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retzlaffmd26 May 2013 3:32 p.m. PST

Does anyone use the rules for dropships in Infinity? What models do you use? I have 3 vehicles I use for objectives/terrain, but I'm looking for ideas for Morat/Combined Army, as I already have a Tau Devilfish for Aleph, a Quinjet toy(strangely, it's 28mm scale!), and a slightly modded DS9 Runabout…

Lion in the Stars26 May 2013 6:19 p.m. PST

I don't use them very often. Normally I use Toposolitaro's paper one, which is about 4" square.

However, I have a Terminator hunter-killer, an Osprey, and am looking for a Hind. Planning on supporting Antenociti's dropship when it arrives, too.

precinctomega27 May 2013 5:22 a.m. PST

The new dropship from Spartan is great. Go for the big one for a real spaceship, or use one of the smaller ones for an orbital lander type of thing.

No idea what price they'll be yet, though.

Allen5727 May 2013 6:04 p.m. PST

Spartan dropships?

Link please.

tnjrp28 May 2013 2:33 a.m. PST

There are several different sizes, this is the biggest and poshest:

retzlaffmd29 May 2013 10:33 a.m. PST

the Topsolitario UD-12 is nice, and the reason I chose the Tau transport for 1 of my shuttles, but transporting papercraft models is a problem for me(otherwise I'd already have the 3+ I need for some scenarios from the one listed a month or so ago on TMP). The Topsolitario one available on the Infinity website is, IMO, nothing more than a cargo droppod in military colors, and if I want something that looks like a one-way trip unit, I have GW marine and Halo droppods, both the Micro-ops and megablocks versions for both Covenant and UNSC. As for the Spartan games dropship, yes it's pretty nice, but the 70-80 Euro price tag puts me in mind to try GW for vehicles to convert, as I'm looking for alien-tech looking vehicle/shuttle models in @ 28mm…

Insomniac29 May 2013 1:42 p.m. PST

What about a Star Wars Republic Gunship?:


I've seen them with 40k space marines in the cockpit so it would work, size-wise.

retzlaffmd02 Jun 2013 4:43 p.m. PST

Good idea for the Human Sphere forces, if I can find one, but not "alien-like" enough for my tastes…

Lion in the Stars02 Jun 2013 8:55 p.m. PST

A Tau Devilfish is probably the cheapest option short of Toposolitaro's UD12 (paper model).

Almost everything I have for the starport table was $40 USD+, and several pieces were $100 USD or so.

Skipper12 Jun 2013 8:00 p.m. PST

Try modeling something organic for Alien tech….something like a coconut shell cut open with a stairwell out of it. Paper mache built around a balloon might give you that organic technical look especially if you build it right

I've also seen a dragonfly looking model somewhere that might work, but have no idea where.

Of course these are only rough ideas, but might give you a starting point.

Lion in the Stars13 Jun 2013 8:50 a.m. PST

There are really 5 different 'aliens' in the game. While 4 of them are in the Combined Army, they each have a different look.

At the top of the tech ladder are the EI Constructs and the weapons of the Ur Rationalists. These are tough to tell whether they're mechanical or biological, and are called 'Voodootech' in the fluff. I'd half expect these things to teleport into battle…

The Shasvastii (think I spelled that right) are probably the next up in the hard-tech tree. Their weapons are all long and slender, and the Shas themselves are rather catlike in their flexibility, not to mention heavy on stealth and sneakiness.

The Exrah have a very biotech look, with weapon muzzles sprouting out of their carapace. They aren't very well developed beyond being 19thC robber barons of the stars. Shake hands with an Exrah and count your fingers afterwards.

Morats (the red-faced 'angry space apes') are about on par with humanity's tech level, and at least to my mind have a somewhat 'Russian' mentality about their equipment: simple and reliable, solving problems with firepower rather than stealth.

The last of the Aliens are the Tohaa, masters of biotech. However, the Tohaa use hard-tech for weapons, so I'd expect to see hard-tech dropships from them. The other thing about the Tohaa is their fascination with the number 3. I would expect Tohaa craft to have triangular or hexagonal doorways and general build.

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