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forwardmarchstudios18 May 2013 12:57 p.m. PST

Hi all,

I've been thinking about using hex based maps with some 08 figures to create a neat operational level game using some ideas from Guns of Gettysburg and Napoleonics Triumphs (surprised I haven't heard more about those on here, the designers notes on terrain for GoG are pretty neat), and just because I like hex maps for some reason. Anyways, I found a program for my Macbook that is 1) free and 2) excellent for making hex based maps or at least starting them.

It's called Hexel. Here's a map I made in literally about five minutes.



The best way to use it is to create all the colors you want for the back ground and then export it to something like Microsoft Powerpoint or Adobe to add in the streams, rivers and roads. But Hexel is a good way to get the basic background and the hex lines in with no hassle and no money. It also has a giant 24k resolution option so that you can take the image to a large scale printer and print out your entire map at once. I may go give this a whirl later today. I highly recommend trying it out. There is basically no learning curve, just click through the very short tutorial. The full version is only $20 USD, which I may or may not get. I'd want to see exactly what extra functionality I could get that would be easier than Adobe or Powerpoint.

Here's the link:

forwardmarchstudios18 May 2013 1:46 p.m. PST

Here is the article on LOS and terrain.


It's quite interesting. And that is definitely a beautiful map!

forwardmarchstudios18 May 2013 2:33 p.m. PST


A few minutes work with a free paint program and I was able to get this. It isn't great but it's getting there…



forwardmarchstudios18 May 2013 3:29 p.m. PST

Here's yet another one. Sorry for the serial posting- I'm posting as I mess around with it.

Here's one I just started by taking the Civil War Virtual Tours map of Chickamauga and then using the hex program and paint in conjunction with it. By making the hex fill translucent I was able to also trace the roads, rivers and prominent elevations to my map. Each hex is 166 yards across if you do the math.



It's a big file and imagine, several times larger than what you see on the screen, but I can use a poster program to cut it up when I print it and then fix it to a foam board so that all the sections will fit perfectly. After that I can put the plexi glass over top and go from there.

138SquadronRAF18 May 2013 5:10 p.m. PST

I found the above posts fascinating. Thank you.

LORDGHEE18 May 2013 8:08 p.m. PST

thanks for posting

is there a window version?

forwardmarchstudios18 May 2013 9:29 p.m. PST

Here's the XPRESS sketchbook in word:

I think the one I have is free and unlimited. It's working fine even with the limited functionality. You can probably search around for one like that.


Hexels is pretty awesome. I'm going to be downloading a poster printing program tonight and maybe go get them printed off tomorrow and stick them on some foam board- instant awesome game board for my O8 ACW figs:




It's actually a very large image file, so that it'll print out at 100% actual size when I do so. If you want to print it out in the manner I mentioned you could hit the zoom button on the pic in the link, then hit the Original Size button. Instant super detailed battle mat with start positions included! It might need the slightest tweaking to be the right size for my 20mm bases, but its pretty close already.

Now if I could just find a way to download the Ferraris maps so I can do the same…

Dynaman878919 May 2013 6:55 a.m. PST

Tried to DL and install Hexel and Norton threw a fit. Are you using the PC or Mac version of the program?

normsmith19 May 2013 10:08 a.m. PST

Would you consider getting something like a commands & colors game for the plain hex board and the hex terrain tiles that sit on it – depending how big you need your hexfield to go and the minimum size that a hex needs to be, that may be another solution. I don't have a link but one of the members here (Gambo I think) has something on his site that uses those boards with 6mm and they good.

forwardmarchstudios19 May 2013 7:58 p.m. PST

Dynaman8789- I'm using the Mac version from the Mac store so it's all synched up in that regard. If you can get it to work though it's pretty cool. It's easy, which is the best thing about it.

normsmith- the only problem I have with those type are that they never seem to match up right the times I've seen them in person, although some hex terrain is really nice.

I've been thinking about the Simon's Games articles a lot over the weekend. There is some really interesting information on that website. I've come up with a neat way to use the Ferraris maps with some of the concepts on his webpage, but simplified and brought up to date a bit (his games are all from back in 2005-2006 from what I saw. Maybe I'm wrong on that? But his concept of dice-less combat resolution is pretty novel and in some ways makes more sense than the very random results dice can give. It also fits well into a system of hidden deployment and decoy markers.

Possibly his best idea is that units don't fight over the terrain the defender is in but over the terrain that the defender is behind.

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