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"1/600th, or Smaller, Modern Buildings?" Topic

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Mako1104 Jun 2013 2:22 p.m. PST

I'm interested in 1/600th, or smaller buildings, for modern aerial gaming, and would like to know what's available, other than the ones sold by Pico, and Fight's On?

I'd also like to know if the ones sold by Pico are metal, resin, plaster, etc.?

I primarily need large city buildings, and manufacturing plants, etc., to represent industrial and population centers, to serve as strategic air targets.


SteelonSand04 Jun 2013 2:38 p.m. PST

I took at a look a Brigade Model's recent ostensibly 1/1200th building range in the context of other widely available small-scale buildings over at my Blog – might be worth a look:


Certainly, the Industrial set from Brigade might fit the bill for you:


part of their land ironclads range….

(I am Spam)04 Jun 2013 3:17 p.m. PST

The Brigade buildings are a good deal and are quite varied. All are metal. If you like a more country look then Irregular does some nice 2mm stuff too. I think the ranges are actually 1/900. They don't fit well together but the Brigade stuff is more modern and city like while the Irregular is more country like. Can't give you a link from here at work but it's easy to find.

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP04 Jun 2013 3:52 p.m. PST

I own the Pico ones. They are plastic for the monopoly style and resin for the others. No metal that I own. I like them. I have mounted several of them together on thin basswood to make small town segments.



John Siewenie Sponsoring Member of TMP05 Jun 2013 9:11 a.m. PST

Mr Mako,

We have added the Brigade Games line of buildings. While they are 2mm, we are using them to build urban blocks.

We are striving for a forced perspective, so the smaller scale actually helps.


Bertie09 Jun 2013 4:06 a.m. PST

Dear Mako,
I found this company in the US:


Amazing variety of buildings, trees and scales and good service to.

Macunaima24 Jun 2013 11:07 a.m. PST

You can see my reviews of those Microform buildings here: link


Kaoschallenged24 Jun 2013 10:25 p.m. PST

Mako there is also some 1/700 Major and Minor Factories on this Shapeway site,

My 1600-3mm Miniature Aircraft Wargaming Yahoo Group

Lion in the Stars26 Jun 2013 7:59 a.m. PST

Don't forget Fight's On! link

DavidinGlenreagh CoffsGrafton30 Jun 2013 5:44 p.m. PST

1/700 scale
Skywaves – houses, factories, hangars, dockyard, naval base.
Aroshima – Naval crane and fuel tank

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