dispute with my card company and even they had no response. Never ever again. Worst mail order company that I have ever dealt with.

Barefoot Traveller03 Nov 2002 8:14 p.m. PST

I have had mixed relations with New Wave. I've had one order that has taken almost 6 months to fill, and one that was filled within 2 weeks. I am still waiting for one item from my last order....

David Musser04 Nov 2002 1:17 a.m. PST

Thanks Black Spire for the addresses, I for one will file complaints. I am not out that much money, but have heard from many people who are. The fact that New Wave has a bad reputaion, or that some customers have had no problems will not help those customers who are out money or product to get their due. As long as people are still buying from New Wave and the gaming industry accepts them they have no need to change their illicit practices. They do not answer phone calls, e-mails or letters, so it seems that nothing short of industry or legal consequences will get their attention. I urge all of you out their, those cheated and those not, to complain about New Wave in support of those of us who have not received fair dealing from them.

rtomas3004 Nov 2002 7:05 a.m. PST

they are slow but i seriously doubht they frauded anyone whats pissed you off so bad?

Landorl04 Nov 2002 7:21 a.m. PST

I've only ordered 3 times, but have recieved my orders. I can't complain, but definately would if I had the problems that others have had.

PaintersDen04 Nov 2002 9:29 a.m. PST

I do feel that the fact New Wave charges your credit card before they even have the miniatures you've ordered in stock and able to send to you is a bad business practice. Unless they are in continual financial peril and are using our money to actually order the product (rather than reinvesting the profits on previous sales by building inventory) there's no good reason for this, and it ends up getting people as angry as Black Spire obviously is. I got everything I ordered from them, but it took some time, and I won't be dealing with them again unless I absolutely have to. Many people in our hobby have heard about bad experiences with New Wave, and I can't help thinking it will adversely affect their business in the long run.

Ptolemy04 Nov 2002 9:38 a.m. PST

They've ripped me off. Use New Wave at your own risk

Rex Bellator04 Nov 2002 10:15 a.m. PST

"they are slow but i seriously doubht they frauded anyone whats pissed you off so bad?" Well i do not know if fraud is the correct termanology, but they charged my Credit Card and I have yet to receive my Skeleton Giant from Ral Partha - they back ordered 2.5 years ago.

Seems like theft to me. Or fraud or something. Yes it is only $5 or so but I am shure I am not the only one, so $5 time 4 or 500 estimate that is a substaintial amount of money they receive by not providing product!

That's is why I will never buy from them and I will ALWAYS tell this story - until they make it right by me.

Rex Bellator04 Nov 2002 10:16 a.m. PST

PS and the free rules I was promised of VOID!

CmdrKiley04 Nov 2002 10:25 a.m. PST

I myself had ordered from them and came up short in my order. After several emails with no response I tried calling them. I got through and was able to talk to David Doust myself.

He asked for my number and asked if he could return my call. He returned my call an hour later. He said that the missing were shipped weeks ago, but since I did not recieve them he would reship them. He was very nice, cordial, apologetic and professional. Furthermore we had a nice discussion on miniatures and gaming. He was able to fill me in on some nice juicy bits of rumors on Warzone and Vor. A week later the missing minis arrived in the mail.

However, several friends of mine afterwards were also waiting for their orders and were having difficulties contacting anyone. I went to look up the phone number that I used and found it was missing from the website. In the end they did get their shipments, over a month after their credit cards were charged.

I think the biggest thing that upsets people is the policy of charging a credit card prior to checking inventory. Secondly the lack of communication especially when there is a shortage is a major frustration. If New Wave would send feedback on order status and assign a person to provide the personal attention that I received in resolving shipment issues I think they'd really win over customers.

kublafun04 Nov 2002 11:50 a.m. PST

What I dont understand is if everyone keeps calling them a thief and people continue to go to New Wave because of the deals then isn't a little wrong to cry wolf? Just about anyone that has been on internet mailing lists, miniature forums or the like have to have known for some time that people have had problems with New Wave. If I were to use New Waves services today and come back in a month when I didnt get my miniatures I had already paid for, isn't the real problem that I was dumb enough to use New Wave in the first place?

You get what you pay for people.

Hyun of WeeToySoldiers04 Nov 2002 12:04 p.m. PST

"You get what you pay for people."

Not with New Wave you don't (sorry, I couldn't resist... :-)

Keltheos04 Nov 2002 12:50 p.m. PST

Folk, check the laws regarding charging a credit card for an item not in stock. I think its something to do with interstate commerce. Might give some of your a better perspective from which to view some of these activities.

Hyun of WeeToySoldiers04 Nov 2002 2:12 p.m. PST

The following is applicable in the US only.

From the webpages of the Federal Trade Commision (FTC):


"The Fair Credit Billing Act settlement procedures apply only to disputes about "billing errors." For example:

- charges for goods and services you didn't accept or weren't delivered as agreed;"

Granted, I only gave it a cursory glance, but it looks like in a situation like this, it's between you and your credit card company, NOT the vendor. As far as FTC regulations are concerned, an undelivered (or incomplete) purchase that shows up in a credit card statement is a billing error and it's up to you to contact the creditor (the credit card company) to resolve the problem. The key is to do it within 60 days of the original statement date that contained the charge.

