"The VK 3001(H) Prototype " Topic
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Tango01  | 03 Jul 2013 9:33 p.m. PST |
"On September 9 of 1938, Henschel received the permission to continue their work on new medium tank in continuation with DW development. Work on VK3001(H), which was further development of DW II, started. Two similar designs were created, lighter (32 tons) VK3001(H) and later on heavier (40 tons) VK3601(H). Both resembled Panzerkampfwagen IV in their hull design but their running gear was of a new design that consisted of overlapping road wheels. Medium VK3001(H) tank and heavy VK3601(H) tank had many common parts what would make their production and service much more easier. Only four VK3001(H) prototypes were produced, two in March of 1941 and other two in October of 1941. All were completed in 1942 by Henschel. In the early 1942, one prototype VK3601(H) was build along with 5 prototype chassis. Originally, it was intended to mount VK3001(H) with a turret armed 75mm L/24 or 105mm L/28 gunm but none of the prototypes were actually fitted with turrets. VK3601(H) was to be armed with 75mm KwK 42 L/70 (Gerat 725), 88mm KwK 36 L/56 (mounted in VK4501(P) turret) or 105mm L/20 or L/28 gun, but just as VK3001(H), it was never armed with any weapons
" From here achtungpanzer.com/heu.htm
Now the model.
From here link Hope you enjoy!. Amicalement Armand |