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"Khurasan releases first 15mm Napoleonics" Topic

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First Look: Barrage's 28mm Roads

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian takes a look at flexible roads made from long-lasting flexible resin.

2,857 hits since 11 Jun 2013
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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khurasanminiatures12 Jun 2013 10:33 a.m. PST

We've released our first codes of 15mm Napoleonic infantry, French Ligne 1807-12 (in the shako and pre-Bardin uniform). There's enough in the first release to enable you to build units of Ligne completely from these codes, or you can mix with other companies, Xan and Warmodelling being best for compatability IMO.

Fusilier companies:

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Elite companies skirmishing:


Sculpted by Mike Broadbent, painted by Rafa. Available now:

Jeff96512 Jun 2013 11:07 a.m. PST

These look fantastic, please get an outlet in the UK there's a lot of other stuff you do I really like.

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP12 Jun 2013 11:14 a.m. PST

Very nice.

ComradeCommissar12 Jun 2013 11:17 a.m. PST

Another obscure range from Khurasan… wink

These look great. If you're going the Peninsular route, any chance of a certain officer of the 95th Rifles and his trusty sargeant?

nickinsomerset12 Jun 2013 11:47 a.m. PST

Jeff965, I have ordered from Khurasan on a number of occasions and apart from the fact that once it took at least two weeks to arrive in the UK, never had a problem!! In fact I am a little disappointed that the order I put in this afternoon still has not arrived!!

Tally Ho!

laager5012 Jun 2013 12:15 p.m. PST

What is the actual size, do they match AB ?

Do like the figure cocking his musket

Frederic V12 Jun 2013 12:16 p.m. PST

I always love Mike Broadbent miniatures.
Unfortunately, Napoleonic is not a range I play.
But guys you will love to paint them.

Sparker12 Jun 2013 1:34 p.m. PST

Re the size, if you look at the news section you will see that these are the 'heroic' 15mm size, nearer 18mm, compatible with AB, Xan etc…

Bashytubits12 Jun 2013 1:47 p.m. PST

Jon if you keep adding codes like this you will never be able to sleep and keep your day job.

khurasanminiatures12 Jun 2013 4:26 p.m. PST

Comparison to warmodelling (models not used with permission):


I understand that Xan are the same size as warmodelling.

Old Glory are a bit smaller. AB size varies a bit so hard to pin the comparison there. Don't know about CGM, sorry.

Lion in the Stars12 Jun 2013 6:10 p.m. PST

Alright, K, this is getting dangerous. If you're going to release Napoleonics more-or-less compatible with ABs, I would like to make a request for Highland Light Infantry (in trews, not kilts).

I haven't found anyone making them.

khurasanminiatures12 Jun 2013 7:19 p.m. PST

I'm sorry Lion but I'm going to be focusing on Central and Eastern Europe -- you've got the fine folks at Xan and Warmodelling covering you for the Peninsula though!

ancientsgamer12 Jun 2013 9:42 p.m. PST

Well good then! When are the Prussian and Duchy of Warsaw figures coming out? {salivating}

blacksoilbill13 Jun 2013 4:47 a.m. PST

Argh, just ordered a bucketload of ABs yesterday. Decision might have been different had I seen these!

Lion in the Stars13 Jun 2013 12:01 p.m. PST

Hey, don't let me distract your focus!

If I hadn't read so much Sharpe back in elementary school, I might have gone for the foolishness of the invasion of Russia!

Littlearmies13 Jun 2013 1:33 p.m. PST

They look wonderful, and I wish you every success with these figures. When you get a British distributor I'll be all over these!!


khurasanminiatures13 Jun 2013 2:48 p.m. PST

Unfortunately that's impossible. The dealer discount is usually as much as I clear on each model!

nickinsomerset14 Jun 2013 2:49 a.m. PST

Littlearmies, see my post above, no problems with Khurasan's service to the UK,

Tally Ho!

Littlearmies14 Jun 2013 9:50 p.m. PST

Nick in Somerset – It isn't Khurasan's service at issue – it is the cost of postage to the UK – I priced up a battalion of French line and shipping was 18 bucks on top. While I'm happy to throw my money at Mr Khurasan I don't really want to give so much to the USPS – who so kindly removed the option to send things cheaply by sea – particularly as there is a chance my order will be stopped by UK customs and I'd need to pay VAT (20% of the value) plus a £25.00 GBP "admin charge". This is why I don't buy from US Ebay anymore.

Basically, add in the shipping and I can get ABs for less money. I guess I'll wait until my sister is coming over and order the figures to be sent to her (she's in Tennessee).

The figures look fantastic…and Rafa has done a really great job with them.

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