Nowhere on that website is "vendor-must-deliver-within-30-days-of-charging" mentioned; not saying that that is not true, but just not mentioned on that page.

AngusIII04 Nov 2002 2:53 p.m. PST

If someone charges a credit card and does not deliver the goods contact the credit card company- They will freeze the payment and investigate the situation for you- It is a great reason to pay by credit card.

Rex Bellator04 Nov 2002 3:11 p.m. PST

So because it may be legal for New Wave to screw you - that makes it OK?

Sorry but New Wave still have my money and no goods sent in return - that is theft, larceny or something.

kevin smoot04 Nov 2002 3:49 p.m. PST

I have used New Wave from time to time and haven't had any problems - although I admit I live a few miles from the warehouse and pick up my stuff personally. That way I'm not being overcharged shipping for a local delivery.
They do have a bad rep here in the Atlanta area. Not so much for possible theft, but bad business dealings and major violations of retail terms set by manufacturers. GW has come down on them several times for over discounting their merchandise. They also supposedly owe alot of manufacturers a lot of money. I quit using them simply because they're unethical.

LeadAsbestos04 Nov 2002 5:00 p.m. PST

My shipping cost more than the price of my minis, just across a couple of states! Got 'em fast, but got socked for $. I won't be going back to New Wave.

The Lost Soul04 Nov 2002 6:36 p.m. PST

I'm all for outrage, don't get me wrong. But I like mob mentality even less.

YES, please pass the word. YES, please hit those links to report any misconduct *you* have experienced. But please do not ask others to jump on the bandwagon and complain about something they have not been touched by and only know by heresay. It's simply not appropriate.

My 2 cents

scowling04 Nov 2002 8:07 p.m. PST


The FTC Mail Order Ule (the "30 day rule") is explained here:


Horace04 Nov 2002 8:10 p.m. PST

If you paid for an order by credit card and the order was not filled then contact your credit card company. File a dispute.

If Doust does not complete the forms they send proving the order was filled then the his credit card processor will institure a charge back. Your account will be credited and he will be charged a $25-$50 fee for the charge back by his credit card processor. If he has enough of these in the form of complaints of service, not only will it cost him money, his credit card processor will revoke their services to him. Once they do that it will be almost impossible for him to get credit card procesing service unless he is willing to paya 6-7% processing fee.

If you need to contact Dave Doust his direct phone number is 770 343 8769 and his cell phone numbers are 678-778-7002 or 678-571-7984. You will get either him or his wife Stacey.

BigSteve05 Nov 2002 9:29 a.m. PST

Personally, I'm happy to let them into places like Origins. It's far easier to see the stuff I want and know that they have it then and there. Plus, there's no shipping charge. Last year, they were the *only* dealer at Origins selling Assassin, Rackham, and Fearless minis, and has been pointed out by a friend of mine, if it weren't for New Wave, there's a number of minis that never would have been produced. I'm quite fond of my "Patriots" set. On the downside, they didn't bring any of the "Thugz" minis, nor did they bring any of "Thunder". I don't think I would ever purchase from them by mail, but in person they were pleasant to deal with and not at all pushy.

Monkeyshine05 Nov 2002 9:56 a.m. PST

The personal numbers for Dave and Stacey Doust have been temporarily disconnected. Doesn't look good.

The Lost Soul05 Nov 2002 11:03 a.m. PST

No the personal numbers are not disconnected they are changed. So for those of you that truly have problems please email into

Monkeyshine05 Nov 2002 11:10 a.m. PST

I called and the message said they were temporarily disconnected.

Have you read half of the messages posted here? THEY DON'T ANSWER EMAIL! Geez! Nice way to do business.

The Lost Soul05 Nov 2002 11:22 a.m. PST

Why dont you email Monkeyboy. I am waiting to help you.

Monkeyshine05 Nov 2002 11:38 a.m. PST

I am already in the system. Why have you not already helped me? Monkeyboy? Not only do you have poor customer service, but you call your customers names? Real nice. Everybody getting this?

Hyun of WeeToySoldiers05 Nov 2002 11:45 a.m. PST

Yeah, I can't believe it either. On second thought, though, I think it might be a troll yanking people's chains. Can't wait to see how he responds to this one...

IF in fact he/she turns out to be a legit New Wave employee, well, then, I guess facts speak for themselves, don't they?

The Lost Soul05 Nov 2002 11:56 a.m. PST

I am a she and I would like to help you so please forward me info and I will look it up for you. Sorry I did not mean to offend you. If you would like to speak to me directly you can call me at 770-753-0382. I will be here till 4 pm.

The Lost Soul05 Nov 2002 12:21 p.m. PST

So Hyunster and Monkeyshine I still have not received a call. Please let me help you with your order.

The Lost Soul05 Nov 2002 1:09 p.m. PST

I will be here one more hour today and arrive at 10:30 eastern standard time tomorrow. I know you two are watching the board. Do you have an order that has not been taken care of? Why want you call?

