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"28mm Battle of Pelennor Fields Lord of the Rings table" Topic

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4,642 hits since 15 Jun 2013
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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darclegion15 Jun 2013 9:53 a.m. PST

Here are some pics and blurry videos of my Battle of Pelennor Fields in WOTR game in 28mm. I used 28mm Mithril and mostly old LOTR Harlequin miniatures. I custom made most of the Minas Tirith, with some help with the LOTR GamesWorkshop Minas Tirith gate and walls. Not the greatest Minas Tirith, but I designed it for game play not a diorama. The building of it is a whole other story. I am still working out the game. About 2000 miniatures involved. It took about 3 years to paint all the figures and make the fortress. I painted everything on the table. Thanks for looking. It is on my facebook page, you dont have to be my friend to look. But all friendship is welcomed!!!

Victory or Death,


leobarron200015 Jun 2013 10:15 a.m. PST

Amazing Table. I love LOTR. Been working on my Helms Deep and this inspires me.

MajorB15 Jun 2013 12:02 p.m. PST

Tom, you need to make this available to non-FB people by adjusting the access. I got "content not found" until I signed into my FB account.

This is going to get the usual "I'm not looking at FB stuff" suspects grin going!

Yes! It may surprise you but not everybody uses FaceBook.

Mick in Switzerland15 Jun 2013 12:20 p.m. PST

Very impressive, well done

LostPict15 Jun 2013 1:57 p.m. PST

Way cool!

Did the Ghosts or Fiefs save (or lose) the day?

Lost Pict

nevinsrip15 Jun 2013 2:40 p.m. PST

still can't see this. Too bad, sounds great.

HammerHead15 Jun 2013 3:09 p.m. PST

Link worked for me, how long did that take to make??

D A THB15 Jun 2013 4:41 p.m. PST

That looks brilliant.

Baconfat16 Jun 2013 10:03 a.m. PST

Very nice work, please start a blog.

Militia Pete16 Jun 2013 10:06 a.m. PST

Nice. I had to share it.

Coabeous16 Jun 2013 10:17 a.m. PST

thumbs up

Very nice, thanks for posting the Facebook link!


darclegion16 Jun 2013 8:41 p.m. PST

Leobarron2000 glad I could inspire you. I always wanted to do this battle since I was a child. I designed Minas Tirith in a way that I can mix it around and make something else, such as Gondolin, I just have some different, Elf like Towers I use. I can also use the mountains for the Battle of Five armies as well, the list goes on. Plus I have a custom made Helms Deep too, that will be played soon. I can pretty much campaign all of the WOTR battles.

And Sorry, I have no other way to post pics currently but on facebook. And yes I expected that some people dont have a facebook account, which if I only have facebook to post them on, then I only have a facebook to post them on. I wish I did have a blog, may work on that. Facebook is totally free and harmless, never had any problems, and I have thousands of photos on it.

Thank you all for the nice comments.
It took about 3 years to collect and paint most all of the miniatures. Some things like siege equipment and ships I made years ago. Minas Tirith took about 7 weeks roughly to make. It is about 12 feet wide and 4 feet deep with 5 levels. All made of extruded foam.

The Game is just set up, has not been played, I just set it up and took pics.

Thanks for looking.

Here is a link where I bought the tools to make Minas Tirith, and they posted a pic of it on their website.
But the battle is on my facebook page.


darclegion16 Jun 2013 8:42 p.m. PST

I also have a Helms Deep that I will be making soon. I plan on doing the battle of Gondolin probably next.


darclegion16 Jun 2013 8:51 p.m. PST

PS, I have all albums set to public, maybe a facebook thing. I signed out, and I couldnt view the link unless I was signed in, so they maybe playing that sign up thing and you can view the page BS. I set it to public, but I guess it is not really all of the public on the internet, like they stated.


Formerly known as DEFENDER17 Jun 2013 9:14 a.m. PST

Hate to ask but have to know. How much money do you have tied up in that? Just an awesome set up.

darclegion18 Jun 2013 5:09 p.m. PST

about $1,200 USD to build. The miniatures…wow…about $3,000 USD-$4000 spread out of a few years.

So, probably close to $5,000 USD or so, spread out. But I did all the painting, so that saved me alot money. Seemed like I would never stop painting.

but if you add the $2,500 USD I lost from the The Castle Works company…that makes it go up higher. I tried to just make believe that it cost me $3,500 USD to make Minas Tirith, etc…

darclegion18 Jun 2013 5:12 p.m. PST

Here is a new blog I created, easier to view.


Part time gamer25 Mar 2017 11:19 p.m. PST

my God, thats amazing. I can easily see how that would run into a couple Thousand (dollars)..and then some.
I have 'only' about 200 give or take a few, I cant imagine painting 2000 miniatures.

I see its been 4 yrs since any new posts, I hope you still get the time to enjoy your minatures after all of that work.

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