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"28mm Farscape Crew?" Topic

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consectari19 Jun 2013 11:29 a.m. PST

I know this has been covered several times, I've checked through the old posts, but it's been a few years, so maybe some new minis have surfaced. One problem I saw frequently were links to unnamed minis that were no longer working. In many cases, the store was still there, but had been over hauled and the unknown mini was in a different place. Please provide names and/or descriptions not just links.

Rumor was that Eureka had made a "bioship crew" in their 100 program that would work as the Farscape crew, but Nic says he knows nothing of it.

I have a few so-so ideas I thought I'd share. Maybe they will help someone. Also interested in other peoples ideas. Please add your thoughts.

John Crichton – Heresy Miniatures Security Officer Lt Hawk or The Major AKA "Texas Bruce". Neither are perfect, but w/ the right paint job would be identifiable.

Zotoh Zhaan – Harwood Hobbies Kali Cultist in their Sinbad miniatures store. Use as is or convert w/ a Hasslefree bald female head.

Aeryn Sun – I got nuthin'

Ka D'Argo – again, nuthin'

Rygel XVI – nothing

Chiana – Hasslefree Kendra could work. The head and pose are good, but clothes are all wrong. There is a Void Militia female w/ pistol that is passable. It's available from Scotia/Grendel. I've seen mention of a Fenryl mini that is supposed to be very good, but never saw a name and can't find it.

Jool – Something in Foundry's Street Violence range should work.

Bialar Crais – Heresy miniatures Ecclescake. Clothes are wrong and it's a Doctor Who mini, but for some reason he just looks right to me. Just paint a goatee on it and give him a pulse pistol.

Sikozu – Heresy miniatures Ellie Mental.

Scorpius – Nothing

Any more ideas?

PygmaelionAgain19 Jun 2013 11:50 a.m. PST

Scorpius: Privateer Press Nayl (at least, from the belt up.

CBPIII19 Jun 2013 10:06 p.m. PST

Heroclix Indyclix Abbey Chase repaint works nicely for a Chiana.


Several of the original Void Marine minis (male and female) lend themselves to conversion as Peacekeeper troopers or characters. And the militia guys have a couple that might work as Crichton standins.

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