Hyun of WeeToySoldiers05 Nov 2002 1:21 p.m. PST

I do not have an order currently outstanding, thank you. I do, however, speak from experience with a previous order.

Before we go any further, could you please tell us the rationale behind how you've handled customer service in the past? Ignored phone calls, unanswered e-mails, charging the credit card right away and not delivering the goods for many months without notifying the customer, etc.

In light of the last question, what is your take on the following Federal Trade Commision rule:

"What is the Mail or Telephone Order Rule?

The Rule requires that when you advertise merchandise, you must have a reasonable basis for stating or implying that you can ship within a certain time. If you make no shipment statement, you must have a reasonable basis for believing that you can ship within 30 days. That is why direct marketers sometimes call this the "30-day Rule."

If, after taking the customer's order, you learn that you cannot ship within the time you stated or within 30 days, you must seek the customer's consent to the delayed shipment. If you cannot obtain the customer's consent to the delay -- either because it is not a situation in which you are permitted to treat the customer's silence as consent and the customer has not expressly consented to the delay, or because the customer has expressly refused to consent -- you must, without being asked, promptly refund all the money the customer paid you for the unshipped merchandise."

(taken from the FTC website at link

The Lost Soul05 Nov 2002 1:36 p.m. PST

I am a customer service rep. I can only help you if you have an order. Again if you have an issue with an order please call or email and I will do my best to help you.

Monkeyshine05 Nov 2002 1:39 p.m. PST

Enough of this false bravado. I sent an email message to you at right after you posted it. Since then you have sat there stalking this board and I have not heard from you. When you are not ignoring me you are insulting me.

Forget it, I'll have nothing else to do with you or your company. I am following the course outlined above. I am sure that a copy of this thread will do nothing but help my cause. I am sorry it had to come down to this.

Regretfully yours...

The Lost Soul05 Nov 2002 1:51 p.m. PST

There has only been one email and one phone call I already helped that customer. Please call me now, I will wait an extra 30 minuites just to help you.

Rex Bellator05 Nov 2002 2:21 p.m. PST

I at least see this as a possible tep to fixing the problems that New Wave has. It appears that they are now attempting to halt the potential consequences of their prior actions.
Of course I am still waiting for my situation to be corrected, yes it has been 2 1/2 years - just proves I am patient - I know just like all businesses it will be incumbent on me to get everything in order. God forbid they actually look at the orders they should have on file that have been left unfullfilled. And correcting the errors, oversights or whatever.
I do see this communication as positive however, lets hope it isnt just a smoke screen to avoid all the actions that those who got screwed have been advised to follow.

But until they prove their worth it should always be "Buyer beware" when dealing with New Wave - always order COD never with a Credit card!!!!

Cherper05 Nov 2002 2:27 p.m. PST

The customer service rep appeared a few months ago on the minidealerdiscussion list. She insulted a bunch of people and went away. Still didn't solve the problems NW has.


The Lost Soul05 Nov 2002 2:32 p.m. PST

I've dealt with NW at DragonCon and Warfair and had no problems with them or thier staff. The one time I did order through the web site, I got my items within a week. Im sure that if they truly wanted to rip people off, they would not be in business right now.

If I had a major gripe with a company and was offered a phone number and resolution, I would CALL that living, breathing person and not leave it to an email.

The Lost Soul05 Nov 2002 2:39 p.m. PST

Rex please email me or call and I will go into the old files to settle whatever was wrong with your order.

Chris Wimbrow05 Nov 2002 7:23 p.m. PST

Ummm - I have no dog in this hunt, but someone at New Wave seems to be trying real hard to help.

So this is just a post to get it back to the top.

Cornell05 Nov 2002 9:58 p.m. PST

I think I might be the person New Wave mentioned as being the one who emailed and called. I was able to work with the person at New Wave and get my order changed to another product without any problem. The person on the other end of the line was courteous and did everything in their power to make things right.

She mentioned that they were working on the website so that you could only order things that had in stock. I think that will allow them to be more proactive towards the customer's needs and less energy will need to be spent reacting to problems.

My problem was due to scarcity of Rackham/Confrontation products. I wonder how many of the above posts are due to the same thing. I can't find fault with New Wave for Rackham's inability to keep their distributors stocked.

I will continue to be a New Wave customer and will probably be placing another order within the week.

Anyone with any questions can email me directly.

scowling05 Nov 2002 11:44 p.m. PST

Thing is, Rackham products aren't scarce. No other dealer seems to be having a problem in keeping Rackham in stock. Why is New Wave?

And the $64,000 question is: why did you even have to call them? Why didn't they obey the law and contact *you*?

Rex Bellator06 Nov 2002 8:23 a.m. PST

CSNewwave: I will email you my address but do not go through 2 year old records - I was being a little facicious (sp?) - but just make a $10 donation to the Local Food Bank in New waves name and I will call us even. That is simple and That way no one thinks I am trying to profit immorally.
Thanks for the effort.

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