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Michl Mauser09 Jun 2013 11:17 a.m. PST

some older infantry from ADLER, now available only from darkest star games in US. The scifi range of ADLER is one of the best, the infantry and vehicules are full of detail and have nice poses (I hope there will be some more some day…).

Here are some Khiff soldiers advancing in line


more on my blog


Darby E09 Jun 2013 11:35 a.m. PST

Great painting on such tiny guys!

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP09 Jun 2013 4:32 p.m. PST

Nicely done !

earthad10 Jun 2013 6:50 a.m. PST

Really cool, love how you've based them!

great figs -got such a long to do list of figs, that i really cant buy anymore.

But i do want them!

ordinarybass10 Jun 2013 11:03 a.m. PST

What universe or background (if any) are those Khiff from? When I think of Khiff, I think of these figures from Denizen.
5th row down.

Angel Barracks10 Jun 2013 11:18 a.m. PST

Good stuff.
You have good taste with the Python MBT.

Gaz004510 Jun 2013 12:20 p.m. PST

These are the same Khiff in environment suits….just a tad shorter than th Denizen versions…..


They produce the Federation,Mid-techs and Ventaurans too………

Mako1110 Jun 2013 1:27 p.m. PST

Those look good.

A shame there aren't more poses though, as for all the 6mm stuff, from them, and others.

Michl Mauser10 Jun 2013 1:59 p.m. PST

thanks for your comments.

@ ordinarybass: yes, the Khiff are the same as the ones from Denizen, so Gaz0045 is right with his comment.

@Angel Barracks: seems that you have also a good taste, but better painting skills like me


Any suggestions for a painting sheme??

And you can get a lot of the Dark Star stuff from DARKEST STAR GAMES now in the USA (I hope Leon ADLER will design some new Action poses and Support weapones for the KHIFF in 6mm, it's sad that he sold this line…).

Thanks for looking

LeonAdler Sponsoring Member of TMP13 Jun 2013 12:03 a.m. PST

Both ranges by the same designer, inspired by the Chanur series based in the Merchanters /Union universe by the author C. J. Cherryh. Fantastic books. Had to make up the Khiff look just from the descriptions as the early editions of the books didnt have decent pics then in later editions the pics were great and gratifyingly similar.
I was working on various Dark Star bits when the range moved and at the moment Dalby is occupied getting the vehicles into 15mm and Im tinkering with figures for them.

Michl Mauser,
Nice work :o)


Michl Mauser14 Jun 2013 1:38 p.m. PST

some tanks and few more infantry


Federation APC


with ww2 Crew from ADLER


the Venturian Kh'Erian (MBT)

These are perfect designed (but bad painted…)


greg95418 Jun 2013 7:02 a.m. PST

Those Khiff guys look good.

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