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08 Jul 2013 3:04 a.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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nevinsrip07 Jul 2013 4:35 p.m. PST

Sunday is flea market day for me. I left my house at 5:30 for the 10 minute drive to the market. I did a quick walk around to see if anything stood out, screaming "buy me."

About halfway through my first trip around, I spied a box full of metal figures. Now, I've been going to this flea market for over 20 years and on two occassion (yes, count 'em, 2) I have found small quantities of wargames figures. I usually pick up a lot of plastic at this market and all kinds of useless crap.

But not today! Inside the box were nearly 20 full packs of Old Glory Alamo figures. I say nearly, because some of the packs had broken open and spilled figures were all over the place. There were also about 100 40 mm Alamo figures and a few assorted 54 mm pieces.

So, I inquired about the prices. The vendor wanted 5 bucks a pack for the Old Glory stuff and 2 for 5 dollars for the 40 mm stuff. He also offered the whole box for $150. USD

I don't really need the 40 mm figures. In fact, I don't need the Old Glory stuff. I already own CombatPainter's Alamo collection, which includes about 1500 painted and based Alamo figures, most of which are Old Glory. But c'mon,
no self respecting TMP'er could pass that up, could they?

I offered the dealer a nice new picture of General Grant for all the Old Glory stuff and he agreed. I scooped up everything and went on my merry way.

On the way home, I got to thinking about what I had just done. Is it crazy to buy stuff that you don't need just because it's too cheap to pass up?

Nahhhhhhhhhh. The lead addiction continues.

Mako1107 Jul 2013 4:52 p.m. PST

Good fodder for more trades, if you decide not to use them afterall, so never a waste.

That would only be a waste if they got pitched in the landfill, since no one knew what they were, or didn't have time to deal with sending them on to a new home.

darthfozzywig07 Jul 2013 5:52 p.m. PST

Nice. :)

Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP07 Jul 2013 6:25 p.m. PST

That was a good pick. (Wargame Pickers)

galvinm07 Jul 2013 6:47 p.m. PST

He who dies with the most toys wins……..

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP07 Jul 2013 7:28 p.m. PST

I buy stuff like that just to resell it. Good find. Was the seller parting with his own figs or did he buy them from the widow of a fellow gamer for a dollar a bag?

evilgong07 Jul 2013 8:32 p.m. PST

At a trash and treasure market a year back I saw a chap with 10 badly painted 15mm Minifigs strip figs Greek slingers, based up on warped cardboard – probably for WRG6th by the look of them.

He wanted $85 USD for them explaining they were valuable antiques.

I wished him well in his attempts to sell.


WarWizard08 Jul 2013 4:52 a.m. PST

I could have used those 40mm Alamo figures. Never pass up a deal like that. I know a lot of guys that do 40mm.

richarDISNEY08 Jul 2013 7:36 a.m. PST

Good find.

My wife got me 9 RPG books a while back (Star Wars: Saga Edition) for $40 USD at a garage sale once. She is always on the lookout for me.

nevinsrip08 Jul 2013 11:50 p.m. PST

Well WarWizard if you were a supporting member you could PM me and I would have asked about the 40 mm stuff next week for you. I am quite sure I can get it for much cheaper than 2 for 5 if I take them all. Of course, that's if the same guy is there again this weekend.

Food for thought.

WarWizard09 Jul 2013 7:21 a.m. PST

Nevinsrip if you pick those up this weekend I will be happy to purchase all from you. I will pay for all shipping and will pay ABOVE what you paid so you can gain something from the deal. Thanks.

nevinsrip09 Jul 2013 2:51 p.m. PST

WarWizard, contact me at NEVINSRIP@AOL.COM.

Who makes 40 mm Alamo figures?

And I don't need any incentive to help out a fellow Alamo modeller. You'll pay what I pay.

WarWizard09 Jul 2013 6:18 p.m. PST

email sent.

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