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"The Army Painter Color Primer - review" Topic

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blooddave12 Jul 2013 11:05 p.m. PST

Blog post with opinions and pics:

Teaser pic:


45thdiv13 Jul 2013 2:41 a.m. PST

Nice write up. I have thought about trying the color primer, but I am so use to black primer and then painting dark to light.

I have tried the Army Painter washes but find that when I go back to paint highlights, the first coat tends to "float" (for lack of a better word this early in the morning) over what I applied the wash over. So this takes time to blend the paint layers to get back to the highlights I want.

Thanks for the write up.


Prince Alberts Revenge13 Jul 2013 4:26 a.m. PST

I use Army Painter "skeleton bone" primer for my figs. Is it more expensive than other spray cans? Yes, however it gives the best results and buying it supports my loval brick and mortar gaming store.

Personal logo MrHarold Sponsoring Member of TMP13 Jul 2013 6:06 a.m. PST

Cool review, I'm also becoming a convert for Army Painter stuff… I love the washes, and the primers.

The paints are also very nice. They have become my prefered paints.

blooddave13 Jul 2013 10:13 a.m. PST

PAR: That's exactly why I bought in in the first place. I was at my FLGS playing Dreadball all afternoon, and I like to buy something when I do that, and they had the primers. I'd been meaning to try them out, so I bought it.

Lion in the Stars13 Jul 2013 11:08 a.m. PST

I need to get around to painting some more of my 'Shenanigans in Baluchistan' Brits (and Indians). Bought a can of the bleached bone spray primer to try to save a step.

The Classy Gamer13 Jul 2013 11:42 a.m. PST

I've really liked them. Though I can not say I like the sealer they have. I've picked up two different cans of that and both were awful. The primers though are awesome. I've not used their dropper bottle paints yet.

Spreewaldgurken14 Jul 2013 6:16 a.m. PST

"I've really liked them. Though I can not say I like the sealer they have. "

That's been exactly my feeling, as well.

Terrific primers. The best in the biz. Very nice paints, also, especially for the brighter colors like gold, yellow, and red.

But lousy dips.

John Treadaway14 Jul 2013 8:36 a.m. PST

Still quite a fan of the dips when used correctly*. With the coour rimers, they have transformed my figure painting volume.

And that – for me – is what counts. I just do not have the time (read life expectancy) to paint all I want in 15mm to the level I used to paint 28mm figures.

John T

* still getting problematic results on them on vehicles and similar. But fine on miniatures.

Bran Flayk16 Jul 2013 2:11 a.m. PST

I do like their primers as a big time saver at the start of a project. Have moved away from the dips at the moment, as I'm trying to practice using washes and highlights properly.

I've recently tried their brush on anti shine matt varnish. Put it on over some GW 'ardcoat (very gloss), and it does as good a job as the spray version but without needing to worry about weather and frosting.

Umpapa16 Jul 2013 2:58 a.m. PST

I've used Pure Red Primer and it looks excellent over 15 mm figures.

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