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"Anybody playing WSS with Old Glory 10mm figs?" Topic

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Personal logo Dye4minis Supporting Member of TMP06 Jul 2013 2:02 p.m. PST

I have been collecting these off and on for a long while now and finally started painting them, again. But I have not seen any posts from those who might be gaming with them.

I have a decent sized Herics and Ros and Irregular painted lot, with lots of scenery (which continues to grow) and would like to see what others have done with the 10's.

While I am at it, does anyone know of a manufacturer that makes 10mm WSS to SYW period wagons? I have seen the Old Glory offerings for Naps and ACW and could possibly "fudge" use in a game, but before I get some, I thought I may ask here. Been out of the "mainstream" for a while.

Thanks in advance for any leads.


Bashytubits06 Jul 2013 5:43 p.m. PST

I am building a Russian and Swedish force in 10mm. Poltava here I come!

fred12df07 Jul 2013 2:54 a.m. PST

Not with Old Glory, but we played a lot of Maurice using Pendraken WSS figures last year.

A french attack


They also have some SYW wagons


The pair 4th and 5th from the left.

The 3 far left are from the ECW range.
The 3 right of centre are medieval
And the right most is WWII German

They also have a rather nice coach.

Personal logo Dye4minis Supporting Member of TMP07 Jul 2013 3:43 a.m. PST

Thanks, Fred! Just what I was looking for! And a coach, too!

A Very pretty game. I think I will cange my Command to Pendragon as am terrible at painting flags! t i worse than a speed bump when getting a unit completed. Thereis not an easy way tremove Old Glory's flags and replace with wire as the flag will take off at least one head with it.

Bashytubits: There is an awesome 2 disk DVD on the GNW available here in Germany that contains two movies: Der Pakt Der Wolfe" and "Der Patriot". nfortunately, in Russian and German- not English. But you can followthe plot and enjoy the accurate eye candy anyway. If that does not get you motivated for painting, I don't know what will!

Thank for the replies, Gents! Judging by the number of hits the thread has, there seem to be quite an interest in this topic. (Good News!)

steamingdave4707 Jul 2013 5:53 a.m. PST

Our club has quite an interest in this period, and WSS, using 10 mm figures. We are fortunate in having one of our number who is very knowledgeable about the period ( Nick Dorrell- author of the Polemos GNW rule set); so far this year had two GNW games and a massive WSS bash, loosely based on the terrain at Blenheim.

Most of our figures are Pendraken, but I have a few Irregular Miniatures cavalry, which are a quite different style to a pendraken ( for the 28 mm guys it's sort of Minden Miniatures versus Front Rank), but paint up well. As for the coach- the centrepiece of Gordon's army, he likes to travel in style!

sheepman 107 Jul 2013 6:00 a.m. PST

Hope this link helps, most of my figures are Old Glory:



Personal logo Dye4minis Supporting Member of TMP07 Jul 2013 8:33 a.m. PST

Thanks to both of you! It's nice to see others coming to nearly the same basing (generally) numbers. My battalions are 6 strips of infantry, but mounted on 3 1" (frontage) by 3/4 in. Depth, in two ranks, regardless of national doctrine. or me, it's the representation of the unit that counts; differences captured in their performance values/ mechanics. Such a standard approach makes the task of army building for newbies to the scal, much easier. I have mounted 4 stands of 3 cav per regiment, but may now cut back to just 3 bases of 3 (heavies- Horse Dragoons, cuirassiers). I have guns, but need to get some gunners. (Been using gunners from the AWI range of AIM.) I think I will stick to my AIM range of Napoleonic guns because I like the look slightly better. (But since I own 2 packs, I'll give those to the "Opposition"!) 8>)

I toyed with using single,larger bases, but my terrain has 1 inch roads (built for my 6mm armies) and can use it by just changing the size of the buildings. I like the look of the approach of reinforcements/deployment utilizing the roads. A single base would not look right for doing that. 3 bases per unit is not really that much more to move as a trade-off.

After spending the weekend painting more Austrians, I noticed we approach painting these little guys spot-on the same way! Other than the minor basing differences (without having previous benfit of your rationale), I am far too committed to rebase now.

I will have to "Bite the Bullet" and get a set of Blackpowder rules, soon. (I do have Nick's set.) I have been using my own "Unit Cohesion" rules that I have worked on for the past 12 years, and am finally committing all the notes to computer digits, between painting and "life" in general.

Again, thanks to all for sharing your expoeriences, photos and suggestions! Leon will be getting a small order from me on payday, thanks to you all.

Tom Dye

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