Anatoli | 10 Jun 2013 3:38 a.m. PST |
Nazi zombies and werewolves led by demented and scantly clad gals fighting heavily armored US soldiers who are wielding heavy machineguns and blowing bubbles with chewing gum? Yep that's Incursion in a nutshell. The game which have been in hiatus over the past year is heading for a re-release and update. Jim Bailey is back at the helm and intends to breathe life into the game once again. Here's the message from Jim on the Grindhouse Games Facebook page: … "Okay, let's open it up. Let's just kick the door down and get right into it, shall we? John Roberts and I are heading up a re-release of Incursion. Yeah, it's gonna be a Kickstarter. Cat's out of the bag now! If only I had that tool when I first set out to do this thing.. The game maintains a stratospheric 8 out of 10 on Board Game Geek and has a die-hard fanbase. Why? It's a damned good game and it's authentic. Don't take my word. Go read all the reviews, Go see what folks like Michael Barnes and Superfly Pete at Fortress Ameritrash have to say about it. Go see what Anatoli has to say about it. Go to the Grindhouse forums and read about it. Though a world-class cast of artists and designers participated throughout two print runs and the SNAFU expansion, this was all funded initially by the sale of my golden-age comic book collection and thousands of wargaming figs I had painted. Now that we have Kickstarter, we can finally knock this deal up into the clouds where it belongs and shank evil monopoly big distribution at the same time. Plastic: the holy grail. It's what we always wanted to do. Just never had the hundred grand up front we needed. Yeah, lots of boardgamers bought the game and played with cardboard standups and LOVED IT. Lots of miniature lovers bought the metal because it's heavy, hard, and beautiful and built their own 3d boards. We're going to keep/expand the metal line but also convert everything to boardgamer-friendly and horde-builder plastic. We have new missions, new models, and all sorts of other stuff planned. Metalheads and previous purchasers rejoice: we will craft the Kickstarter such that you can get ONLY the new stuff if you wish, and/or just go whole-hog and gorge yourself on plastic. Though the game is a re-release with lots of new add-ons, upgraded components, MUCH higher quality print stock ,new art, and PLASTIC, getting to Kickstarter is still unfortunately a couple of months away. It's alot of work to plan and execute "one of the big ones". I hope you will join us for the ride. Jim Bailey Oh, here's Rosie
" … I think this is a great opportunity and look forward to see what Grindhouse comes up with for their future Kickstarter campaign. You can follow the news and updates on their Facebook group here: link If you are a against using that site you can always follow the main news andupdates which will be shared on my blog. Make sure to check out the Incursion related battle reports and reviews on my blog ( link ) to learn more about the game!
Or jump straight into this two part AAR written and compiled as a comic (yes I'm quite happy with the result of this experiment) link link
Aksakal | 10 Jun 2013 4:34 a.m. PST |
Plastic? Hundred grand? That's a lot of dough |
Coabeous | 10 Jun 2013 7:47 a.m. PST |
Good news!!! Keep us posted with all the news! Coabeous |
Volstagg Vanir | 10 Jun 2013 9:55 p.m. PST |
Hundred grand? That's a lot of dough But completely feasible: linklinkThe key seems to be solid, finished gameplay (check) and transparency & communication (doable). I'll back it, come the time. |
Anatoli | 11 Jun 2013 2:13 a.m. PST |
West Wind made 82.000GBP with their Empire of the Dead: Requiem kickstarter so I think it is possible to scrape together money as long as the product is good and appealing :-) |
MacrossMartin | 11 Jun 2013 7:04 a.m. PST |
This is GOOD news. A thousand thanks for bringing it to my attention, Anatoli. Kudos to you for keeping the Grindhouse flag flying here, too. |
robertsjf | 18 Jun 2013 9:52 a.m. PST |
New Panzeraffe sketch in color!
Spendlove | 18 Jun 2013 1:24 p.m. PST |
These would be brilliant in 15mm…. I think I might have that on my tombstone. It's all I seem to post on these forums! |
robertsjf | 21 Jun 2013 5:40 a.m. PST |
Another pic and a start date: we're shooting for August first
robertsjf | 22 Jun 2013 6:33 a.m. PST |
Taking suggestions concerning box art ( link ) . Jump on over and make yourself heard! |
sharkbait | 22 Jun 2013 9:59 a.m. PST |
As an owner of Incursion and SNAFU, including many, but not all minis, I'm excited about the upcoming KS! Looking forward to seeing the pledge levels and goals. |
robertsjf | 24 Jun 2013 7:49 p.m. PST |
I think we all knew this was going to happen:
would you like another?
