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931 hits since 22 May 2013
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Ranger32223 May 2013 11:22 a.m. PST

From the beginning, I've never been a fan of zombies or any other horror genre. They scared the crap out of me as a kid and I simply avoided all of it.

Now medieval fantasy…that was different. The more elves, wizards, dwarves, and the like, the better! So I've spent my first few years as a miniature enthusiast playing LOTR SBG and games like D & D and SOBH.

But last year, people I work with kept talking about how cool The Walking Dead series was. So, almost on a dare to myself, I pulled it up on Netflix and started watching. After two episodes, I was hooked!

Now one of my best friends purchased Zombicide at the Cool Mini or Not Expo last weekend, and we played it all day Saturday. I came home and ordered it Sunday night.

I've spent the whole week thinking of cool add-ons to the game and looking at the variety of miniatures available on the market.

Great. Another sinkhole for the money I already didn't have.

jpattern223 May 2013 1:08 p.m. PST

One of u-BRAINS!

If you have to pick up the zombie bug later in life, there's no better place to start than The Walking Dead.

vojvoda23 May 2013 2:47 p.m. PST

Welcome to the Dark side. Now to really get into zombiephilia you have to have a sculpt of you as a character both as a zombie slayer and one of the undead.

James Mattes

Ron W DuBray23 May 2013 3:23 p.m. PST

till you jump all the way in and run a zombies on a spaceship game at a con like this you have not been zombified. :)


More photos

Mardaddy23 May 2013 4:45 p.m. PST

Glad you are liking it. I gave up on it after basically noticing…


DogWater24 May 2013 11:51 a.m. PST

They do run, Ray. Awesome photographs.

Ark3nubis24 May 2013 10:38 p.m. PST

@ mardaddy – that looks like a chart for the second series; S3 really picked it up overall IMO (although overall if you watch S2 in one hit rather than week by week on TV it is much better as the slower pace doesn't make it drag like it did when waiting week to week)

@ Ron – Wow….

@ Ranger322 – welcome to the world of zeds! We have followed similar paths (zeds scared b'jesus outa me, played Warhammer-esque games, then zombies!!!)

If you love walking dead and the ongoing saga/ narrative type game then I think zombiecide will only partly scratch your undead itch. Zombiecide seems more of a hack and slash game but like table top version on.zombies you'd play on Xbox or something. It looks like immense fun (I have never played, only read the rules) however I think from your post you would like a more TWD experience?

If so try looking here: link

I think that something like 'All Things Zombie: Final Fade Out' might be much more your bag long term as a game. I have never played it or any of the others for that matter, but it seems to be very popular, easy to learn and have the depth you might be after. Random events can dictate the game, other survivors may be friendly or hostile, etc. Of course look at the other games too.

I wrote my own set of rules that are very much TWD before I even knew about the show, and cover the narrative rules l think ATZ:FFO has but posting a Word doc with pics on here won't work I think :)



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