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2,582 hits since 3 Jun 2013
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jimklein196603 Jun 2013 5:41 p.m. PST

Finally managed to get my hands on one of these old kits.
Battleship Bellerophon, Colonial Berserk class ship. Model by Fantastic Plastic OOP. Mat by Corsec Engineering.
Still needs a bit of dull coat and a touch of weathering here and there but its essentially done.


Comparative pics with Pegasus and Galactica for scale purposes. the bases for the Raptor squadrons are standard 28mm GW bases.



The ship will be added to my Full Thrust Fleet and will see its 'combat debut' this weekend.

Any and all comments welcome!


Beautiful ships.

Chef Lackey Rich Fezian03 Jun 2013 7:25 p.m. PST

Doesn't/didn't Ravenstar make one of those as well?

jimklein196603 Jun 2013 8:17 p.m. PST

Ravenstars Pegasus and Galactica are abt 4" in length. These are abt 9" and I dont think he makes a Berserk. Federation Models makes a lovely Berserk also but its only abt 3.5". In the tv movies Berserk is shown docked behind Pegasus and it looks nearly as long. Thats why Ive been after the FP version.

CorSecEng03 Jun 2013 8:17 p.m. PST

Stealing this for facebook!

Chef Lackey Rich Fezian03 Jun 2013 9:05 p.m. PST

These are abt 9" and I dont think he makes a Berserk.

That was actually what I was talking about – pretty sure he had on at one point, although the ones I painted were part of a commission and the customer might have been wrong about where he got them from originally. They were certainly smaller and somewhat differently designed than the one in the OP, whoever made them.

jimklein196604 Jun 2013 5:40 a.m. PST

I would definately be interested to know if there was another manufacturer out there that has made these.

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP04 Jun 2013 6:43 a.m. PST

News to me; seems just a bit 'disperse structure' for BSG.

Does anyone else find the center section having just a bit of BFG-vibe?

Mind you, these are quibbles that wouldn't stop me wanting same on the table, though, at that size, on the edge in a fighter battle.

Paints up a treat, doesn't it?


Ghostrunner04 Jun 2013 7:29 a.m. PST

Are those all by the same manufacturer?

Nice looking fleet… at 9" would really allow for some interesting dogfights around them instead of the typical stacks of counters/fighter stands around a 3" model.

I saw this ship on SCN before it made it into Razor. After Razor I made the SSD below.

Later I found out the Berzerk was supposed to be more of a light Battlestar, with Viper launch tubes along the flanks and a single landing bay in the belly.

jimklein196604 Jun 2013 8:14 a.m. PST

Ive read that as well. Ive read some source material saying it was a fleet tender. The FP model has it covered with guns so……its a battleship now. Besides between two galactica models, one pegasus and one valkyrie model plus a couple smaller battlestars i have enough carriers. Needed something more 'gunship' like.

jimklein196604 Jun 2013 8:34 a.m. PST

this is the best graphic Ive found for the ship so far.


The biggest problem Ive run into in giving it stats (for Full Thrust)is this 'thing' under the nose.


It certainly looks like an energy weapon or something else exotic but Berserk is not a "one of a kind" ship as evidenced by Blood and Chrome, Razor and The Plan. So it cant be some experimental weapon. I havnt been able to find anything abt it online either. Nothing from the producers of the show anyway. Fans always have their own crazy ideas. Anyway- this is what Ive come up with to match how the model looks as much as possible. Alot of the design feature were "stolen" from Ghostrunners design (hope you dont mind). Sorry abt the poor quality of the pic. Any thoughts? It hasnt been 'field tested' yet.


BigNickR04 Jun 2013 10:40 p.m. PST

Spinal massdriver perhaps?

jimklein196605 Jun 2013 6:26 a.m. PST

Thought abt that tho the warlord rules dont have any K-gun type spinal mounts. I know i could always make something up. The other thing to consider is- if the weapon (whatever it is) was really that good, they would mount them on battlestars. One thing we have considered as a 'house rule', is totalling up all the hits the gun gets and that would equal the k-gun class of the hit. In other words, if 4 of the 6 class 1 guns hit then it would count as a class 4 hit for all pruposes including damage doubling etc. That would make the weapon unique but not effective enough to make it a 'must have' on regular battlestars.

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