robertsjf | 25 Jun 2013 6:29 p.m. PST |
We put it all together in movie poster format:
robertsjf | 27 Jun 2013 5:30 p.m. PST |
published a second tactics article: link Look forward to any comments |
robertsjf | 29 Jun 2013 7:22 a.m. PST |
robertsjf | 29 Jun 2013 6:37 p.m. PST |
So, in anticipation of a successful campaign, we're planning stretch goals, as you might imagine. Something we've always wanted to do is model a German reinforcement of Gibraltar with airborne forces. West Wind has graciously granted us permission to use the Luftwaffe Drop-Armor concept. If this campaign shoots the moon, we'll be that much closer to a massive redesign/rerelease of 1949: Secrets of the Third Reich. In the bowels of Gibraltar, the Kraut Paras are a mirror image of the Lucky 7th with some tweaks. What I'm hoping is that you folks could help us with the Fallschirmjager commander, Slugger Murphy's nemesis. The figure below was sculpted by Andy Cooper and painted by Jim Bailey. We'll be bringing them up to date with new artwork and sculpt.
sharkbait | 30 Jun 2013 12:09 p.m. PST |
Sweet! I've wanted to get some of the Drop Armor models for use in Incursion. Getting official Incursion stats/abilities would be awesome! |
Stewbags | 30 Jun 2013 3:53 p.m. PST |
I will be onboard for this, plastic bits is the game changer for me. |
robertsjf | 01 Jul 2013 5:33 a.m. PST |
Debate is on at our facebook page. In brief: should we make plastic and metal minis of our new sculpts or just plastic? Head on over there and be heard. |
Spendlove | 01 Jul 2013 11:35 a.m. PST |
sharkbait | 01 Jul 2013 6:14 p.m. PST |
Robertsjf – will the KS include the SNAFU expansion missions and minis or just the base game? |
robertsjf | 01 Jul 2013 6:18 p.m. PST |
Base game with additional missions and units |
sharkbait | 01 Jul 2013 6:40 p.m. PST |
Thanks for the quick response! I have SNAFU and many of the minis, but not the Panzeraffe & Gracie. Will they make an appearance in the KS perhaps? |
robertsjf | 02 Jul 2013 6:01 a.m. PST |
Sharkbait, misread your initial question. The KS is for a revamp of the base game but all the minis (base game and snafu) will be made available in plastic and will b e avaialble during the KS |
sharkbait | 02 Jul 2013 6:54 a.m. PST |
robertsjf | 10 Jul 2013 6:12 p.m. PST |
Message from Jim: Here's some more fun Blitzhund art. We should be able to start revealing box covers for Incursion and SNAFU as well as final poster, soon. Also, there is some character art, models being sculpted by Jason Weibe and Pat Keith, and a movie trailer on the way. Stay tuned. It's going to start getting really nuts around here.
robertsjf | 11 Jul 2013 6:01 p.m. PST |
robertsjf | 12 Jul 2013 4:27 p.m. PST |
And SNAFU is going to be an expansion box instead of a book. here's the cover:
robertsjf | 19 Jul 2013 5:56 p.m. PST |
Check it out! It's the APE prototypes! Now, due to the process the plastic minis will be about 5% smaller than the metal minis. We will be maintaining the metal lines!
robertsjf | 20 Jul 2013 5:28 p.m. PST |
All 12 sturmzombie prototypes and the final artwork for the poster. A small version of the poster will be made available during Gencon at the Bombshell Babes booth. The full 30"x42" poster will be part of the kickstarter campaign.
robertsjf | 23 Jul 2013 7:18 a.m. PST |
We've got the latest revision of the box art for both Incursion and SNAFU in a nice side by side shot. Notice the word SNAFU in bright colors!
robertsjf | 25 Jul 2013 6:50 a.m. PST |
I have three images to show you. Two are finished versions of art that you've already seen and the third is a bit of graphic design we'll be using for the KS. We would love your input!
robertsjf | 25 Jul 2013 5:23 p.m. PST |
Nigel, the MI-13's v-serum mutated bulldog
robertsjf | 26 Jul 2013 2:31 p.m. PST |
It's Rosie in color! We've looped back around to complete this concept of the APE mechanic/medic/combat engineer. Boy that sandwich looks delicious!
robertsjf | 27 Jul 2013 6:08 p.m. PST |
Here are the cards for the Kickstarter Exclusive Character Pack #1. First time you've seen Nigel in full color and also the first time you've ever seen Brigitte.
robertsjf | 30 Jul 2013 7:08 a.m. PST |
robertsjf | 30 Jul 2013 5:11 p.m. PST |
KICKSTARTER LAUNCHES ON AUGUST 1st! Contest time! We need to get the Facebook Likes boosted. Can you help? We're at 825 right now. If we can get to 1,000 by midnight USA Central time on August 1st, we'll pick a liking fan at random and that person will get the following: new exclusive Gretel sculpt in metal that is being done by Bombshell Babes, professionally painted to display- quality standard. Also have the trailer up!!/pages/Grindhouse-Games/139536469402885?hc_location=stream
robertsjf | 31 Jul 2013 6:52 a.m. PST |