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"Looking for Pierre Bezukhov and Natasha Rostova in 28mm" Topic

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03 Jun 2013 7:23 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "Looking for Pierre Bezukhov and Natasha Rostova in 28 mm" to "Looking for Pierre Bezukhov and Natasha Rostova in 28mm"

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willthepiper03 Jun 2013 6:52 p.m. PST

My Russian army for 1812 is coming along, but after painting a few hundred figures in green coats and white trousers, I'm ready for a bit of a change. Can anyone recommend figures suitable for Pierre Bezukhov or Natasha Rostova from War and Peace?

Thanks in advance!

willthepiper05 Jun 2013 10:55 a.m. PST

Oh, dear, my post is set to be falling off the front page with not a single response! No recommendations on Napoleonic-era civilian ladies? No gentlemen to go wandering around the Borodino battlefield?

Thanks anyway!

Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP06 Jun 2013 12:42 p.m. PST

Civilians are difficult for 1805-1815. You can get them for AWI or the Revolutionary Wars of France. Peninsula is no problem. Carlist Wars, or ACW rioters. But those folk from that awful movie by old Sergei Bondarachuk…more difficult.

Every time I watch my DVDs of W&P, or esp Waterloo, I ask why did they chose him to make the film. "And Quiet Flows the Don" was, I admit, even worse……….it went to the local tip.

willthepiper06 Jun 2013 1:37 p.m. PST

Thanks for the response, deadhead. To be honest, I've never seen any of the film or television versions of W&P, other than stills, so my take on the characters is based on reading the book. That way I don't expect them to look like any particular actor!

Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP08 Jun 2013 8:31 a.m. PST

No, I have searched high and low. You can get civilians for AWI, for French Revolution, for Spain in Carlist Wars, even ACE. But really nothing for the late Napoleonic Era. …..and you are talking about the gentry, not a tavern wench! Redoubt Enterprises were the nearest I could find, meant to be ACW but reasonable with conversion.

A book? Did not know they had made the book of the film. If it is as bad as Mosfilm's effort I will not bother. Is it still called War and Peace? Who wrote it?

PS (only kidding)

willthepiper09 Jun 2013 2:49 p.m. PST

Just tried watching the Anthony Hopkins version. Pretty much what you'd expect for a 1970s era British television historical drama. I won't be watching the rest…

Thanks for your comments, looks like we need to lean on the various figure sculptors for some civilians. There should be a good demand, what with Song of Drums and Shakos, Sharp Practice and similar rulesets being so popular.

willthepiper11 Jun 2013 8:35 a.m. PST

Here's a possibility for Pierre:

Maybe the chap on the right, with the glasses.

Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP11 Jun 2013 10:08 a.m. PST

Brilliant. Genius. Absolutely perfect.

Never even thought of Egyptian Campaigns. I went through all the standard Napoleonics, Carlist Wars, French Revolution, even Civilians from Peninsula and both SYW and ACW……….missed them.

So who can find Natasha now?

Surely somebody does the Duchess of Richmond's Ball in 28mm……..or maybe not

vonLoudon15 Jun 2013 10:13 a.m. PST

Did Foundry do some Napoleonic era ladies?

Personal logo Milhouse Supporting Member of TMP12 Aug 2024 3:28 a.m. PST

In the past 11 years, anything in any scale in 3D printing ?

ConnaughtRanger12 Aug 2024 9:58 a.m. PST

Front Rank now do some Napoleonic Civilians that would probably suit very well.

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